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Eight Regional Variations
• Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'.
• These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine , Jiangsu Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, and Anhui Cuisine.
• The essential factors that establish the form of a genre are complex and include history, cooking features, geography, climate, resources and life styles.
Sichuan Cuisine
• This combines the cuisines from Chengdu and Chongqing.
• It features pungent seasonings which were famed as 'Three Peppers' (Chinese prickly ash, pepper and hot pepper), 'three aroma' (shallot, ginger, and garlic), 'Seven Tastes' (sweet, sour, tingling, spicy, bitter, piquant, and salty), and 'eight flavors' (fish-flavored, sour with spice, pepper-tingling, odd flavor, tingling with spice, red spicy oily, ginger sauce, and home cooking).
• 三香三椒,七滋八味
• 三香乃葱、姜、蒜,
• 三椒乃辣椒、胡椒、花椒,
• 三料乃醋、郫县豆瓣酱、醪糟。
• 炒菜需有葱姜蒜,这是放之四海而皆准的真理,四川人尤其把这三椒的花样弄得别出心裁,产生了七滋八味。
• 七滋是指:酸、甜、苦、辣、麻、香、咸。
• 八味是指:鱼香、麻辣、酸辣、干烧、辣子、红油、怪味、椒麻。
• 九杂是指用料之杂。
• Delicious dishes menu:
– Stir-fried Tofu with Minced Beef in Spicy Bean Sauce - A real feast of tender bean curd, minced beef, pepper and bean sauce.
– Lung Pieces by Couple - a quite popular in Chengdu. It got the name because the dish was ever sold be a couple and today it remains the original savor, tender meat, tingling and spicy.
– Gong Bao Ji Ding - in Chinese it is called Gong Bao Ji Ding. This is a tender chicken dish, tender as the meat is quickly fried. Flavored with peanuts, this is tasty and very popular

Shandong Cuisine
• This is the local flavor of Jinan City and Jiaodong peninsula derived from the use of shallots and garlic. Both restaurant Chefs and those in families are expert in cooking seafood, soups, meat and offal. The typical menu can include many delicate dishes such as:
– Braised sea whelks in brown sauce 红烧海螺
– Braised sea slug with crab meat in brown sauce 蟹烧海参
– Quick- boiled clam 油爆大蛤
– Dezhou grilled chicken 德州扒鸡

Guangdong Cuisine
• Guangdong Cuisine takes fine and rare ingredients and is cooked with polished skills and in a dainty style. It emphasizes a flavor which is clear but not light, refreshing but not common, tender but not crude. In summer and autumn it pursues clarity and in winter and spring, a little more substance. Typical menu here can ultimately embody these characteristics:

Jiangsu Cuisine
• Jiangsu Cuisine developed from the local recipes of Yangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing. Its main cooking techniques are braising and stewing, thereby enhancing the original flavor and sauce.
• The elegant color, novel sculpts, with salt and sweet taste will soothe your stomach.
– Braised meat with vegetables and wine 百菜酒焖肉
– Stuffed pork breast with pine kernels 松子肉
– Lion‘s head braised with crab-powder 蟹粉狮子头

Zhejiang Cuisine
• As Zhejiang cuisine consists of hundreds of small delicacies from its main cities, it takes in Hangzhou's fineness and diversification, Ningbo's softness and originality, and Shaoxing's pastoral interests.
• The chief techniques of cooking lie in the methods used such as frying, quick-fry, stir-fry, braising, and steaming.
– West-lake braised fish in vinegar 西湖醋鱼
– Shelled shrimps cooked in Longjing tea 龙井虾仁

Hunan Cuisine
• Hunan cuisine lays a stress on the use of oil, dense color, and techniques that produce crispness, softness and tenderness as well as the savory flavors and spices.
– Braised dried pork with eel slices 腊肉焖鳝片
– Sweet lotus seed 冰糖莲藕
– Steamed fried pork in black bean sauce 走油豆豉扣肉

Fujian Cuisine
• Fujian cuisine has four distinctive features, that is, fine cutting techniques, alternative soups, unique seasonings, and exquisite cooking.
– Crisp pomfret with litchi 荔枝鲳鱼
– Fricassee shark’s fin with chicken 白烧大翅
– Fried prawn shaped as a pair of fish 太极明虾
– Steamed chicken ball with egg-white 蒸芙蓉鸡球

Anhui Cuisine
• It is mainly composed of local flavors of Huizhou and other areas along the Yangtze River and the Huai River. Among the dishes on the Ahhui cuisine menu, you will find less fried or quick-fried dishes than those that are braised. People here are inclined to add ham as seasoning and sugar candy to enrich the freshness and are quite accomplished in the art of cooking.
– Gourd duck 葫芦鸭子
– Fuliji stewed chicken 符离集烧鸡


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Chinese traditional food culture has a long history, and vegetable dishes have many changes in cooking.


In the Qing Dynasty, four major cuisines of Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong and Jiangsu were formed.


Later, Fujian, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hui and other local dishes gradually came out of the name.


