
作者&投稿:况妮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Since the lovelorn, we must die, the kite that breaks the line is impossible to catch up with.


Love should enrich people's sense of power, and love is enriching people.


The first time a person falls in love is for love; the next few times, they are just for novelty and parison.


Once love is satisfied, other people's charm will disappear.


Love is a kind of sweet pain, sincere love never takes a *** ooth road.


If one day the world betrayed you, at least I betrayed the world for you.


It's not your fault, it's just our love lost to time and we still have to wait.


The life you want is very simple, but the way to pursue it is always circuitous and repetitive.


If a person knows that happiness lies in love, he will live in the feeling of love.


It may be easy to love the whole human race; but it is difficult to love a person seriously.


If love is mingled with calculations unrelated to itself, it is not true love.


Love is not a refuge. If you want to take refuge, you will be expelled.


Once loved and loved you very much, now I have given up, thank you for not cherishing let me learn to die.


In one's life, there are o kinds of regrets that most afflict people: one is not getting the person you love; the other is not getting the happiness of the person you love.


If jealousy is an insurmountable obstacle to friendship, suspicion is the most dangerous enemy of love.


When you meet a trusorthy friend, you should get along well with him, because it is not easy to meet a known person in your life.


I am naked out of my mother's womb, and I will return naked. Ye and Hua were rewarded, and Ye and Hua were also handed in.


Perhaps when one is really helpless, one has to *** ile besides *** iling.


We may not be happy in love, or happy rather than in love.


Good love is a spring breeze. Wherever it blows, it blossoms.


There are four types of love: passionate love, interesting love, bodily love, vanity love.


Although the joy of love is sweet, it can only survive where glory and virtue exist.


Because I love you, I am ready to give up everything, including my love, including you.


No man or woman in the world is worth your tears, and the only one who is, will never make you cry!


Life is a torrential rain, fate is an umbrella full of loopholes, love is a patch.


Marriage makes people foolish, and people are already foolish, so marriage makes people foolish enough to five their foolishness.


How hard it is to love you, how hard it is to fet you. How bitter it is to love you, how bitter it is to hate you.


Love makes one fet time, and time makes one fet love.


To be faithful to love means to watch a movie all the time. You can't watch this movie or that one.


I am a piece of coal, not easily ignited, can burn up, it will bee a pile of ash, reburning, it is impossible.


Love is an exotic visitor and an exotic self.


I graduated from kindergarten in one year. After graduation, I can tell you how to fall in love.


First love: love at first sight; passionate love: want to be with your body; nostalgia: want to be obedient; disappointed love: want you East and west.

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