
作者&投稿:依性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

had done表示过去的过去,是过去完成时,表示你在她遇到烦心事前就不理解了,这不符合逻辑。而应该是她烦心之后你不理解,所以直接用过去式。

1. The basketball rough surface is advantageous for the player tograsp the ball.
2. Was sorry very much lets you feel disappointed, perhaps but I orcannot come.
3. The adult and the children all thought the exploration universe isa matter which stimulates very much.
4. Our attention is already attracted to the fireworks marvelous sightin.
5. In order to speak the clear own viewpoint, he also explained.

1.the basketball with rough surface is better for player to grasp.
2.i am sorry to let your spirits dampened .but i am afriad that i can't come.
3.the exploreing of the universe is excited both for the adult and the children.
4.our attention has already been fascinated by the amazing fireworks
5.he explained one thims another to make his view clear.

1.The rough surface of the basketball is convenient in a player's grasping a ball.
2.I'm very sorry and make you dampen, and but can't probably come as expected.
3.An adult and a child feel that it's 1 very exciting thing to search for all universe.
4.Our attention has been drawn by the skyrockets.
5.To illuminate his opinion,he explained it again.

1.The coarse surface of basketball is convenient for players to hold it.
2.I am sorry to disappoint you,but I still cannot come.
3.Adults and children all feel it exciting to explore the universe.
4Our attention has been drawn by the skyrockets.
5To illuminate his opinion,he explained it again.

1.The rude cover of basket is easy for player to handle.
2.Sorry to upset you.I'm afraid that I couldn't come.
3.Both adult and child take the disdcovery of universe as an attractive thing.
4.Our attention has been attracted to the fatastic fireworks.

2.While she was waiting,her phone rang 2。她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。3.We've become good friends since last summer 3。自从去年夏天,我们已经成为好朋友了。4.Your neihbour says your flat was burgled this afternoon 4。你的邻居说今天下午你的公寓遭偷窃了。(这句英文neihbour你...

1怎么脸色看起来这么难看!不是生病了吧?【어째서 얼굴색이 좋지 않아요!병난 거 아니예요? 】2 不吃饭怎么有力气继续努力学习呢?快点洗洗手来...

好像全是被动句的练习,其实楼主辛苦一下在百度知道搜索都有的 8天下的国家凭借什么来图谋秦国?疑问助词(何)前置,加强语气 9希望不要把我赶走。(幸勿弃我。)10应该立为王的人是公子扶苏。11就是现在聚集在墓中的人啊。傫(lěi垒)然:聚集的样子。12仔细看它,立刻觉得不是之前的那样东西。13...

“仲尼之徒无道桓文之事者,是以后世无传焉,臣未之闻也。无以,则王乎?”的意思是:“孔子这些人中没有讲述齐桓公、晋文公的事情的人,因此后世没有流传。我没有听说过这事。(如果)不能不说,那么还是说说行王道的事吧!”“ 是诚何心哉!我非爱其财而易之以羊也,宜乎百姓之谓我爱也。

1.Students ofen want to practice their English outside class.ofen 错了,应该是often 整句的意思是:学生常常想在课室外练习英语 2.Is okay to try to talk to foreigners I meet in the street?在街上遇到外国人时,是否可以尝试和他们交谈呢?3.Is't probably okay to talk to foreigners ...

对于这三个句子现在进行一一翻译。1-当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。When it rains all over the world, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.前面是一个时间状语从句,后面是一个祈使句。2-极美的星夜,天上没有一朵浮云。深蓝色的夜空,满缀着钻石般的繁星...

在自己面前应该一直留有一个地方,然后去爱。不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人,可是这种等待就是爱情本身。Save a place for yourself, before going out to love.You don‘t have to know who to love, how to love, or how long your ...

