
作者&投稿:化底 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译一片短文,用英语 《我的春节》~

5分啊? 好吧,我给你翻一下:My Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is coming, my parents and i are going to Sanya to hve seafood and go swimming there! We will have the Family Reunion Dinner, see beautiful fireworks and watch CCTV New Year's Gala on TV at the New Year's Eve. i will have a very happy Spring Festival!

Good morning, dear teachers. I’m very glad to be here to
take part in the oral test. My name is Taotao,and I'm 21. I come from Xinyu, a small city of Jiangxi Province . My last one-year university life will be completed in Xinyu College. My major is solar photovoltaic power generation system. I'm interested in the computer, especially in program-designing. I 'm a diligent student, especially on what I'm interested in .I'm a persistent person. During my preparation for the oral test, I persist learning more than five hours a day. Because of this, I hope that I could pass the test.Also I am a very ambitious person. When I was a little boy, I had a dream of becoming a scientist. I would like to fulfill my dream to become a rich man. I love my profession,and I work harder, because I urgently need to achieve my dream. In this competitive modern world, I would like to seize any opportunity to promote myself. I think Xinyu College could enrich my knowledge and enhance my future carrier capability . Thank you, that's all.



The Variable Shutter
On cameras equipped with a variable shutter,the shutter angle can be narrowed to change shutter speed. Some bariable shutters may be shut dowm continuously, while others can only be shut down to certain angles.


Narrowing the angle reduces shutter speed. A 90'shutter ,for example ,gives a shutter spee of about1/100 at 24FPS (using the above formula for shutter speed).Closing the shutter reduces the exposure, allowing high-speed film to be used outdoors or allowing the lens to be opened to decrease depth of field or shooting at a selected f-stop.

把角度变小会把快门的速度减慢。一个90度的快门,例如,速度会达到大约1/100 ,在24贞的速度下,(利用上面提到的快门速度公式)。关掉快门会减少曝光,这样可以用与户外高速摄影或用于打开镜头减少景深或用于有选择的设(f-stop??).

A variable shutter that can be closed down while the camera is running allows exposure changes in the middle of a shot .For example,when the camera moves from a sunlit to a shaded area within a shot ,it is often necessary to change exposure. The iris diaphragm of the lens can be changed,but this would change the depth of field and may be more noticeable than shutting down the variable shutter .If the variable shutter can be shut down continuously to 0 degree with the camera running, in-camera fades and dissolves can be created.


Strobing ro Skipping
Decreasing the shutter angle makes the exposure for each frame shorter and freezes motion more effectively.The increased sharpness of each frame is advantageous for making still enlargemets from movie frames and for motion analysis but often causes unwanted effects in the moving image .Strobing or skipping may occur when there is any camera or subject movement .If the movement is too fast,the eye is not able to integrate successive frames and the image seems to skip rather than move continuously,causing the viewer eye strain .Skipping most often appears in pans,especially pans across strong vertical lines .The higher the image contrast or greater the image sharpness,the more likely that strobing will occur.Fast shutter speeds also increase the likelihood of strobing. In general,it is safer not to close down the shutter for exposure control if there is any camera or subject movement.


A phenomenon related to strobing,and frequently referred to by the same term ,is often noticed when the wheels of a moving vehicle on the screen seem to be stopped or to be traveling in reverse.This occurs when the intermittent exposures happen to catch spokes at the same position in consecutive frames (thus,the wheels seem stopped)or catch them in a position that causes the wheels to appear to be spinning in reverse.

On cameras with a variable shutter ,always check that the shutter is open before every day's shooting .if someone else has used the camera, the shutter opening may have been narrowed .some cameras have devices to warn you that the shutter has been closed on others,like the Éclair NPR,you must rotate the turret to check the position of the shutter.

使用带有可变快门的相机,在使用前检查一下快门是否开启。如果别人用过你的相机,快门的开启角度可能会变窄,一些相机的快门关闭时有警报装置会提醒你,像Éclair NPR这款,你必须旋转他来检查快门的位置。

turret Strobing Skipping

FYI,just make friends.

在被装备一扇可变的百叶窗的照相机上,百叶窗角度能被变窄改变百叶窗速度。 一些 bariable 百叶窗可能不断地是关闭的 dowm 而其它才能被停工到特定的角度。
变窄角度减少百叶窗速度。 一 90'百叶窗在 24FPS ,举例来说,给大约 1/100 的百叶窗 spee.(使用上述的公式作为百叶窗速度)关闭百叶窗减少暴露, 让高速的电影被用户外或者让透镜被打开在挑选的 f 减少领域的深度或射击-停止。
能被关闭下来的一扇可变的百叶窗当照相机正在跑的时候在注射的中央中允许暴露变化。举例来说,当照相机移动的时候从一被日光照射了的到一个阴暗的区域,在注射里面,改变暴露时常是必需的。 透镜的光圈能被改变,但是这会改变领域的深度和可能是更引人注目的超过关闭可变的百叶窗。如果可变的百叶窗能不断地达到 0 度以照相机赛跑被停工, 在-照相机褪色而且溶解能被产生。
Strobing ro 跳越
减退百叶窗角度制造暴露,因为每个构成比较短而且更有效冻结运动。每个框架的增加锐利对利用电影框架做成静止的 enlargemets 是有利的和对于运动分析但是时常引起感人的图像不必要的效果。当有任何的照相机或服从的运动, Strobing 或跳越可能发生。如果运动太快速,眼睛无法整合 , 连续的框架和图像似乎跳越并非移动不断地,引起观众眼睛劳累。最跳越时常在平锅出现,尤其平锅横过强壮的垂直线。那更高地图像差别或比较棒的图像锐利,更有可能的 strobing 将会发生。快速的百叶窗速度也增加 strobing 的可能。 如果有任何的照相机或服从的运动,大体上,不对于暴露控制关闭百叶窗是比较安全的。
被讲到 strobing 的一种现象,和时常提及被当在荧屏上的感人车辆的轮子似乎被停止或者在相反方面旅行的时候,相同的期限 , 时常被注意。当间歇的暴露碰巧的时候,这发生抓在连续的框架 (因此,轮子似乎停止) 中的相同位置说或者在导致轮子似乎在相反方面纺织的一个位置中抓他们。
在和一扇可变的百叶窗的照相机上 ,总是检查百叶窗每天以前是公开射击。如果其他人已经用照相机, 百叶窗开始可能已经被变窄。一些照相机有装置警告你百叶窗已经被关闭在其它上,像 é clair NPR,你一定替换小塔检查百叶窗的位置。


