
作者&投稿:艾玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The school is Professor, teacher knowledge of the place, is the place for students to study. Therefore, the school must have a good environment.
Have a good environment in my ideal school: A, will be able to see the large trees, make the person a door can feel the vitality of life, life is full of self-confidence; teachers, the school corner is clean, can not see any pollution; each teach room security air conditioning (or to others so unfair), let us enjoy a good environment.

You are my Mr. Right.

I do not ask him more money also does not ask how much he was handsome, but I hope he has the active, to be nice heart, his temper will very good, can very thoughtful I, of course, he must honor your father and your mother. I don'tFor now, I want to marry again after working stability. I think marriage is two people, don't want to hold my parents gave me, I want to meet with my husband and manly, falling in love,,,,,
like the boy, younger than me, makes me very insecure. I'm allergic to smoke so he'd better not smoke, drink wine but will divide the occasions, can never alcoholism.
I seek not to please the wedding, but I hope more luxuriant in marriage that day he can sing song to me. In marriage of the job, we will go fishing together, paint, tourism,,,,, he can put down the so-called face and I cooked together, I think the most important is between us understand each other and mutual respect, trust each other.
I want a child, had better be lively lovable daughter. In the evening we common stories to the daughter listens, sang daughter to bed, with her daughter to a playground and a weekend daughter to play, and, and lets the daughter happy childhood,,,,,
I want to husband and I spend the whole life of quiet and romantic

Regarding present's I, after want to work stably, marries again. I thought that the marriage is two person's matters, did not think that the parents handle to me, I want to meet, the dear friend with my husband, to fall in love with, I do not request him richly not to request him to have multi-commanders-in-chief, but I hoped that he has positively upward, to the person friendly heart, his temperament also needs to be very good, can sympathize me carefully, certainly, he must be filial piety the parents. I do not like the male student who is smaller than me, will let me not have the security sense very much. I to smoke allergy, therefore he should better not smoke, may drink, but must divide the situation, cannot the excessive drinking. I do not ask the wedding ceremony to have magnificently, but I hoped that day he can sing the first song in the marriage to listen to me. After marriage work, we will fish together, paint pictures, the traveling, he to be able to lay down the so-called face and I prepare food together, I thought that between us can understand, respect, believes each other mutually most importantly. I want a child, should better be the lively lovable daughter. We tell the story in the evening to listen together to the daughter, to sing roar the daughter to sleep, weekend accompanied the daughter to go to the amusement park and the daughter plays, lets the daughter pass the joyful childhood, I wanted peaceful romantic to pass this life with my husband

For now, I want to marry again after working stability. I think marriage is two people, don't want to hold my parents gave me, I want to meet with my husband and manly, falling in love,,,,,
I do not ask him more money also does not ask how much he was handsome, but I hope he has the active, to be nice heart, his temper will very good, can very thoughtful I, of course, he must honor your father and your mother. I don't like the boy, younger than me, makes me very insecure. I'm allergic to smoke so he'd better not smoke, drink wine but will divide the occasions, can never alcoholism.
I seek not to please the wedding, but I hope more luxuriant in marriage that day he can sing song to me. In marriage of the job, we will go fishing together, paint, tourism,,,, ?


开玩笑吧 没那么厉害

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任城区15931563608: 我的理想用英语怎么拼? -
少君槐耳: 我的理想 My dream 如:My dream is that I could become a doctor in the future 我的梦想就是未来成为一名医生

任城区15931563608: 我的理想 如何翻译成英文 -
少君槐耳: My ambition 我的理想

任城区15931563608: “我的理想”用各国语言都怎么说啊? -
少君槐耳: 英语:my dream 买追木 日语:私の理想(わたしのりそう)我的理想 汉语模拟音:瓦大喜诺里缩哦 私の愿い(わたしのねがい)我的愿望 汉语模拟音:瓦大喜诺乃噶一

任城区15931563608: 简短地用英语描述自己的理想 -
少君槐耳: Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come.Unlike other people, I prefer ...

任城区15931563608: “我目前的理想”用英语怎么说?
少君槐耳: 我目前的理想 My current ideal(dream)

任城区15931563608: 我的人生理想和未来规划用英语怎么说 -
少君槐耳: 我的人生理想和未来规划的英文翻译 我的人生理想和未来规划 My ideal of life and future planning 重点词汇人生理想worldly ideal未来future; next; coming; approaching; tomorrow; aftertime规划planning; programming; layout; project; schematization

任城区15931563608: 我的理想翻译成英语 -
少君槐耳: what do you want to do for your career?when I was young I want to be a president of the country why?because everybody listen to president, meiying,how about you? when I was young, i want to be a singer why?Because singer can dress up well...

任城区15931563608: 英语翻译我的理想是当一名摄影师.我喜欢记录下美的东西,难忘的瞬间,或是那些动人的泪水.我想我的身体里流趟的是那流浪的血液,我想要去遍世界各个... -
少君槐耳:[答案] My dream is to be a photographer.I like recording those beautiful things,unforgettable moment and touching tears.I think there would be a wandering blood in my body.I want to travel through the world ...

任城区15931563608: 翻译一下英语句子.我的理想是当一名医生 -
少君槐耳: 您好!翻译过来是:My dream is to be a doctor.望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

任城区15931563608: 关于我的理想的英语作文,要翻译30词左右 -
少君槐耳: MyDrem Iwanttobeateacher.BecauseIlikechildren,andIthinkitisaveryinterestingjob.IfIcanbecomeateacher,Iwillworkhard,trymybesttohelpwithchildren'ssubjects.Also,playwiththemisawonderfulthing,isn'tit?翻译:我想成为一名教师.因为我热爱孩子们,而且我认为这是一件很有趣的工作.如果我成为了教师,我将会努力工作,尽可能地帮助孩子们的功课.而且,跟他们一起玩游戏也是件极好的事,不是么?

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