
作者&投稿:刁丽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


pronunciation aloud speaking patient improve

i'll take this t-shirt lt's nice/good....

我要拿走这件T恤 它是我的了

I will take this T-shirt. It is beautiful/ cheap/ suitable for me / ok.

可以填颜色 像 red white blue 等等

A. 根据句意和所给汉语提示,以正确形式,写出所缺单词。小题1:Can you...
小题1:send小题2:lying小题3:haircut小题4:dragon小题5:life小题6:test小题7:visit小题8:early小题9:sweet小题10:week 小题1:本题的含义为你能给我发送一个电子邮件吗,can后跟发送的动词原形send。小题2:本题的含义为贝蒂正躺在太阳光下看书,本题为现在进行的结构,故本句空格处填躺...

回答:1. transportation 2. hardly 3. illness 4. with 5. fishing 6. tourists 7. grows 8. vacation 9. balance 10. difference

因为空前有the ,应填一个名词,结合语境及句意可知填beauty。小题5:考查名词。句意:我们必须向英雄学习。hero 英雄,其复数形式为加-es。小题6:考查形容词。句意:她愿意和我一起去。willing 是一个形容词,愿意的,心甘情愿的。其句型是be willing to do sth.结合句意及语境可知填willing。小...

top\/ umbrella \/ hungry \/ try \/ below differences\/ pragliding \/ exciting \/ buildings \/ waiting CDCCA

1.根据句意及所给首字母提示补全句中所缺单词 1.We should try our best if we want to realize 实现梦想 our dream?2.Dr. Robot always treats his parents as his friends. 把父母当朋友一样 3.The hot weather lasted for a whole week,and it made everyone tried and sleepy ...

缺词填空: 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 补全空格内单词...
【小题1】句意:他总是很忙。结合句意及所给字母提示,故填busy 【小题2】句意:他总是很忙,不能阅读。根据后文开书店可知他想读书,故填reading 【小题3】句意:所以他离开学校在镇中心开了个书店,根据句意及怎么提示,故填center\/centre 【小题4】根据后文他能在家里阅读可知是书店关门时...

1.My friend Emma doesn't write as--well---(good)as her brother.2.The-more---(much)you practice ,the --better---(good)your English will be.1.The white car is long,the red bus is--longer---(更长).2.Jim's kite is high ,Bill's is---higher---than Jim's.(高...

小题1:根据句意:许多人都喜欢动物。animals动物小题2:根据句意:孩子们更喜欢动物。better更加小题3:根据句意:她的爸爸妈妈去年送给她的。to 给小题4:根据句意:她们总是在一起玩耍。always总是小题5:根据句意:当艾米骑车去学校的时候。第三人称单数之后用单词的单数,rides骑车小题6:根据...

根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出各单词的正确形式 (每...
昨天,当我们的老师发成绩的时候,她给了汤姆零分,因此她认为他是抄我的。分析:考查人称代词的宾格形式us.故选.us 【小题9】细节理解题。分析句意:我正担心如果我告诉了老师这个真相,她将会给我零分,并且我的父母也会惩罚我。分析:考查,真相的名词形式truth.故选truth 【小题10】细节理解题...

5.This is a watch.(改为复数句)__These___are __watches___.四、根据句意及括号内所给词的提示填空。1.These are__my___( I ) notebooks.2.Linda's grandfather has(有) three__daughters___(daughter).3.These _pictures___(picture) are white and black.4.Those __are___(be...

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子1.我知道下一步该做什么.I know - __ - ___ - ___ - ___ - .2.他总是第一个来的学生.He is always the first student - __ - ____.3.... -
上肯富马:[答案] 1. what to do next 2. to come 3. to learn the texts by heart 4. to drop put 5. to communicate with 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成下列句子:1:两天之后,他离开了北京 After - __ - ___ - ___ - days,he left Beijing 2:我们正在考虑是否要告诉她 We are ... -
上肯富马:[答案] 第一题 a couple of 第二题不知.

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意和提示完成句子 把药放到孩子们够不到的地方. Put the medicine - ______ - _______ - ________. -
上肯富马:[答案] 答案:beyond children's reach

蠡县18636561541: 请根据句意及括号内所给的提示完成句子1.Lucy always - _____piano before - _____has - _____dinner.2.Anne likes fruit,but - __ - ____(not) like vehetables.3. - ... -
上肯富马:[答案] plays she X does not your their never cleans are his Does like rides does not get sings talks

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子:When the chance - -------(到来),you should take it. -
上肯富马: 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子:When the chance【comes 】(到来),you should take it.

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意及中英文提示完成句子. 1. —Do you know who - ____( 发现)America?      —Columbus - ____(哥伦布).2. Autumn is the third    ... -
上肯富马:[答案] 1. discovered 2. season 3. temperature 4. brave 5. foxes6. awake 7. pop...

蠡县18636561541: 一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1.Parents always tell their kids not to talk with - _____________(陌生人).2.A thief went into the house and s_______ - ... -
上肯富马:[答案] 1 strangers父母告诉我们不要和陌生人说话.2 stole 一个小偷进入房内偷走了一些钱3 dinner你晚饭想吃什么?我想要冰淇淋4 garden老人在花园里种了一些花5 admire我敬佩他的才智和勇气6 laid不久前妈妈将她的书放在书...

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1.谁应为这次事故负责?Who should - ____ - _____ - ______this accident.2.他没有参加会议的主要原因是他妈妈病了,他不得... -
上肯富马:[答案] be responsible for The main reason why fun to play to have meals Can't you be it's polite It's necessary It was until It is said that it,to finish

蠡县18636561541: 完成句子根据句意及括号内的汉语提示完成句子1.Tina has the_____(有光泽的)hair of all the girls.2.They have never____(露面;演出)on CCTV.3.During ... -
上肯富马:[答案] 有光泽的 the most glossy/lustrous/sheeny 如果是中学,用 brightest 也行. shown up villagers stabbed into weighs farm.

蠡县18636561541: 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,用所给单词的适当形式填空,根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1.School - ____ - (开始) at 8:00 .2.My family - ____ - (有时) ... -
上肯富马:[答案] starts,sometimes,another,learns,American,noisy,pretty,photo,is talking,am doing,is reading,is putting,is watching,isn't reading,is playing,is working,is working

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