在装备有一扇可变的百叶窗的照相机上,百叶窗角度能改变百叶窗速度。 一些百叶窗要是关闭的.其它才能被调整到特定的角度。
角度变窄百叶窗速度减小。 一 90'百叶窗在 24FPS ,举例来说,给大约 1/100 的百叶窗 spee.(使用上述的公式作为百叶窗速度)关闭百叶窗减少暴露, 让高速的电影被用户外或者让透镜被打开在挑选的 f 减少领域的深度或射击-停止。
能被关闭下来的一扇可变的百叶窗当照相机正在跑的时候在注射的中央中允许暴露变化。举例来说,当照相机移动的时候从一被日光照射了的到一个阴暗的区域,在注射里面,改变暴露时常是必需的。 透镜的光圈能被改变,但是这会改变领域的深度和可能是更引人注目的超过关闭可变的百叶窗。如果可变的百叶窗能不断地达到 0 度以照相机赛跑被停工, 在-照相机褪色而且溶解能被产生。
Strobing ro 跳越
减退百叶窗角度制造暴露,因为每个构成比较短而且更有效冻结运动。每个框架的增加锐利对利用电影框架做成静止的 enlargemets 是有利的和对于运动分析但是时常引起感人的图像不必要的效果。当有任何的照相机或服从的运动, Strobing 或跳越可能发生。如果运动太快速,眼睛无法整合 , 连续的框架和图像似乎跳越并非移动不断地,引起观众眼睛劳累。最跳越时常在平锅出现,尤其平锅横过强壮的垂直线。那更高地图像差别或比较棒的图像锐利,更有可能的 strobing 将会发生。快速的百叶窗速度也增加 strobing 的可能。 如果有任何的照相机或服从的运动,大体上,不对于暴露控制关闭百叶窗是比较安全的。
被讲到 strobing 的一种现象,和时常提及被当在荧屏上的感人车辆的轮子似乎被停止或者在相反方面旅行的时候,相同的期限 , 时常被注意。当间歇的暴露碰巧的时候,这发生抓在连续的框架 (因此,轮子似乎停止) 中的相同位置说或者在导致轮子似乎在相反方面纺织的一个位置中抓他们。
在和一扇可变的百叶窗的照相机上 ,总是检查百叶窗每天以前是公开射击。如果其他人已经用照相机, 百叶窗开始可能已经被变窄。一些照相机有装置警告你百叶窗已经被关闭在其它上,像 é clair NPR,你一定替换小塔检查百叶窗的位置。

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英语高手请进来 帮忙翻译有重谢
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临沭县13350277910: 求英语高手帮我把下面这篇文章翻译成英文,谢谢!我最感激的老师 我最感激的老师是我的小学班主任--吴老师.他是我数学的第一个启蒙老师.我至今都还记... -
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英怀志苓:[答案] Yizhawen,you leave the fast of the month.On the Chinese New Year next month.Not sure you will come back?Tianling has recently.That you do not know how?I do not know the letter you received?I am easy t...

临沭县13350277910: 求英语高手帮翻译一段文章,谢谢~最近公司老板让我做一段中英文互译
英怀志苓: 你急用么?这段东西如果翻译好的话至少的一两天,毕竟不是专业翻译,不能把所有的时间都砸在这上面的.如果你能等的话给我回个话好么? 不是很专业,最后的翻译不是很好,参考一下吧 最后的问题部分没有翻译完全,实在是熬不住了.如果你能够等的话我明天晚上可能把最后一部分完成.不好意思 全部翻译完成,恩,我也就不谦虚了,总体来说意思应该翻译出来了.但是一些专业词汇需要你自己检查修改一下.我是一段段对照翻译的,参考作用更大一些,如果直接使用似乎不是很合适的说

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英怀志苓:[答案] when i heard u say"please go to bed quickly,i won't do anything outside" i was shocked yeah,u have u personal living ... Is this the barrier? Now it's 23 o'clock. The screen of my mobilephone is still dark. I...miss you.. 楼上是用机器翻译的吧?

临沭县13350277910: 求英语高手帮我翻译一点小文章!在线等~~万分感激~!假定你们学生
英怀志苓: Boysandgirls,yourattention,please!Asthechairmanofstudentunion,Iamgladtotellyouthatyoucanborrowabookfromourlibraryatthebeginningoftoday. Butyouknow,...

临沭县13350277910: 请英语高手帮我翻译这4篇短文,谢谢 -
英怀志苓: 下面的翻译: 1.Joe Sanders拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园.几乎每个人都参加每年举办的"最佳花园竞赛",而每次都是Joe Sanders获胜.Bill Frith的花园比Joe的大,他比Joe也更勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但Joe的花园更富有情趣.他修筑...

临沭县13350277910: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
英怀志苓: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

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