
作者&投稿:阿烁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

楼上两位都好像不太对,应该是:Students(或者Classmates) often do exercises in morning,and do eye exercises in the afternoon,sometimes they play basketball or football after school.

eye exercises

Students usually do moring exercises and eye exercises. Sometimes they play basketball or football after class.

用“My School Sport”写一篇英语作文,(1)学校每年秋季举办运动会,去 ...
My school has a lot of sports.First, the school held annually in autumn Games in the long jump last year, the first games I get it.Secondly, students usually have early exercise, doing eye exercises, sometimes after school playing basketball or football.I like football, I like ...

good moning class可以翻译成同学们早上好吗?
很对。very good,老师上课通常说good morning class,或者good morning boys and girls,直接称呼学生students很少

去年运动会上你获跳远第一名。 2.同学们通常有早锻炼、做眼保健操、课后有时打篮球或踢足球。 3.介绍你最喜欢(favourite)参加和观看的运动项目。 4.运动有益于身体健康(health),你准备进行更多锻炼。 My School Sport I study at No. 2 Middle School. 13 书面表达请根据下面的提示,以“Internet and Our ...

Generally speaking, everything is good today. I suggest that students rest early in the evening, don't study too late, and ensure the quality of class the next day.今早晨同学们来得都很早,无迟到现象,清洁小组打扫也很彻底。今早上第几节课上同学们很积极回答老师提出的问题,无打瞌睡...

Boys and girls, good morning everybody!

同学们周六早晨照常到校上课周六下午停课 The students go to school on Saturday morning as uasual and classes on that afternoon are cancelled.

您好,先解释一下:"同学们"一词必须看是谁用来翻译会比较贴切:如果是老师对学生们说那麼一般是使用: Everyone 或 All students 或 Everybody.如是你对自己的同学说,则可以用: Everyone, Everybody, all colleagues, 或 all classmates.如是第三人称则用 Students 或 All Students.句子翻译:On ...

同学们早上好!翻译为:Good morning, class!1、good morning 英 [ɡud ˈmɔ:niŋ] 美 [ɡʊd ˈmɔrnɪŋ]int.(上午见面时用语)早安,你(们)好;(上午分别时用语)再会 2、class 英 [klɑ:s] 美 [klæs]n.班;阶级;等级;...

一、原文 山川之美,古来共谈。高峰入云,清流见底。两岸石壁,五色交辉。青林翠竹,四时俱备。晓雾将 歇,猿鸟乱鸣;夕日欲颓,沉鳞竞跃。实是欲界之仙都。自康乐以来,未复有能与其奇者。二、注释 1.本文节选自《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文·全梁文》。卷四十六。谢中书,即谢徵,字元度,陈郡...

同学舍的求学者都穿着锦绣衣服,戴着有红色帽带、饰有珍宝的帽子,腰间挂着白玉环,左边佩戴着刀,右边备有香囊,光彩鲜明,如同神人;我却穿着旧棉袍、破衣服处于他们之间,毫无羡慕的意思。因为心中有足以使自己高兴的事,并不觉得吃穿的享受不如人家。我的勤劳和艰辛大概就是这样。 如今我虽已年老,没有什么成就,但...

长春市13481877121: 同学们通常早上锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后有时打篮球或踢足球的英语翻译是什么 -
再郝澳蒲:[答案] Students usually morning exercise in the afternoon to do eye exercises,and sometimes after school to play basketball or football

长春市13481877121: 翻译:同学们通常有早锻炼.做眼保健操,课后有时候打篮球或踢足球 -
再郝澳蒲: Students usually do moring exercises and eye exercises. Sometimes they play basketball or football after class.

长春市13481877121: 翻译成英文的句子
再郝澳蒲: The students usually play sports / do exercise in the morning ,do eye exercises in the afternoon and after class , they play basketball or soccer / football. 非常乐意帮助!!请采纳,谢啦!!

长春市13481877121: 关于你们学校开展体育活动的英语短文 要点:1.学校每年秋季举办运动会.去年运动会上你获得跳远第一名;2.同学们通常早上锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后打... -
再郝澳蒲:[答案] 1. The school has a sports meeting every year. You were the winner of long jump last year. 2. The students usually do exercises in the morning, do eye-protection in the afternoon and play basketball or football after class. 3. Sports are good for your health....

长春市13481877121: 用英文翻译:做早操/做眼保健操 -
再郝澳蒲:[答案] do morning/eye exercises做早操/眼保健操do morning exercises做早操do eye exercises做眼保健操exercise作"运动;锻炼"讲时,是不可数名词,do/take exercise=do sport意为"进行运动;锻炼身体".如:Every morni...

长春市13481877121: 1.对学生来说每天做眼保健操是很重要的. 翻译成英文 -
再郝澳蒲: it is important for students to do eye exercise everyday i haven't decide when to leave he found the lost child with her help

长春市13481877121: 写英语作文,要点:“1学习每年秋季举办运动会.去年运动会上你获得跳远第一名.2同学们通常有早锻炼、做眼保健操、课后有时打篮球.3介绍喜欢的项目和观看运动项目.4运动有益于健康,你准备进行更多锻炼.” -
再郝澳蒲: 4 我最不喜欢写英语作文,但我喜欢说英语…

长春市13481877121: 我们都认真做早操和眼保健操用英语怎么说 -
再郝澳蒲: We are seriously doing morning exercises and eye setting-up exercises

长春市13481877121: 把句子翻译成英文.1做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处.2散步有助于你保持身体健康.3我门必须尽量多吃蔬菜. -
再郝澳蒲: 1. Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes. 2. Walk will help you keep healthy. 3. I must eat more vegetables. 4. I usually have a week 8 to 10 times of fruit. 5. You always do on Saturday? 这个一定正确!

长春市13481877121: 英语的翻译帮忙翻译下列句子:学生们通常上学有两种方式:1.乘公交车:节省时间,节省体力.2.乘自行车:锻炼身体,灵活方便.可以欣赏路边的风景. -
再郝澳蒲:[答案] Students usually go to school in two ways. 1, Take a bus. It saves time and energy. 2. Ride a bike. They can do sports. Bikes are convenient and easy. You can enjoy the sights on the way

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