
作者&投稿:贺沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1,Multinational corporation
A firm which has the power to coordinate and control operations in more than one country, even if it doesn’t own them
Multinational corporation (MNC) or transnational corporation (TNC) is a corporation or enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country.

2Free trade
Free trade is a system in which the trade of goods and services between or within countries flows unhindered by government-imposed restrictions. Such government interventions generally increase costs of goods and services to both consumers and producers. Interventions include taxes and tariffs, non-tariff barriers, such as regulatory legislation and quotas, and even inter-government managed trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) (contrary to their formal titles.) The most extreme version of Free Trade opposes all such interventions. Trade liberalization entails reductions to these trade barriers in an effort for relatively unimpeded transactions.

3Trade Protection/Protectionism
Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between nations, through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other restrictive government regulations designed to discourage imports, and prevent foreign take-over of local markets and companies. This policy is closely aligned with anti-globalization, and contrasts with free trade, where government barriers to trade are kept to a minimum. The term is mostly used in the context of economics, where protectionism refers to policies or doctrines which "protect" businesses and "living wages" within a country by restricting or regulating trade between foreign nations.

4WTO(World Trade Organization)
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization designed to supervise and liberalize international trade. The WTO came into being on 1 January 1995, and is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was created in 1947, and continued to operate for almost five decades as a de facto international organization.

5International Division of Labor
The allocation of various parts of the production process to different places in the world. In theory, different regions specialize in different activities, and everyone benefits, but some studies indicate that, in practice, low-skilled, poorly paid, and ecologically damaging work is switched to newly industrializing and developing countries, where the work is often done by non-unionized, female labour, working in poor conditions.


1. the fascist Axis Group----法西斯国家轴心国集团
September, the Italian surrender, the fascist Axis Group began to disintegrate.
2.anti-fascist alliance ---反法西斯同盟
The world anti-fascist alliance with the fascist Axis

3.Battle of Britain ---不列颠之战
Figure that World War II : Battle of Britain
4.The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor (Pearl Harbor)
5. Midway Island battle---中途岛之战
From soldiers to generals of the legendary -- Midway Island battle
6. Stalingrad battle---斯大林格勒会战
Stalingrad battle with the contest's final outcome
7.Normandy landings---诺曼底登陆战
The Chinese mainland only surviving Normandy landings witness Huangtingxin
8.capture Berlin ---攻克柏林
1945年4月30日 苏联红军攻克柏林
April 30, 1945 Soviet Red Army captured Berlin

the Axis of Germany, Japan and Italy

反法西斯同盟 Anti-Fascist League

不列颠之战 the Battle of Britain

偷袭珍珠港 Attack on Pearl Harbor

中途岛之战 the Battle of Midway

斯大林格勒会战 the Battle of the Volga

诺曼底登陆战 Normandy Landings

攻克柏林 The Battle of Berlin

报料人 汇泉翻译公司 查红玉

法西斯国家轴心国集团 Axis Powers
反法西斯同盟 the world anti-fascist front.
不列颠之战 Battle of Britain,
偷袭珍珠港 The attack on Pearl Harbor
中途岛之战 Battle of Midway Islands
斯大林格勒会战 Battle of Stalingrad,
诺曼底登陆战 Landing Operation on Normandy
攻克柏林 conquer Berlin

Guard Tower The Little Soldier lane Summoner Summoner crystal

在‘fate’里一般这些专有的英文名词有其特定的意义。master是指御主,表示参加圣杯战争的魔术师。servant是指从者,表示圣杯战争召唤而来的英灵。另外从者也有七个不同的职业:saber指的是剑士,rider指的是骑兵 lancer指的是枪兵,caster指的是法师 assassin指的是刺客,berserker指的是狂战士 ...

抗日游击队翻译成英文是:“Anti Japanese guerrillas”。重点词汇:Anti 一、单词音标 Anti单词发音:英 [ˈæntɪ] 美 [ˈænˌtaɪ]。二、单词释义 n. 反对者 adj. 反对的 prep. 反对 三、词形变化 复数: antis 四、短语搭配 anti trust law 反...

the powder is used for war.在此火药与战争都是抽象名词,不用加

In 1961: In May, US starts “the special warfare” South Vietnam. In 1963: In November, in the coup d'etat which plans in US, Vietnamese republic President Wu Tingyan is killed.The serviceman Yang civilization and Ruan celebrate come on stage successively. In 1964: In ...