As a result, China's "eight major cuisines" were formed, namely, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, cuisine, cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Hunan cuisine, and Huizhou cuisine.


The Chinese invented such cooking methods as frying, roasting, frying, exploding, boiling, steaming, roasting, cold mixing and drenching.







·Shandong Cuisine (鲁菜)
Major characteristics of Shandong Cuisine:
1) Prepared with a wide variety of materials. For example. Jiaodong dishes are mainly made of aquatic products due to its proximity to the Yellow Sea. People in Jinan and Jiving like to prepare cuisine with mountain delicacies and seafood delights, melons, fruits, vegetables and peppers.
2) A pure, strong and mellow taste, rather than a mixed taste. Chefs are good at using onions and seasonings.
3) Shandong Cuisine is known for its excellent seafood dishes and delicious soup.
4) Chefs excel at preparing clear, smell, crisp, tender and delicious dishes by frying, stirring and steaming.
Famous dishes: Stir Fried Prawns, Fried Sea Cucumbers with Onions, Sweet and Sour Carp, Large Jiaodong Chicken Wings, Taishan Fish with Red Scales, etc.

·Sichuan Cuisine (川菜)
The main- characteristics of Sichuan Cuisine:
1) Prepared with a wide variety of ingredients.
2) Presenting various shapes and tastes, and famous for spicy food, fish-flavored shredded pork and food with odd taste.
3) Boasting numerous cooking techniques, such as stir frying, frying, stir-frying before stewing, and braising.
Famous dishes: Stir-fried Diced Chicken with Chilli and Peanuts, Stir-fried Bean Curd in Hot Sauce, Fish-flavored Shredded Pork, Rice Crusts and Sliced Pork, Stir-fried Sliced Beef, etc.

·Guangdong Cuisine (粤菜)
Guangdong Cuisine, one of the main cuisine styles in China, is composed of Guangzhou, Chaozhou and Dongjiang cuisine. With the advantages of all delicacies from all over the country, Guangdong Cuisine has gradually formed its own characteristics - using a wide variety of ingredients, offering food of all tastes, shapes and colors, good at changing, and serving light food in summer and autumn, and strong and mellow food in winter and spring. Guangdong Cuisine features sour, bitter, spicy and delicious tastes with a clear and fragrant smell. Guangdong snacks are peculiar about ingredients, some sweet and some salty, enjoying the reputation of "100 kinds of snacks having 100 tastes and 100 shapes." There is an old saying: "Guangdong serves best food in the country." Now we can say: "Guangdong offers delicacies from all over the world."
Famous dishes: Fried Bean Curd and Fresh Shrimps, Baiyun Pig‘s Trotters, Roast Piglet with Crisp Skin, Dongjiang Salted Chicken, Refreshing Beef Balls, Taiye Chicken, Fried Jelly Fish, etc.

·Fujian Cuisine (闽菜)
Fujian Cuisine have the following characteristics:
1) Chefs are skilled in the use of a kitchen knife, full of interest.
2) The Fujian people are peculiar about soup, which is full of changes.
3) A wide variety of seasonings are used, with unique characteristics.
4) Dishes are meticulously prepared, refined and graceful.
5) Fujian Cuisine is characterized by clear, refreshing, delicious and light tastes, slightly sweet and sour.
Typical famous dishes: Monk Jumps over Wall, sea clams in Chicken Soup, Glossy Ganoderma and Jade Cicadas, Litchi Pulp, Fragrant Sliced Snails with a Faint Smell of Distillers‘ Grains, Jadeite Pearl Abalone, Chicken with Distillers‘ Grains, etc. Famous snacks: Fried Oyster, Lightly Fried Dumpling, Clam Cakes, Thousand Layer Cake, Meat Balls, Taiji Smashed Taro.

·Jiangsu Cuisine (苏菜)
The main characteristics of Jiangsu cuisine:
1) Distinguished for exquisite ingredients, freshness and aliveness.
2) High cutting techniques.
3) Have a good command of duration and degree of heating and cooking.
4) Good at keeping the original taste one particular taste for one dish. All dishes have light, mellow and refreshing tastes. Yangzhou Cuisine is light and elegant; Suzhou Cuisine is slightly sweet; and Wuxi Cuisine is fairly sweet.
5) Pay great attention to soup, which is strong but not greasy, and delicious.
Famous dishes: Butterfish in Creamy Juice, Santao Duck, Steamed Large Meatballs, Fragrant and Soft Silverfish, Crystal Pig‘s Trotters, Steamed Hilsa Herring, King Bids Farewell to His Consort, etc. Well-known snacks include Dumplings with Juicy Crab Meat Filling, Noodles in Clear Soup, Jadeite Steamed Dumplings with the Dough Gathered at the Top, etc.

