
作者&投稿:窄毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 court
2 playing

Every country has i__ts_____favourite food.ltalians like to eat pizza .Indians like hot food a___nd____Japanese like fish.A very popular food i___n____Enghlish(是不是England) is fish and chips.poeple usually buy this food ih a fish and chips shop. They put it in paper b___ags____,and take it home,or to their work p___lace_____.S_ometimes_______ they eat it in the park or on the road.But the w__orld______ favourite food isn't Enghlish,ltalian,Indian or Japanese,It seems that American fast food is most popular food in the world.In New York,Paris,London,and even in Beijing,you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.Chinese food is a___lso____ very popular a__round______ the world.It's usually d_elicious______.


sitting 解析:坐在他们附近
into 解析:fall into 掉进...
out 解析:help sb out 把某人救出
with 解析:带着一大块蛋糕
same 解析:相同的


sitting into out with same

one afternoon some children are playing near a river. A big dog is s( itting ) near them and watching them playing. Suddenly a little girl falls i( nto ) the water. The dog jumps into the water and helps the girl o(ut ) The girl goes home and comes back w( ith ) a large of cake.
She gives it to the dog
The next day the dog goes to the s(ame ) place and looks at the children playing. He remembers the cake very well. Suddenly the dog pushes a little boy into the water and jumps into the water after him and helps him out.But this time he does not get any cake

sitting into out with same

sitting into out with same

3.[e]: f l m n s x z;4.[ai]: i y;5:[ou]: o;6.[u:]: q u w;7.[a:]: r

Aa ( Hh ) ( Jj ) Kk ( )Ee Bb ( Cc ) Dd (Gg ) Pp ( Tt) ( V v)Ii ( Yy )Oo Rr Qq ( Uu ) ( Ww)Ff ( Ll ) Mm ( Nn ) Ss ( Zz )( Xx)祝你假期愉快!加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

9. reply; 10. concert; 11. twice. 12. print; 13. health; 14. sad; 15. Wednesday.

live, different, together, dress, beautiful, dancing, well

填空,26个英文字母.a\/an如题 谢谢了?
(an)a、e、f、h、i、l、m、o、s、u、x 其它的都填a!以元音字母(a、e、i、o、u)开头发音的单词或字母的冠词就用an 其它的就是a!,8,填空,26个英文字母.a\/an如题 谢谢了 填a\/an: 例:( an )a ( )b.

1、born 2、old 3、of 4、lessons 5、from 6、found 7、woman 8、open 9、for 10、also

回答:clothes 2.about 3.take 4.never 5.old 6.money 7.buy 8.reading 9.Maybe 10.life 打单词很累,望采纳


1、same 2、ideas 3、friends (朋友)4、different (不同的)5、with 6、also 7、today 8、way 9、meals (after meals 饭后)10、make 如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳。手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!

根据字母的读音填空 Aa ___ ___Kk Ee ___ ___ Gg ___ ___ ___ Ii...
1. Aa (Hh) (Jj) Kk 都有音素\/ei\/ 2. Ee (Bb) (Cc) (Dd) Gg (Pp) (Tt) (Vv)都有音素\/i:\/ 3. Ii (Yy)都有音素\/ai\/ 4. Oo 5. Uu Qq (Ww)都含有音素\/ju:\/ 6. (Ll) Ff (Mm) Nn (Ss) (Xx)都含有音素\/e\/ 如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”...

黎平县15158917863: 首字母填空不会填,技巧之类的我都知道,不用再复制粘贴了,有时候也能大体猜出来,但就是不知道对应哪个单词,知道答案后那些单词也都认识也会拼... -
云民冠心:[答案] 问题在你背单词的方式上. 首字母填空这种题是特别特别应试的,这种题做不好不能说明英语不好,只是没适合题型而已. 首先你要知道,做首字母填空的时候,你得先知道上下文的意思吧,然后根据意思填单词,这里是用到从母语到外语的通道.而你...

黎平县15158917863: 首字母填空写什么? -
云民冠心: 为你解答.1、student2、brothers3、Mondays4、have5、think6、interesting7、playing8、sport9、become10、write

黎平县15158917863: 首字母填空 -
云民冠心: 1,less2, first3, excited4, early5, until6, health7, sleepy8, better9, much10, worried

黎平县15158917863: 怎样提高首字母填空能力 -
云民冠心:[答案] 1.先通读该句子. 2.将该句子除所留空之外其余部分译成汉语. 3.由汉语意思再退出该空应该表达一个什么意思. 4.根据所推出的意思,在英语中找出符合所给首字母的单词. 5.确定用好该单词的具体形式.

黎平县15158917863: 寻找英语首字母填空的题寻找首字母填空的题,我下学期读初三了,我的首字母填空的题不知如何下手去做, -
云民冠心:[答案] Food is very important to our health.E__1__ needs to well if he or she w__2__ to have a strong body.Our minds,l__3__ our bodies,needs the best food. This k___4__ of food is knowledge. We start getting...

黎平县15158917863: 英语首字母填空
云民冠心: 1. done--do的被动语态; 2. about

黎平县15158917863: 英语,根据首字母填空 -
云民冠心: weather天气 snowy 下雪的 vacation度假 picture 照相 sunny晴天...

黎平县15158917863: 英语首字母填空 -
云民冠心: watch activities outside smaller

黎平县15158917863: 首字母填空,急急急,求大神!! -
云民冠心: shut /beyond/ complete/ delayed /cheating/ shoulder /survey/ airport /nod /level /law

黎平县15158917863: 英语——首字母填空
云民冠心: 1,laughed 2,group

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