第一次世界大战为什么叫great war
第一次世界大战是the great war,是英文中的专有名词,意为大战争。之所以翻译成第一次世界大战是参考了第二次世界大战的英文the world war II

英语without feeding the fires of war怎么翻译?
名词,战争。例句:The country is at war with its neighboring country.(这个国家正在和邻国交战。)3、语法详解:句子的主语是“feeding”,谓语是“Without”,表示“不做某事”,后面是“the fires of war”,表示“战争之火”。4、具体用法:- Without feeding the fires of war, we can work...

名词(pl. machines)机器;机械 计算机 汽车;自行车;飞机 机构;操纵组织的核心集团 The Allies finally smashed the Nazi war machine. 同盟国最终粉碎了纳粹的战争机器。 机器人似地工作的人;没有感情或意志的人 动词(及物) ( machined; machined; machining)用机器做 It will take far less time to machine ...

裁决者 arbiter 审判者 judger 开拓者 pioneer 征服者 conqueror 守望者 Protector或Guardian 创造者 creator 弑神者 Godslayer 应该基本没错的。记得给分咯 呵呵

the Allies = 同盟国 the Axis nations\/countries 轴心国 注意大小写。

嘉黎县17554347080: 世界各国语言中的战争怎么说? -
爰媚碘比: 中文:战争 英文:Warfare 韩文:전쟁 日文:戦争 俄文: война 法文:De la guerre 西班牙:La guerra 瑞典文:krig 波兰文:wojna 匈牙利文:a háború 泰文:สงคราม 德文:Der Krieg 等等········

嘉黎县17554347080: 求几个二战专业英文词汇翻译 -
爰媚碘比: 1、广岛的一个地区,中文叫宇品. 2、Maru=“丸”,Yon=“四”,没有什么特殊含义.本表记录了由中日战争爆发到太平洋战争日本海军的造舰计划,共有:昭和十二年(1937)的第三次补充计划(丸三计划),昭和十四年(1939)的军备...

嘉黎县17554347080: 抗日战争用英语怎么说 -
爰媚碘比: 中文里的抗日战争的通常翻译为:War of Resistance Against Japan, 或者叫八年抗战 Eight Years' War of Resistance, 或简称 War of Resistance (抗战) 日文中的英文翻译则为Japan-China War (日中战争) 英文的抗日战争的说法则为:Second Sino-Japanese War (第二次中日战争),以区别一First Sino-Japanese War (中日甲午战争,日本称为日清战争) 至于Anti-Japanese War 则是中国人自己直接的字面翻译,但是由于中外交流的扩大,这样说的话外国人也会理解.

嘉黎县17554347080: 以下战争术语的解释
爰媚碘比: 第一次打击:指主动对敌方进行核打击第二次打击:第一次打击后的补足打击先发制人打击:得知敌方将要发起敌对行为,提前对其进行打击反击力:在遭到敌方第一次打击后的反击能力反代价:不明白加固:就是加固防御设施相互确保摧毁:敌对双方都被核打击的无核进攻能力死亡平衡:双方伤亡平衡

嘉黎县17554347080: 请专业人士帮帮忙列举一些关于战争的专业名词及简单解释比如多大?
爰媚碘比: 简单的说 战役是在一定时间段内 为达到某一战略目标而实施的一系列战斗的统称 -_- ! 所以单一战斗不能称为战役 所以更不存在规模这一问题!

嘉黎县17554347080: battle神马意思 -
爰媚碘比: battle来源于嘻哈文化中,指的是比拼、作战、较量的意思!经常在街舞和说唱中出现.也经常在饭圈被用到,泛指一些粉丝之间的互怼与争吵.

嘉黎县17554347080: 战争 用英语怎么说 -
爰媚碘比: war

嘉黎县17554347080: 战争英文怎么翻译? -
爰媚碘比: 战争英文war

嘉黎县17554347080: 战争名词解释 -
爰媚碘比: 战争是政治集团之间、民族(部落)之间、国家之间的矛盾最高的斗争表现形式,是解决纠纷的一种最高、最暴力的手段,通常也是最快捷最有效果的解决办法. 也可以解释为使用暴力手段对秩序的破坏与维护、崩溃与重建.古今中外的战争...

嘉黎县17554347080: 英文翻译!!!越南战争(谢绝翻译器) -
爰媚碘比: In 1961: In May, US starts “the special warfare” South Vietnam. In 1963: In November, in the coup d'etat which plans in US, Vietnamese republic President Wu Ting...

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