
作者&投稿:糜邱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3.根据句意可知应该用陈述句语序,所以排除B和D,后面是at that moment,所以是过去时,所以选C


1. time 因为“时间一去不复返”
2. 因为E是所有东西(everything)的开头
3. 因为G love(爱) S —— 也就是拆开单词gloves
4. B 因为B和bee(蜜蜂)同音
5. Y 因为Y和why(为什么)同音
6. With my hands ,of course!(题目其实问的是“你今天如何去‘感觉(触觉)’”,答案就是“当然用自己的手啦!”这是一个国外幽默急转弯,也是标准答案)


One's childhood/innocence/virginity/....
Because it is the beginning of everything.
Because they "love" each other.
The letter B(bee).
The letter Y(why).
I feel ok today.

1:Would you like to go to a movie? 你喜欢去看电影吗?2:What is on tonight? 今天晚上放映什么?3:What are you showing tonight? 今天晚上正在放映什么?4:Who is in this movie? 谁演的?5:How long does it last? 它将放映多久?6:When is the next showing? 下一次放映是什...

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1.Yes,food in the restaurant is better,because the cookers in the restaurant are good.But food at home is more healthy,i think.2.I am hungry mum, I must eat something.3.Sorry,teacher,there is a pain in my head, and I have to go to see a doctor.4.If I take boring ...

1. 英国文学史问答题,帮忙做做,谢谢~~~ RenaissanceThe humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe.文艺复兴:古典艺术,建筑,文学和学识的人文主义复兴,起源于14世纪的意大利,后来蔓延到整个欧洲...

能不能帮忙做一下这道题,这是一道英语问答题,要用英语回答,答案尽可 ...
start by taking a quick opportunity to mention some of the successes and praises directly.Make sure that credit is going where credit is due.If you are getting someone else's praise,mention the good work that individuals did to help you succeed.This will build your relationship wit...

-No, thanks. I have drunk two___.A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges 选B:礼貌的询问句应用some,而“两瓶”显然是复数,bottle应该加s,orange是不可数名词不能加s。( ) 3 It really took him:___ to...



华亭县15667591528: 几道简单的英语题?1.can you tell me something about your homedown? -
系方复方: 1:our family usually go fishing on weekend. 在周末,我们家人通常去钓鱼. 2:my favourite subject is english,because learning english is very important in our life. 我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为学习英语在生活中很重要. 3:i don't like math ,because...

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语问题(TV show,talent show)1.What kind of - __ - do you like best? Sports games.2.What do you think of the - __? It's wonderful.I like it very much.3.Can... -
系方复方:[答案] 1.tv show 2.talent show 3.B 4.A 5.B

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语问题1.My English is worse than yours.(保持原意)My English is - ___ - ____ - ____ - ____ - yours.2.How much did you pay for the oranges?(保持... -
系方复方:[答案] 1.not so good as 2.spend on 3.cycle

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语开放题? -
系方复方: 1.There are 3 key words:(1)running, running water can bring the bad bacterial away.(2)cold,the cold water not only can reduce the high temperture,but also can keep down the ache.(3)small, if the burn is very serious,you have to go to hosipital.2.(1)....

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语小问题^^1.What's the time - ___ - your watch?A.in B.on C.by D.with2.We always go to school - ___ - bus.A.in B.on C.by D.with3.We write - ___ - pen.A.... -
系方复方:[答案] 1.by 2.by 3.with 4.on 5.in 6.on

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语题How du you come to school?How far is it from your home to your school?How often do you whatch TV?What do you want to be when you grow ... -
系方复方:[答案] 1'By bike 1'About two miles 3'Twice a week 4'I want to be a teacher 5'I can ride a bike;I cannot sing in English;I cannot speak Japanese;I cannot play the guitar 6'Tea,please 7'I'm a student 8'My parents are teachers 9'Maths 10'My deskmate

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语问题1、连词成句:sure,I,am,will,a,we,good,have,time.2、综合填空:从下列提示词语中选出合适的填在下列空缺处(有的需要变换形式)提示词语:... -
系方复方:[答案] 1.连词成句: I am sure we will have a good time. 2.综合填空: lives;swim;catch;model;fast;asks;write;fine;happy;forget 3. (A)but;come;how;make;same (B)nothing;easy (C) (1)It's Mr.White's. (2)No,they can't. (3)I think that they are foolish. Thank you for ...

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语问题 -
系方复方: 猜谜题1.queue2.teaport脑筋急转弯:1.An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.2.Saturday and Sunday (because the other days are week(weak)days)

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语问题.1.____ - of them can help you.A.some B.any这道题为什么选any呢,非得说他们其中的任何一个人都可以帮你,不能说他们其中的一些人能帮你... -
系方复方:[答案] 1.some 和any应该是都可以用的,最好有上下文,没有的话确实 很怪 2.hundreds of times几百次,hundred of times很多次,不会真去几百次吧 3.金额用amount+of + 钱,很多钱,a deal of更多+抽象的(knowledge)

华亭县15667591528: 几道英语题用英语回答问题What is it that once lost,you can never find again?__________________________________________________Why is the ... -
系方复方:[答案] 1.time 因为“时间一去不复返” 2.因为E是所有东西(everything)的开头 3.因为G love(爱) S —— 也就是拆开单词gloves 4.B 因为B和bee(蜜蜂)同音 5.Y 因为Y和why(为什么)同音 6.With my hands ,of course!(题目其实问的是“你今天如何...

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