
作者&投稿:展荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

加拿大 女运动员科泰克以九十五高龄在世界运动员大师赛引起关注,这位五英尺高的老奶奶是有记录的最老的室内运动员,她参加跳高和跳远比赛。

看来LZ在美服玩。他们说的基本上是口语,我也看不太懂,就随便翻下。Ani:我们有2个adc(或者是2个重复的位置),好烦。。。Jax:什么?(乐)No:我们有两个adc。jax:我们?An:lol(表示友好)Hnx:我们队**处很薄弱(应该是说没肉)Jax:我是中国人~An:种族主义(应该是他本人不在乎和谁玩和哪个国家的人玩)MISS:这里应该是说LOL的说话的人(喷子?)像honey boo boo child(一个节目里的小孩子)No:这里就是骂人了,说它就像个(一个人名)。。。才疏学浅,只能翻译加猜测了,希望能帮到你

Jennifer’s ears were “talking” to her. They were making little sounds, like little bubbles(气泡)bursting. It was not painful, but annoying. She knew the cause.
While she was cleaning the blackboard after her class last night, the fire alarm(警报) went off. Instead of leaving the building quickly, she walked around to see what the problem was. The alarm sounded like the busy signal on a phone. The school seemed to be empty. Then she walked by one classroom, and saw seven students inside.
At that moment, the teacher who was on duty came by. She asked everyone to leave quickly. The students were packing their belongings into their bags. The teacher waited impatiently. Finally, after about five minutes, all the students and their teachers left the building. They felt sorry for being so slow.
The firemen never arrived. Instead a school police officer showed up. He walked around the area with the teacher. It was a false alarm. There was something wrong with the alarm, so it kept on ringing. The officer used his key to turn off the alarm finally.
But it was too late for Jennifer. She had listened to the loud alarm for too long. When she drove home, the strange sound filled her ears again. Sometimes people can be easily affected by very tiny things. Jennifer decided to go and see her doctor the next day.
( ) 76. What was wrong with Jennifer’s ears?
A. Her ears hurt seriously.
B. She couldn’t hear at all.
C. There were some bubbles in her ear.
D. Her ears kept making strange noise.
( ) 77. The teacher asked the students to come out of the building because_______.
A. he thought there was a fire
B. they wanted to help others
C. the building would probably fall down
D. they would be trained what to do in danger
( ) 78. Who stopped the alarm in the end?
A. Jennifer. B. The teacher on duty.
C. The firemen. D. The school police officer.
( ) 79. When Jennifer was on her way home, she felt_____.
A. relaxed B. uncomfortable C. tired D. sad and angry
( ) 80. Which of the followings is true?
A. The fire alarm in the school isn’t necessary at all.
B. There’s something wrong with the firemen.
C. There’s nothing wrong with the fire alarm.
D. The fire alarm in the school didn’t work well.

D A D A C 刚刚做了一下,不知是否正确,看看吧。

d a d b d

Jennifer’s ears were “talking” to her. They were making little sounds, like little bubbles(气泡)bursting. It was not painful, but annoying. She knew the cause.While she was cleaning the blackboard after her class last night, the fire alarm(警报) went off. Instead of leaving...

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谁能帮我翻译一下 拜托拜托了 谢谢了 跪求
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蓟卓布瑞: When I know your can not remember. Wanted to let you know my thoughts. But I know that. That also can not change anything. Just want to cherish the time with you. Have you happiness around.! And together you have a beautiful day, thank you.!

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蓟卓布瑞: 你可以直接用在线翻译.I did not know that I will have next life, but I only knew that this life this life I only will like a person she calling

安定区13345877155: 谁能帮我翻译一下啊!!(英文) -
蓟卓布瑞: Thank you for trusting me despite of my young age. (如果是求职,建议就只要Thank you for trusting me. 如果你不怕麻烦,一定坚持按字面翻译,就是Thank you for trusting me wh...

安定区13345877155: 谁帮帮我啊 用这几个词造句 -
蓟卓布瑞: I often go to school by bicycle.My father is a cashier.Let's see if the sales clerk will give us a good deal if we buy both items. The cinema is far from here.I will the gym.好了.

安定区13345877155: 谁帮帮我 我英语不好啊 谢了 小弟跪求 -
蓟卓布瑞: 1.talking 2.is using 3.isn't listening is swimming 4.is doing 5. is eating 6.are cleaning has came 7.is reading is washing 8.is making is watch...

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蓟卓布瑞: 1.This project is too difficult for him to finish it. 2.I heard that he made a telephone call. 3.What beautiful pictures! How beautiful the pictures are!

安定区13345877155: 急,求英文翻译,望好心人能帮我一下,不要用翻译器哦!非常感谢!!! -
蓟卓布瑞: Customer management mainly regard the customers (including final customers, distributors and partners) as the most important enterprise resources, meet the demand of customers through perfect customer service and in-depth analysis of the ...

安定区13345877155: 英语作业谁帮我啊,跪求
蓟卓布瑞: 1. It takes Ann an hour to do her homework does it take Ann an hour to do her homework? it doesn't take Ann an hour to do her homework. doesn't it? 2. Lucy and Lily arrived in Beijing at 10 o'clockDid Lucy and Lily arrive in Beijing at 10 o'clock ? ...

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