
作者&投稿:謇儿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


16~20 DCBDB 21~25 DBDCB 26~30 DAADD
31 ~3 5 ABCBD 36 ~ 40 DAABC
41~45 ABDCA 46~50 BCDDD
B. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词(每小题1分,计10分)
51.cheaper 52.open 53.easy 54.busy 55.postman
56.Real 57.friends 58.different 59.Need / Have 60.evening
V. 词汇(每小题1分,计20分)
A. 根据句意和提示,完成句子。
61、returned 62、factories 63、abroad 64、mountains 65、magic
66、married 67 、impossible 68、beauty 69、flight 70、sailing
B. 先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母
71、clever 72、in / inside 73、monkey 74、easily 75、pull
76、angry 77、except 78、surprised 79、hard 80、willing
C. 根据所给提示将下列各句译成英语(每小题2分,计10分)
81. has been to ; on business.
82. By the way ; take a direct flight
83. have lived here ; was born
84. How long ; two and a half
85. has changed ; feels a bit lonely
D. 书面表达(计10分)
A trip to Beijing
The day of our trip to Beijing finally arrived . My parents and I went to visit Beijing during the May Day holiday last year . The weather was nice and we had a good time during the trip.
Visited several places of interest . We met some visitors from all over the world . The view was so beautiful that we couldn’t stop taking photos .
We climbed up to the Great Wall as well . It was really wonderful to see the beauty . We all knew it was one of the wonders in the world . The walls were so great that we felt proud of them.
The food in Beijing was very delicious . And we also had taste of Beijing Duck . Wang Fujing Street in Beijng was a good place to buy things . Mother and I bought lots of presents for our relatives .
We were a little tired , but we felt very happy and excited during the whole trip . We will never forget the pleasant trip


( )
1.This is your football shoe.Where‘s_________?

A.other one B.the other one C.other ones D.the other ones

( )
2.This is your watch,_________please.

A.Put away B.Put on it C.Put it away D.Put it on

( )
3.How may________can you drink?

A.glass of orange
B.glasses of orange

C.glasses of oranges
D.glass of oranges

( )
4.Is your brother_______a book or_______TV?



( )
5.-Where’s Tom?

-He______his homework at home.

A.do B.does C.is do D.is doing

( )
6.Excuse me,_______you_______an eraser?

A.Are,there B.Do,have C.Are,have D.Do,has

( )
7.There______a ruler and two books on the desk.

A.is B.are C.has D.have

( )
8.It‘s 5 o’clock now,The shop is________at this time of day.

A.close B.closes C.closed D.opens

( )
9.-________do you like about China?

-The people and the food.

B.What C.How D.Where

( )
10.My father______like_______basketball.



( )
11._____he_____his homework every evening?



( )
12.-Can I have______meat?

-Sorry,you can’t,There isn‘t________.

C.any,some D.any,any

( )
13.A:I’d like some milk,please.

B:Here you are!__________?

A:No,I want some eggs,too.

A.Thank you
B.Do you want these

C.Is that all
D.All those

( )
14.His name is Mike,He_______a farm.

A.works in
B.works on
C.work in D.work on

( )
15.What______he do on Sunday? He________TV.

B.does,is watching




1.st__nd 2.__onday 3.m__chine 4.un__le 5.sol__ __er


1.The shop opens at 8 o‘clock every morning.You can’t buy things in the shop______eight o‘clock.

2.Lucy and Lily are in the_______school,but they are in different classrs.

3.Americans come from America,_________come from England.

4.The box is heavy.You can’t________it. Let me help you.

5.Can you ride a bike? No,I_________.


1.Our teacher is very________(friend) to us.

2.How many________(child) are there in the picture?

3.Listen,Han Mei is________(sing) in her room.

4.School is over at 5,Tom________(get) home at 5:20.

5.Do you have a _______(shop) basket?


1.There are some oranges on the table.(改成单数句子)

There_____ ________orange on the table.

2.We often swim in the river.(改成现在进行时)

We_______ _______in the river.

3.There are some pictures on the wall.(就划线部分提问)

______on the wall.

4.The Young Pioneers are playing game.(同上)

______are the Young Pioneers_________?

5.She has a pencil-box in her bag.(写出同义句)

______a pencil-box in her bag.

6.Is he from America?(同上)

______he________from America?

7.I want two kilos of meat?(就划线部分提问)

________ ________meat_______you want?

8.Do it like this.(改成否定句)

______ _______it like this.



A:What is Lin Tao doing now?

