
作者&投稿:迪储 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. indeed 2. means 3. share 4. secrets 5. little 6. never 7. pen


A:Mr.Li, everybody is here (except)Jim Green
.B:Where is he?Do you know?
A:He (has gone) to Beijing (for)a holiday with his family.
B:(When) did he leave?
A:Last Sunday.And he won't be back (untill)September.
B:I know.Thank you ,Wang Tao.(By)the way,have you (been)to Beijing?
B:(How) do you like is then?
A:It's great.There are many places of great (intrest )_in Beijing.


  1. clothes   2.about 3.take 4.never  5.old 6.money 7.buy 8.reading 9.Maybe 10.life


1、clothes 2、about 3、take 4、never 5、old 6、money 7、buy 8、reading 9、Maybe

1、通读短文了解大意,做到心中有数 英语毕竟是一门语言,贵在理解。拿到一篇首字母填空题,首先要通读全文了解大意。注意每篇短文段落之间的结构关系,是转折、并列还是因果,这对判断正确答案非常有必要。了解大意,对全文有个整体认识,有助于弄清文章中心思想。2、复读文章,根据句意巧猜词 再一次通读...

Note:做好首字母填空要注意以下几点 1. 单词量。很多学生做不好首字母填空很重要的一点原因是学过的单词没掌握。 每当看到一个首字母,脑子中应该迅速闪过好几个词,然后根据句意选择最合适的一个。或者反过来,用意义对单词,先看句子是什么意思,然后根据意思填出合适的单词。2.平时注意积累词组、...

1,Now the ---very--- time of the moment is 12:00 at midnight.2, The wounded soldier---suffered--- from his serious wound after the doctors and nurses treated him with all their efforts.3,In the sonw-hit areas, the PLA men ran the risk--- of losing their lives to...

首字母填空题解题技巧 1、首先判断是考查何种词性,是名词,是动词,是形容词,还是副词等。2、判断词的形式。名词是否用复数?动词是否用过去式,动名词?形容词是否用比较级?副词是否用最高级等。3、翻译句子,确定词义。例如:The little girl c___ ride a bike when she was seven years old....

首字母填空 Fillintheblankswiththefirstletter等等。英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。也是世界上使用较广泛的语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是...

1.Her parents _took_ (take) her to English last year.2.You should_see_(see) a doctor if you have a cold.3.Don't_eat_(eat) too much junk food.4.May be he_has_(have) a sore throat.5.Mary likes_listening_(listen) to music.6.Do you need _to go_(go) now?7.My...

1.要读懂文章大意。2.初中的词汇量够用,一定要记背好单词。3.有时候单词并不难写,上下文里就有,适当参照完型填空的方法。4.词组的记忆对完成这类题目也很有帮助。如:...make full use of your time. Are your books open? If so, please t___ off your TV...这里就是词组“关电视...

根据句子所缺成分,判断所缺单词的词类,还要注意人称、时态的变化形式。填入单词后要检查单词拼写是否准确无误。 初三英语题首字母填空whatis a library for? most libraries have books and other things to read. many What is a library for? Most libraries have books and other things to read. Many of the...

根据首字母或汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。小题1:The climate is be...
destruction毁坏,名词形式。小题2:句意:这个怪兽是非常神秘的,因为没有人曾经见过它。mysterious神秘的小题3:句意:萨曼莎总是对一切事物都是怀疑的,并且她从来不相信任何人。skeptical \/sceptical怀疑的小题4:句意:字母的组合可能用不同的方法读出。Combinations 组合,名词形式小题5:句意:卡勒姆是...

二根据首字母或汉语意思提示填空1. my sister does
二根据首字母或汉语意思提示填空 1、My sister does her homework every evening.英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia...

吴旗县13553738520: 英语(根据首字母填空)四个小题,1.The woman in white is a car (e ).She work in a car factory.2.I like (a ),so Iwant to be an actress.3.Do you know the (w ——... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 1.engineer 2.acting 3.women 4.exchange

吴旗县13553738520: 根据首字母填空英语1、The Mars is p__ - .2、I've sent my mother a m__ - to tell her I'll be home late.3、The s__ - has reached Mars.4、I've d__ - a supper ... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 1.planet 行星 2.message 消息 3.spaceship 太空飞船 4.不确定 题目正确吗 我觉得只有 bought / sold可能(买进、卖出) 或要么少了介词 dined in 5.university 大学 6.composers 作曲家 7.century 世纪 8.Maybe 可能 9.center 中心 10.instruments 乐器 11....

吴旗县13553738520: 英语中根据首字母填空这种题第一个字母还需要写吗? -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 不需要写了,它有了

吴旗县13553738520: 英语——根据首字母填空1.The boy had to clean the room all by t_____because the momther was ill in bed.2.I am afraid of m_____but I like the Mickey Mouse.3... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 1.如果是"boys",就填themselves 2.mice 3.besides

吴旗县13553738520: 英语 根据首字母填空1.Longjing tea and Wuyi tea are both f_____,but which do you think tastes better.2.Generally speaking,Americans like to go out for their ... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 1.fine 2.weekends 3.runs 4.something 5.instructions 6.reporters

吴旗县13553738520: 英语根据首字母填空1.The young persons were c____ - when the pop stars appeared on the stage.2.Tuesday is the t____ - day of the week.3.We were al e____... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 1.crying/crazy 2.third 3.excited 4.experience 5.difficult 6.knowledge 7.really 8.searching 9.appeared 10.character

吴旗县13553738520: 怎样做好英语的根据首字母填空? -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 充分利用好所给的语言环境和信息,判断需要填的那个词的词性.如果是在校中学生做同步练习的话,告诉你一个捷径:熟悉好该单元所有的单词,并根据首字母找对应单元或章节的单词,这种方法成功率很高.当然弄清楚所给信息作出综合判断最重要.

吴旗县13553738520: 两道英语题根据首字母填空1. I'm afraid we don't have any black shoes in that size at the moment.But we have brown o______.What about those over there?2. ... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] 1.ones 2.price

吴旗县13553738520: 几道英语根据首字母填空...急1.Our soccer team s____ - to win the first place this year.2.The train a____ - in Wuhan at 22:00 last night.3.What happened in ... -
爨哀丁细:[答案] seems arrived past dining

吴旗县13553738520: 英语答案,根据首字母填空,,,, -
爨哀丁细: 1 Europe2 much3 window4 but5 Europe6 weather7this8 are 肯定都对,希望能帮到你

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