
作者&投稿:羊养 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例:He said (that) he's not good at PC games.
这里"he's not good at PC games"作said 的宾语.



用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句可以用连词that,连接代词who,whom,what,which;连接副词 how,when,where以及if和whether引起。连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中作一相应的句子成分,if或whether表示疑问,而that没有意义仅起连接作用。


1. 作动词的宾语从句:

如:Everyone knows that he is a good student.

He wondered how the pyramids were built.

2. 作介词宾语:

如:This depends on how hard you work.

Is there anything wrong in what I said?

3. 作形容词的宾语:

如:They are confident that they can do the job well.

I am not certain whether the train will arrive on time.


1. 宾语从句引导词that的省略:


如:I think (that) you are right.

2. 形式宾语it:

如果宾语从句后面跟有补语,要用形式宾语it来代替,而将从句放到补语的后面去。如:He has made it clear that the meeting will not be postponed.

I heard it said that that factory was founded in 1901.



如:He said that he had left his umbrella in the library.

The teacher told the students that the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

4. 宾语从句否定意义的转移:

在think, believe, suppose, expect 等动词所根的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句宾语变为肯定形式。

如:I don’t think he has time to play chess with you.

I don’t suppose it is the rush hour yet.


一般说来,在一些表示坚持(insist),命令(order,command),建议(suggest,advise),要求(require,demand) 等动词之后的宾语从句中,谓语一般要用“should +动词原形”(其中的should在美国英语中常省略,但是引导从句的that通常不省略):

如:She suggested that we (should) leave early.

He ordered that the medicine (should) be sent by a special plane.

6.whether 与 if

引导介词宾语从句时,只能用 whether,不用if;与“or not”连用时,一般用whether,不用if。

如:I am interested in whether he'll go abroad.

We don't know whether he will come or not.



如:I don’t know what your name is.


间接引语的使用应注意选择合适的动词。陈述用say/tell,疑问用ask/wonder,而祈使用 tell/order,建议用advise/suggest。注意这些动词后面的结构和语气。

如:“Could you get some tea for me?” Mr.Blake said to his wife.

→Mr. Blake asked his wife whether she could get some tea for him.

“Shall we go dancing tonight?”John said.

→John suggested they should go dancing tonight.


是做动词、介词或形容词宾语的从句。 一、做动词的宾语: I think (that) you will like the pictures. 我想你会喜欢这些画的。(连接词that无意义,在从句中不充当任何成分,可以省略)当宾语从句(通常是由that引导的宾语从句)有一宾语补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句置于句末。例如: I feel it important that they finish their own task in time. (我觉得他们按时完成自己的任务是很重要的。) 二、做介词宾语: They are worrying about whether they can get there in time. You can write about whatever topic you can think of. 三、做形容词宾语: Are you sure what you will do next? I'm afraid that he will fail in the exam. 表语从句 表语从句:表语从句置于连系动词后面做表语。例如: The question is whether the book is worth reading at all.(问题是这本书是否有点读的价值。) That is why we don't like it. It seems that all of the students have done their homework. My idea is that we should all do our best. This is where we found the strange trees. It seems that everybody agrees to the decision. 同位从句 同位从句一般跟在某些名词如answer(答案),hope(希望),fact(事实),belief (信仰),news(消息),idea(主意;观念),promise(承诺),information(信息),conclusion(结论),order(命令), suggestion(建议),problem(问题),thought (想法)等后面。例如: He always works hard even if he knows the fact that he is not in good health. His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time. I had no idea that you were here. She told us her hope that she would become a pianist. He made a promise that he would never come late. 注意: that 既可引导同位语从句又可引导定语从句,其区别在于:同位语从句由连接词that引导,连接词that本身无意义,在同位语从句中不充当任何成分,不可省略,不可以用其他词替代;定语从句由关系代词that引导,关系代词that在从句中充当一定的成分,作宾语时可省略,由when, why, where引导的 同位语从句和定语从句的区别在于: 同位语从句由连接副词只起连接作用,没有指代作用; 定语从句由关系副词引导,关系副词具有指代先行词的作用,常用一个介词加关系代词替换。例如:I will never forget the day when we first met. (同位语从句, when为连接词) That is the special day (which/that) I will never forget. (定语从句,which/that为关系副词) This is the house where we lived fifteen years ago. (同位语从句, where为连接词) This is the house which we sold fifteen years ago. (定语从句,where为关系副词)


I think (that) you will like the pictures.
I feel it important that they finish their own task in time.

They are worrying about whether they can get there in time.
You can write about whatever topic you can think of.
Are you sure what you will do next?
I'm afraid that he will fail in the exam.


答:宾语从句,是名词性从句的一种,在主从复合句中充当宾语,位于及物动词、介词或复合谓语之后的从句称为宾语从句。宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。宾语从句 1that引导宾语从句无意义,不充当句子成分常省略.但下列情况除外: (1)介词宾语从句的that不省略 (2...