翻译句子,解释语法 Thanks a lot!
我已经在藏在茫茫的黑暗中,等待猎物到来。主句I have hidden in the darkness of the place 分词短语waiting for the arrival of prey...表示等待的目的

照几张相给你发过去?17你那么想的奇奇~!奇奇有外遇了^^ 18你那么想的奇奇~!奇奇有外遇了^^ 19加油~!加油!20今天好好的睡一觉 21当然有资格 22好想上次在家吃的辣子鸡。在做一次?做一次试试,好吃给你做,不要太期待!读完感觉怪怪的!有些翻译完有那么一点点的意思上的变化。纯手打 ...

are afraid of heights,not me I'afraid of widths.最后一个了!Fighting哟~~许多人畏惧高度,而我不是,我害怕广度。【20】If you have a finger in a pie,you have an interest in something 最后这句我不太明白,只知道一个短语是have your finger in every pie 是多管闲事的意思 ...

贵南县14779756663: 英语句子翻译
夔和金栀: 1.这个小孩很早上学 The kid starts school life very early. 2.他们晚上不做作业 They don't do homework at night. 3.怀特一家每天9点睡觉 The Whites go to sleep every day at 9 o'clock. 4.但今天,他们却不行上学 But today, they go to school on foot. 5....

贵南县14779756663: 英语翻译英语句子求翻译,1.昨天晚上我到家时我母亲在看电视2树上有七个苹果3oh,那个女孩真漂亮4我姑妈乘公交去上班5我们已经学了十多年英语了求... -
夔和金栀:[答案] My mother was watching TV when I got home last night. There are seven apples on the tree. Oh!What a beautiful girl!/ How pretty the girl is! My aunt goes to work by bus. We have been learning English for over ten years.

贵南县14779756663: 翻译英语句子
夔和金栀: 1.我们需要通过减少道路上的车辆以降低燃料消耗consumption We should reduce the consumption of energy by decreasing the vehicles on the road. 2.电费上涨增加了我们的负担add to The rise of electrical charge added to our burden. 3.你应该自...

贵南县14779756663: 英语句子翻译
夔和金栀: 1、她比她姐姐更外向一点 She is more outgoing than her sister. 2、一定不要让你父母失望 Don't let your parents down. Don't disappointed your parents. 3、我妈妈已经习惯了步行上班 My mother gets used to work by foot. 4、他是多么诚实的男孩...

贵南县14779756663: 翻译英语句子 -
夔和金栀: 一.1.帮助… help with 2.参加艺术俱乐部 join art club 3.说一点英语 speak a little English 4.与…相处的很好 get along well with 5.填写(表格) fill in a form 6.想当一名音乐家 to be a musician 7.摇滚音乐 rock music 8.游泳俱乐部 swimming club 9.12...

贵南县14779756663: 英语句子翻译 -
夔和金栀: 1.过后他们才知道他已经走了2.它们不是很多,并且它们把自己拉伸得很薄3.结果出乎意料4.我想知道墙是否可以抵抗海(冲击)的力量5.我不知道为什么发明是需要之母6.我们没有意识到我们必须改进运输的方式...

贵南县14779756663: 英语句子翻译 -
夔和金栀: . Today's weather is as good as yesterday's weather. 2 John every Wednesday are back to help the teacher clean the classroom health. 3 Tengen raining, the streets almost no one. 4 When he knocked on the door, I was calling my mother. 5 If the ...

贵南县14779756663: 翻译英语句子 -
夔和金栀: 1. 那位英国人花了一年多的时间学习汉语.2. 我兄弟泰德花了200元买这些书.

贵南县14779756663: 英语翻译找英语高手翻译个句子.下午的时候我会给你一个惊喜. -
夔和金栀:[答案] I will give you a surprise in the afternoon.或者this afternoon(今天下午).

贵南县14779756663: 翻译英语句子
夔和金栀: 1.The children cried with delight ai the sight of the sea. 2.I didn't catch on what you said just now, could you say that again? 3.Although he was conscious of the difficulty of the tast, he still accepted it. 4.To this day, when I recall what happened that day, I still feel confused

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