
作者&投稿:秋陈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

it是特指,就像例句中的 it就只指fish
但one是同类的其中一个 不特指, to buy one ,就是去buy eraser 这eraser 没有特指是什么eraser

肯定回答也就是介意对吧? 介意的话回答 yes
他穿上一件大衣 he puts on a coat
他穿着一件大衣 he wears a coat
最后一个有点废话 Don’t talk loudly= do not make any noise
如果要我选 我选or

1.their classroom
2.look like
3.in English
4.fourteen sheep

My mother is answering the phone.

1. both是两者都,全部肯定。too...to..结构是有否定的意思。
全肯+否定 = 部分否定而非全否。eg. I cann't find my book anywhere.(不是everywhere)
either ... or....两者中任何一个。

2. 这确实是定语从句 where = in which.
你下面的例句里面就是,This is the factory where (in which) i work now.
而这个This is the factory. + I visited the factory last week. visit是及物动词,不用再用介词。
上面的原题,I still remember my middle school. + I spent 6 years studying in the school.
定语从句的关系副词就是相当于介词+ which

This is the factory which l visited(the factory) last week ,which指的是visited的宾语the factory;This is the factory where l work now(in the factory) where指的是状语in the factory。 1 中的 both and 只能用肯定的时候 2中l spent 6 years studing very hard 是个完整的句子 所以不可能是宾语从句 因为是l spent 6 years studing very hard(in the schoo = in which) 所以定语从句要加in

1too to句型意为太 而不能,应该是表否定意义的,而both只用于肯定句
2这是个定语从句,句型spend+宾语+on/in doing,此处6years是宾语,所以只缺状语

1too to句型意为太 而不能,应该是表否定意义的,而both只用于肯定句

高中英语题目 本人有好几道题目,希望耐心人士帮我接到,谢谢!!第一题...
life 作生活在这里是不可数名词,且是泛指,不可数名词表泛指前面不用冠词。考查定语从句,先行词是sport ,,---courage matters more than strength ( in the sport ) ,.可见sport 在从句中作地点状语, 应该用 where = in which 。正确答案是 in which .这道题考察宾语从句, ---I thought...

1. A应为“the other ……”,B不合语意,C应为“more than……”。所以只能选D,意为:.“Miss Green 捐献了50美元,但她希望她能再捐50美元”。2. “每个孩子会找到他们自己的通往成功的路”。因为“child”是单数,而every,和some后应跟复数,即“children”,所以不正确。根据句意...

1、They went the back door into the garden。A。over B、through C、 in D、out 答案详细解析:以上是考查 go through 用法,意思,穿过,通过,整个句子意思:他们穿过后门进入了花园:所以答案为B 2、I was surprised ___him here .A、at see B、 at seeing C、in see D...

这两题考查近义词,我们还是查词典来说明问题吧:1. motive: 朗文当代英语词典 the reason that makes someone do something, especially when this reason is kept hidden What do you suppose the killer's motive was?因为定语从句这故,题句不用the man's motive 而用the motive of the man ...

1、Have you kept doing your homework since this moring?用现在完成进行时,表示从过去某个点时间到现在一直进行的动作,陈述句构成:sb.\/sth. have\/has done sth. 一直做某事:keep doing sth.2、on his way 3、run out of 4、are both两者都用both,放在be动词之后 5、have been去过,...

一、be reported to do表示“据说\/传闻……”的事情是一个习惯性、经常性的动作,即表示一般现在时的含义。e.g.She is reported to earn over $10 million dollars a year.——据说她年收入超过一千万美元。be reported to have done表示“据说\/传闻……”的事情发生在过去。e.g.She's reported...

分类: 教育\/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:希望有详细的解答,谢谢!!一、填空题(为什么要填这个答案):1.I was (regret)__when I learnt that he failed to pass the exam.我错填了regretted,正确答案是regretful.因为我想有I was surprised /excited at……2.Even if he needed money ...

1. 不是,以-ly结尾的只是副词的一种。如:well本身既是形容词,又是副词 以-ly结尾的也有不是副词的情况。如:friendly,它是形容词 2.对,un-前缀,-less后缀都表示反义。3. 对 ask sb to do sth\/ ask sb not to do sth 4.所有的形容词和副词都有比较级 5. 对。 助动词do- did-...