B:He is______a ________.


A:What does Han Meimei usually do at 6:30 in the evening.

B:She_____ _______with her parents.


What_______the girl________?

She is a student.

She______ _______a middle school.


There are some________.

What are they doing?

They are_____the room.



A:What are you doing now?

B:I‘m 1 my plane,Something is wrong 2 it.

Do you 3 a knife? 4 is at home.

A:Yes,I have one.

B:Can I 5 it,please?

A:Certainly. 6 you are.But please 7 it 8 soon.I need it.

B:What 9 this afternoon?

A:That’s OK.

B: 10 .

1.______ 2.______ 3._______ 4._______ 5.________

6.______ 7.______ 8.______ _9._______ 10._______


There is a big old tree near my house,A black bird lives in the tree,Every day I take food to the tree,The bird sees me and comes down.The food is in my hand.The bird comes to my hand and eats the food.After that it goes back to the tree.

I give some food to the bird.every day.And so bird knows me.I like bird and the bird likes me,We are good friends.

( )1.What‘s in the tree?

A.Big black bird B.A black bird

C.An old black bird D.A big black bird

( )2.Why does the bird come down?

A.Because some food is in my hand.

B.Because the bird eats some food.

C.Because the bird likes food.

D.Because the bird eats good food.

( )3.Where does the bird go back?________

A.My hand B.The house C.The tree D.In the hand

( )4.When do I give some food to the bird?

A.At noon B.Every morning C.Every day D.Every evening

( )5.Why does the bird know me?

A.Because the bird eats food every day.

B.Because the bird lives in my house.

C.Because I give some food to the bird every day.

D.Because I put some food in my hand.

一. 词组互译(10分)

1.弹钢琴( play the piano ) 2.一双,一对( a pair of ) 3.做作业( do homework ) 4.起床( get up )

5.come from( 来自 ) 6.What about…?( ……怎么样? ) 7.in front of( 在……的前面 )

8.ride a bike( 骑自行车 ) 9.think of( 认为 ) 10.table tennis( 乒乓球 )


1. friend (形容词)__friendly__ 2.sheep(复数)__sheep__ 3.gymnastics(简称)__gym__

4. play(单三人称)__plays__ 5.brush(复数)__brushes__ 6.usual(副词)__usually_

7. always(反义词)__never__ 8.hear(同音词)__here_ 9.builder(动词)__build_ 10.tomato(复数)_ tomatoes__


1. My friend Li Lei___studies__ (study) in No.14 Middle School.

2. Where _does__ your mother __work__ (work)? ---- In a factory.

3. His sister and I __have_ (have) lunch together every day.

4. Do you finish reading__ (read) the book? 5.His sons __don’t drink __(not drink) wine.

6. Would you like __to visit__(visit) the Great Wall with me? 7.Can you __play__(play) the computer games?

8. _Do__ you __have__ (have) a good time? 9.My father _hasn’t__(have not) got any sisters.

10.There __is__ (be) some meat on the table.


1. I’m Tom. __My___ father likes playing football.

2. Joy is a good girl. She often studies hard. __Her___ friends study hard, too.

3. Damming likes reading . ___His___ favourite book is Harry Potter.

4. Our names are Lily and Lucy. ___We___are twins.

5. We study in No.3 Middle School. __Our__ English teacher is Miss Yang.

6. It is a dog. __Its___ name is Cody.

7. Tony, where is my bag? I can’t see __it___.

8. Betty likes Lord of the Rings. It’s __his___ favourite film.

9. Jay is a good singer. I like __his__ songs very much.

10. Lingling has two aunts in the USA. ___Her___ aunts study there.

五.从括号中选择恰当的介词填空(10分)( to, by, in, of, for, on, at, )

1.We have lunch __in__ the morning. 2.We don’t go to school __on__ Saturday and Sunday.

3.I go to bed __at__ half past ten. 4.We went to the country __in_ a cold morning.

5.Jim and Li Lei swim __in_ summer. 6.They often have supper ___at__ noon.

7.The teachers come to the school __on___ September 10th.

8.Who’s __on__ duty today. 9.What’s this __in___ English ?

10.Uncle Zhang often goes to work __by___ bike.


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关键的 七年级历史 期末考试就临近了,放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!以下是我为大家整理的人教版七年级下历史期末考试试卷,希望你们喜欢。人教版七年级下历史期末考试题 第一部分 选择题(共20分) 一、单项选择题:(每小题1分,共20分) 1....

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