【·Zhejiang Cuisine (浙菜)】
Of a large number local cuisine styles, Zhejiang Cuisine occupies an important position and mainly consists of Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing and Wenzhou cuisine styles, each having its own local characteristics.
Hangzhou Cuisine, the representative of Zhejiang Cuisine, is delicious, light, crisp, elegant and highly finished. Ningbo local dishes are delicious, tender, soft and refreshing. Shaoxing Cuisine, which has the characteristics of the I,md of fish, includes various kinds of local dishes, which are soft and aromatic with original soup ,[lid juice, light oil, and a heavy taste. Chefs are forbidden to use peppers. Wenzhou Cuisine, also I,nown as On Cuisine, is known for delicious seafood and light and delicious dishes.
Famous dishes: West Lake Sour Fish, Dongpo Pork, Longjing Shrimp Meat, Jiaohua Young Chickens, Steam Rice Flower and Pork Wrapped by Lotus Leaves, Braised Bamboo Shoots and Whitefish with Fermented Glutinous Rice.

·Hunan Cuisine (湘菜)
Hunan Cuisine has three characteristics:
1) Skilful use of a kitchen knife, a delicious taste and a beautiful shape.
2) Known for sour and spicy dishes by adding various kinds of seasonings.
3) Adopting a wide variety of techniques.
Famous dishes: Spicy Young Chicken, Fried Fish Slices, Steamed Soft-Shell Turtle, Steamed Cured Meat, Huofang Whitebait, Dongting Fat Fish Maw, Jishou Sour Meat, Oily and Spicy Tender Bamboo Shoots, and Chinese Chestnuts and Hearts of Cabbages.

·Anhui Cuisine (徽菜)
Anhui Cuisine has the following four characteristics:
1) Using a wide variety of ingredients.
2) Adopting unique techniques.
3) Paying great attention to nutritious food.
4) Offering various kinds of dishes, some of which are full of local flavor.
Famous dishes: Milky Fat Fish King, Stewed Mati Soft-shelled Turtle in Clear Soup, Guest Welcoming Pine, Crucian Carp in Earthen Pot, Fuliji Chicken, Red Bayberry and Glutinous Rice Balls, etc. Local snacks include Butterfly Noodles, White Gourd Dumplings, Frozen Rice Sugar, Tunxi Liquor-saturated Crabs, etc.

▲以上就是 CHINESE FOOD CULTURE 中国饮食文化(八大菜系)


求中国八大菜系的英文版介绍 不要那种google翻译的...
Eight Regional Variations • Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, but the most influential and typical known by the public are the 'Eight Cuisines'.• These are as follows: Shandong Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine , Jiangsu Cu...

·Shandong Cuisine (鲁菜)Major characteristics of Shandong Cuisine:1) Prepared with a wide variety of materials. For example. Jiaodong dishes are mainly made of aquatic products due to its proximity to the Yellow Sea. People in Jinan and Jiving like to prepare cuisine with mountain ...

大家也都知道,我国有八大菜系,其中最受欢迎的还是要属川、粤、鲁了,川菜遍布中国的大江南北,一度远销于国外,有着“一菜一格百菜百味”的特点,不仅深受大众的喜爱,很多老外也都为此“疯狂”。那么中国的八大菜系,你最喜欢哪种菜系呢?来看看老外是如何回答的。第一道:糖醋里脊 Sweet and Sour...

Eight Cuisines 八大菜系: Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Guangdong Cuisine 粤菜 Fujian Cuisine 闽菜 Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜

中国的“四大风味 八大菜系”用英语怎么说”
翻译如下 四大风味 four major flavor dishes 八大菜系 eight major style of cooking

湘菜,又成湖南菜,是中国历史悠久的八大菜系之一,早在汉朝就已经形成菜系。Hunan cuisine, but also into Hunan cuisine, is one of China's eight historic cuisine, as early as the Han Dynasty has formed a cuisine.

中国八大菜系:川菜、鲁菜、粤菜、闽菜、苏菜、浙菜、湘菜、徽菜 【川菜】正宗川菜以四川成都、重庆两地的菜肴为代表。其特点是酸、甜、麻、辣香、油重、味浓,离不开三椒(辣椒、胡椒、花椒),以辣、酸、麻脍炙人口,烹调方法擅长于烤、烧、干煸、蒸。川菜代表:鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁、夫妻肺片、麻婆...




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彩梵安博: http://www.foodmate.net/english/xingyexiangguan/123035.html希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O

金城江区19352263284: 中国八大菜系英语怎么翻译 -
彩梵安博:[答案] Eight Cuisines 八大菜系:Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜Sichuan Cuisine 川菜Guangdong Cuisine 粤菜Fujian Cuisine 闽菜Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜Hunan Cuisine 湘菜Anhui Cuisine 徽菜...

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彩梵安博: Eight Cuisines 八大菜系: Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Guangdong Cuisine 粤菜 Fujian Cuisine 闽菜 Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜 Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜 Hunan Cuisine 湘菜 Anhui Cuisine 徽菜

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彩梵安博: Eight Cuisines 八大菜系: Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Guangdong Cuisine 粤菜 Fujian Cuisine 闽菜 Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜 Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜 Hunan Cuisine 湘菜 Anhui Cuisine 徽菜

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