宾语从句:是做动词、介词或形容词宾语的从句。 一、做动词的宾语: I think (that) you will like the pictures. 我想你会喜欢这些画的。(连接词that无意义,在从句中不充当任何成分,可以省略)当宾语从句(通常是由that引导的宾语从句)有一宾语补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而将宾语从句置于句末...

用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句可以用连词that,连接代词who,whom,what,which;连接副词 how,when,where以及if和whether引起。连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中作一相应的句子成分,if或whether表示疑问,而that没有意义仅起连接作用。二、宾语从句的分类:1. 作动词的宾语从句:如:Everyone knows ...

一 定义 :在复合句中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.二 种类 :1 由that引导的宾语从句---当从句是陈述句时,用that引导宾语从句.在口语和非正式文体中,that可以省略 I know ( that ) you like English .He told me ( that ) he would go there next week .2 由whether \/ if 引导的宾语...

回答:结构: 主语+谓语+关联词+句子 其中 句子要满足陈述语序概念: 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句


而宾语从句使用一个句子做宾语,比如: I think that she is right.在这句子里,i 是主语,think是谓语,而宾语是由that引导的从句--- that she is right.所以叫宾语从句!宾语从句的三要点为:(1)时态 主从句时态要一致 1. 当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句可以根据实际需要用各种时态。如:He ...

一、宾语从句的定义 置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式,v.-ing形式后面都能带宾语从句。有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带宾语从句。宾语从句是名词性从句的一种。在主从复合句中充当宾语,位于及物动词、介词...


宾语从句可以分为三类:陈述句式的宾语从句、疑问句式的宾语从句和祈使句式的宾语从句。1.陈述句式的宾语从句:这种从句的引导词通常是that,有时可以省略。例如:"I think (that) you are right."2. 疑问句式的宾语从句:这种从句的引导词通常是疑问词或疑问副词,如whether, if, what, where, ...

宝兴县15963799741: 什么叫宾语从句 举几个例子 我是初学者 -
危映阿茉: 动词后加的句子就称之为宾语从句, 比如:I don't konw when will come.he said he would visit his grandfather. 你记住宾语从句的考点是:1,时态一致,当主句为过去时,从句要使用与过去想关时态,但从句表示客观真理只能使用一般现在时,2.陈述语序

宝兴县15963799741: 宾语从句是什么意思?(请举例说明) -
危映阿茉: 动词或者介词后面带的句子作宾语. I hope that he can come. hope后面的句子作的它的宾语,就是宾语从句. I think that he is from China. He told me that he got a flu.

宝兴县15963799741: 什么叫宾语从句?请举一些例子说明! -
危映阿茉: 宾语从句: 是做动词、介词或形容词宾语的从句. 一、做动词的宾语: I think (that) you will like the pictures. 我想你会喜欢这些画的.(连接词that无意义,在从句中不充当任何成分,可以省略)当宾语从句(通常是由that引导的宾语从句)有一...

宝兴县15963799741: 什么是宾语从句?请举几个例子!!! -
危映阿茉: 宾语从句 一 定义 :在复合句中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.二 种类 :1 由that引导的宾语从句---当从句是陈述句时,用that引导宾语从句.在口语和非正式文体中,that可以省略 I know ( that ) you like English . He told me ( that ) he would go ...

宝兴县15963799741: 什么是宾语从句?能举出几个例子吗? -
危映阿茉: 宾语从句 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句. 1.宾语从句的连接词 从属连词 连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether. that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句,而if和...

宝兴县15963799741: 什么是宾语从句?有哪几类?各举些例子 -
危映阿茉: 宾语从句 一、定义: 用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句.宾语从句可以用连词that,连接代词who,whom,what,which;连接副词 how,when,where以及if和whether引起.连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中作一相应的句子成分,if或whether表示疑问,而...

宝兴县15963799741: 英语中宾语从句的概念,举例说明 -
危映阿茉: 概念没好好研究过.用我自己的语言和理解告诉你.宾语从句,顾名思义,是一个句子.用来解释和说明宾语是什么样子的.有时候不加此句句子是说不通的,即有时是必要的. 例子:He is the boss of the supermarket named Quan Hua which is next to my school

宝兴县15963799741: 什么是宾语从句?有哪几类?各举些例子祥细地讲解宾语从句 -
危映阿茉:[答案] 宾语从句 一、定义:用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句.宾语从句可以用连词that,连接代词who,whom,what,which;连接副词 how,when,where以及if和whether引起.连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中作一相应的句子成分,if或whether...

宝兴县15963799741: 什么是宾语从句?举例 -
危映阿茉: 做宾语的是一个句子,这个句子就是宾语从句.例如I don`t know who he is?who he is 就是宾语从句时间状语从句只表示时间的是一个句子,连接时间状语从句的连词有when ,before,after,as soon as等I couldn swim when I was 5 year old .when I was 5 year old 就是时间状语从句.当我5岁时.条件状语从句是if连接的.表示如果.....例如I will go to the zoo if it doesn`t rain tomorrow.

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