1. time 因为“时间一去不复返”2. 因为E是所有东西(everything)的开头 3. 因为G love(爱) S —— 也就是拆开单词gloves 4. B 因为B和bee(蜜蜂)同音 5. Y 因为Y和why(为什么)同音 6. With my hands ,of course!(题目其实问的是“你今天如何去‘感觉(触觉)’”,答案就是“...

一:1.had 2.fiying 3.not be 4.to take 5.Learning 6.invented 7.to get 8.shaking 9.eat 10.learning 二:1.It cost us \/ to finish 2.that \/ how 3.with school bag 4.没看懂想问什么 5.or by 有可能有些不对,请见谅,不好意思,凑合着看吧 (*^__^*)嘻嘻 ...

邻水县18660277693: 谁能帮我解解几道英语题1.This magnificent hotel, - ___ - at the turn of the century, has got over 200 beautifully decorated first - class rooms and spacious ... -
丑缪三乙:[答案] 1.本题考非谓语,这个hotel已经建好了,选D A只可以用作状语,且用于此不必要 B表将要建 C为正在建 四个选项皆为被动,酒店是被人建造的 2.risk doing sth take the risk of doing sth 疾病摧毁希望为主动,希望被摧毁 3.你可以邀请任何一个想去的...

邻水县18660277693: 我有几道挺难的英语题,谁帮我解答啊?
丑缪三乙: 天气预报 Weather Forecast 动物世界 Animal world 国际新闻 World News 天气预报员 Weather Reporter

邻水县18660277693: 几道英语单选题,谁能给我解释一下选项的原因~I couldn't help her - A___the heavy bag for Lucy,as I was too tired at that time.A carrying B carry C with carrying... -
丑缪三乙:[答案] 【1】B.可能是答案错了吧,如果用doing,那应该是can't help doing sth“情不自禁做某事”不应该有her.相信自己! 【2】让某人做某事的几种说法: let sb do sth = have sb do sth = get sb to do sth 【3】同【2】 【4】可以先把它化成陈述句: It ...

邻水县18660277693: 请大家帮助我解答几道英语题,并且希望大家能分析每道题 -
丑缪三乙: 1 D ,you发出look这个动作,you代指的是人,所以look是感官动词,后面直接跟形容词,这里只有D是形容词2 A ,interesting 形容词 某物令人感兴趣的 ,interested 形容词 人内心感到感兴趣的 interest 名词 感兴趣的事 动词 使感兴趣,interests 是 interest三单形式3 C ,逗号前面是状语从句(我猜的),looking at……是看着……,中间这里的look是个不及物动词,可以用副词来修饰,所以A B D全都排除了.后面的looked是感官动词,因为主语是人,同第一题,所以后面直接加形容词 纯手打,望采纳

邻水县18660277693: 帮忙解答几道英语题,谢谢(在线等) -
丑缪三乙: A B c 第一题意思是你因该这么想,用should 第二题一位除非他亲自下...

邻水县18660277693: 几道英语问题,请帮忙解答下
丑缪三乙: 1、Tom ,you should__go____(go) to school on time. 2、Please don't leave until your (mother?)__come____(come)back.

邻水县18660277693: 几道英文问题请帮忙回答一下,多谢啦!
丑缪三乙: 1. Do you like your school? Yes, I do. 2. Does your school have any school rules? Yes,it does. 3. If you talk loudly/play toys/… in class, Will your teacher be angry with you? Yes,he will. 4. What will you do then? I will listen to the teacher. 5. Can you tell me some rules in your class?Yes,I can.

邻水县18660277693: 几道英语题!谁能帮帮我呀! -
丑缪三乙: reading aboutmarried at his age one of coutries

邻水县18660277693: 我有10道英语填空题,谁能帮我讲一下?1.“Are you enjoying your stay here?”“Yes,very much.I wish I - _______ - have to leave so soon.”a.won't b.don'... -
丑缪三乙:[答案] d. didn't c. would stop b. would not a. wishes b. had studied d. had time to c. bought d. had been d. should forget c. as if

邻水县18660277693: 谁能帮我解几道英语题目? -
丑缪三乙: 1.翻译:危险的运动 dangerous sports/activities 2.翻译:仔细听 listen carefu...

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