
作者&投稿:赫毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. I admire Yuan Longping as he gets/got success after overcoming innumerable frustration and failure on the scientific research which is full of ups and downs.
2. I believe we can succeed after 2 more years' struggle.
3. As I have learnt what is the true meaning of success——perseverance from Yuan Longping's determined/firm eyes.

1.She is very individual

2.......,because of.....

3.Her singing has penetrating power

1 He was sad to see how old this man looked.
2 He was sorry to see how old this man looked.
3 He became worried to see how old this man looked.

其实这三个句子都是同一个句型,就是sad、sorry、 worry的三个区别。



1,miss,I'm busy, I will be late,Ok?2,I'm near to your home ,I will be late for 10 minutes at most, OK?3,did you find you missed to order something?4,if you have any special need, please tell handyman,they will write down what you need on a list ,such as ...

1.跟我借钱的那个男孩,是Peter.1:The boy who borrpwed money from me is Peter.2.给我打电话的哪个女人.告诉我一个秘密.2:The woman who called me told me a secret.3.正在哭的那个小女孩,是一个盲人.3:The Girl who is crying now must be a blind.4.只有8岁的那个孩子,会讲3种...

It's very easy to look up this company's phone number in a phone book.2. 面试时用手撑着头不会给主考官留下好印象(impression)Supporting your head with your hand while interviewed won't leave a good impression upon the interviewer.3. 他对于是否要加入这个俱乐部仍在犹豫(hesitate...

1, in many cases, have the meaning of a word in English and American English in the United Kingdom are different. (In many cases)2 because she was in a Cantonese restaurant workers fought, so learn some Cantonese. (Pick up)3 a compound word does not necessarily mean its ...

几句英语句子翻译 急

in the world.21.这是他最近的一部电影 This is his latest film.22.这是个居住的好地方 It's a good place to live.23.你想学啥语言 Which language do you want to learn?24.我很幸运在这有六个月的英语课程 I am lucky because I have a six-month English course here....

19.他现在没空,请问您找他有急事吗?He is not available at this moment, are you in a hurry, Sir?20.我给你打了几次电话,但是没人接。I called him several times, but got no answers.21.我从中国打来的(电话)。This is from China.22.你需要确认一下我的票吗?Do you need to...

给单词造句是我最喜欢的,下面就欣赏三个带Why的句子吧~ ①Why did you buy a spade?翻译:你买铁锨干什么? ②Why didn't you go there?翻译:你为什么没去那儿? ③Why spend such a lot of money?翻译:为什么要花这么多钱呢? 以上就是Why的例句了,下面我们再来了解一下这个单词的其他相关知识~ 【单词含...

If he believes in you, he will accept you.I am looking forward to your invitation.You are good at Maths, and give me some advices.正解。

我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。5、 Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while.时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间!6、 ...

德令哈市17198892574: 请帮我用英语翻译3个句子!急!谢1.每一件事情都会有它产生的原因.(注:不能用Where there is smoke, there is fire. )2.做事不能轻易便放弃,要坚持下去.... -
濯伦红霉:[答案] 1.everything happens has its result. 2.Do things should insist on instead of giving up easily 3.Be man should be sincerity.

德令哈市17198892574: 帮忙翻译几个句子!急!帮忙翻译几个英语句子!急!1:读书能带给我们快乐,我们能从书本中获得知识和真理.2:我最喜欢的是《读者》,海明威是我最... -
濯伦红霉:[答案] 1:reading can bring us happiness,we can be gained from books knowledge and truth.2:my favorite is "reader",Hemingway is one of my favorite writer.3:let us enjoy reading it,reading can make you strong ...

德令哈市17198892574: 翻译几个英语句子!急3我知道在这样重要的比赛中她会一直坚持到最后,即使受伤4 -
濯伦红霉:[答案] 1.It's reported by BBC that the English enterprises should hire more of the country's youth. 2.As the approach of winter,thousands of birds fly away from their home in the north to the south. 3.I believe that she would hold on to the last minute in such an ...

德令哈市17198892574: 英语 急!翻译句子1)格林先生身体健康2)我父亲向你问好3)对....感到难过同义句转换mr zhang isn't well todaymr zahng - _ _- 用所给的适当形式填空1)he ... -
濯伦红霉:[答案] 1)Mr.Grimm has a good healthy. 2)My father gives regards to you. 3)Feel sad for 1)finding 2)has had 3)well 4)worse

德令哈市17198892574: 在线等,求助,翻译英文句子.3句话.1.There is a wide spread concern over the issue that should we learn English on Internet .2. As far as I am concerned .3.I'... -
濯伦红霉:[答案] 1.广泛关注的一个问题就是我们应该在网上学习英语. 2.直到我得到关心为止. 3.我被这些人深深地感动着.

德令哈市17198892574: 帮我翻译几句英文句子,急.很急,非常急 -
濯伦红霉: 1、下32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333335333161午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙.(tend to) The gym tends to be very busy at about six pm. 2、这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好.(stay away from) This area is not ...

德令哈市17198892574: 翻译3句英文句子 -
濯伦红霉: The students here learn Germany instead of English Students should develop a good habit of hanging in homework on time Our class is made up of 45students,30 of which are boys

德令哈市17198892574: 翻译 英语 句子 三句
濯伦红霉: 你应该尽可能早起床.(as……as possible 尽可能……) You should get uo as early as possible. 他们相处得怎么样?(get on 相处) How are they getting on(along) with each other? 那位老人习惯于早起. The old man is used to getting up early.

德令哈市17198892574: 翻译3句英文句子 -
濯伦红霉: 1:In the experiments I've seen on intervention, much depends on the neighborhood or setting. 分析: 1. see是及物动词,句中丢掉了宾语 . 2. much depends on the neighborhood or...

德令哈市17198892574: 翻译成英语 3句短句 (谢绝机翻) 急 -
濯伦红霉: 1.All rooms of team requires to be focused as possible2.Make sure that all rooms in the hotel supply hot water for whole day3.No checking out after 15pm everyday,and mo...

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