关于Would you like的用法

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would you like的用法~

to do sth.喜欢做某事,注意用在简要回答中可用I WOULD LIKE TO /LOVE TO状语从句亦是如此 ;sth.喜欢某物或某样食品、饭菜......,简要回答直接用:I WOULD LIKE,从句一样。

1:would you like+名词
例:would you like anything to eat
2:would you like +that 从句
例:would you like that I open the window?
3:would you like to do sth

Would you like 的用法 :

Would you like...?是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿, 是否“想要……”或委婉地提出请求、 建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用 should like。should / would like 与动词 want 同义,但语气比 want 更委婉,更礼貌。


1、 后接名词或代词。

Would you like some bread? 你想要面包吗? 

Would you like something to drink/eat? 你想要喝点/吃点什么吗? 


Would you like to go with me? 你想和我一起去吗?

3、 后接不定式复合结构,表示想要某人做某事。

Would youlike him to do the work?你想要他去做这项工作吗? 

如果你问别人要什么就用一般疑问句的句型“Would youlike...?”或特 殊疑问句的句型“What would you like...?”。 对于一般疑问句的肯定回答可以说“Yes, please.”,否定回答可以说“No, thanks.”;

对于特殊疑问句的回答可以直接说出想要的东 西,即:I'd like...当然,对 Would you like...?句型的答语也是很灵活的,要根据说话人 双方的不同语境而定。


A、 —Would you like another cup of tea? 你还要一杯茶吗? 

—No, thanks. / Yes, please. 不,谢谢。/ 是的, 请来些吧。

B、—Would you like to go out for a walk? 你喜欢出去散步吗?

—Yes, I'd like to. 好吧,很高兴去。 

C、 — Would you like to have a party with me this afternoon? 今晚你能和我一 起去参加一个晚会吗?

— Sorry, I'm afraid not.对不起, 我恐怕不能去


1、Would you like to tell me what happened? 


2、Would you like me to interpret for you? 


3、What about you? Would you like to come and live in Paris and work for me? 


4、How would you like to have dinner one night? 


5、Here's your change. Would you like a bag? 


下面是Would you like...的几种主要用法:

1、Would you like后面接名词 :

(1)Would you like a glass of water?你想喝杯水吗?

(2)Would you like some apples?你想要(吃)苹果吗?

2、Would you like后面接动词不定式 :

(1)Would you like to play with me?你愿意和我一起玩吗?

(2)Would you like to have a rest?你要休息一下吗?

3、Would you like后接名词或代词+动词不定式

(1)Would you like me to call a taxi我去叫一部出租车来怎么样?

(2)Would you like my father to teach you english?你想叫我爸爸教你英语吗?

Would you like...是一个语气婉转的习惯用语,常常用来询问某人现在的意志和愿望,意为“愿意”、“想要”和Do you want...用法相同,但较之委婉、礼貌。在说英语的国家里,Would you like...更常用,其肯定回答是:“Yes,please.”若是否定回答,可说 ::“No,thanks.”




Would you help me?你可以帮我吗?

Would you explain this to me?这个你可以给我讲一下吗?


What did you do every morning in US?在美国,你每天早上做什么?

would wake up at 6:00 AM,and then I would have breakfast.我会在6点起床,然后去吃早餐


if...,I would...如果怎样,我会怎样

If I were president,I would change the education system.我如果我是总统,我会改变教育体系

If I were rich,I would buy a house.如果我有钱,我会买一栋房子

If I had time,I would help you.如果我有时间,我会帮你

Would you like…?的用法

(1) 用于请人吃东西,意为:你要点……吗? 你要来点……吗? A:Would you like a cigarette? 抽支烟吗?
B:No, thank you. 不抽,谢谢。
A:Would you like a cup of tea? 要来杯茶吗?
B:Yes, please. Thanks. 好,来一杯吧,谢谢。
(2) 用于提出邀请时征求对方意见,意为:你想……吗? 你愿意做……吗? 如:
A:Would you like to go to the movies tonight? 你今晚想去看电影吗?
B:I’d like to. What time? 我很愿意,几点钟?
A:Would you like to come with us? 你愿意同我们一起去吗?
B:I’m afraid I can’t. I have some letters to write.
(3) 用于询问对方是否需要某物或是否需要某人做某事等,意为:你需要……吗? 如:
A:Would you like some help? 你需要帮助吗?
B:Yes, please. 是的,请帮我一把吧。
A:Would you like such a dictionary? 你想要那样一本词典吗?
B:Yes, of cousre. 当要想要。
A:Would you like me to come along with you? 要我跟你一起去吗?
B:Oh,thank you. I’d rather go there alone. 噢,谢谢你,我想一个人去。
(4) 有时可用于提出请求,意为:请你做……好吗? 如:
A:Would you like to clear the table? 请你收拾桌子行吗?)
B:Okay. 行。
A:Would you like to turn that music down? 请你把音乐放小点行吗?
B:Yes, sorry. 可以,对不起。
,意为:你需要……吗? 如:
A:Would you like some help? 你需要帮助吗?
B:Yes, please. 是的,请帮我一把吧。
A:Would you like such a dictionary? 你想要那样一本词典吗?
B:Yes, of cousre. 当要想要。
A:Would you like me to come along with you? 要我跟你一起去吗?
B:Oh,thank you. I’d rather go there alone. 噢,谢谢你,我想一个人去。
(4) 有时可用于提出请求,意为:请你做……好吗? 如:
A:Would you like to clear the table? 请你收拾桌子行吗?)
B:Okay. 行。
A:Would you like to turn that music down? 请你把音乐放小点行吗?
B:Yes, sorry. 可以,对不起。

Would you like +名词 ”你想要点。。。“
Would you like +to do sth."你想要...吗"
Would you please + do sth.”请你。。。“
please + do sth.

Would you like to look around?
Would you like one more glass?
Would you please come tonight?
Would you please not do this ?

Would you like +名词 译:你想要点.....
Would you like +to do sth 译:你想要...吗?
Would you please + do sth. 译:请你.....
Would you like…?用于请人吃东西,意为:你要点……吗? 你要来点……吗? A:Would you like a cigarette? 抽支烟吗?还用于提出邀请时征求对方意见,意为:你想……吗? 你愿意做……吗?

龙子湖区17157864934: 关于Would you like的用法 -
印羽逍遥:[答案] 常用句型如下:Would you like +名词 ”你想要点.“Would you like +to do sth."你想要...吗"Would you please + do sth.”请你.“please + do sth.Would you like to look around?你想各处看看吗?Would you like o...

龙子湖区17157864934: 英语关于 would you like的句式 -
印羽逍遥: 因为问句中用would like to,答最好也是would like to.want也可以,那问句就是do you want to go boating with me,但不是最好的.

龙子湖区17157864934: Would you like什么意思 -
印羽逍遥: 意思:你想吗,你希望吗,你愿意吗? 相关短语: Would you you like China 你觉得中国好吗Would you like to 你愿意 ; 想呀想 ; 你要来吗 ; 您想Would you like me 你会喜欢我拓展资料: wouldwould(Britain):[wud] would(US):[wud],在...

龙子湖区17157864934: 关于Would you like的用法 -
印羽逍遥: 常用句型如下:Would you like +名词 ”你想要点...“ Would you like +to do sth."你想要...吗" Would you please + do sth.”请你...“ please + do sth.Would you like to look around?你想各处看看吗?Would you like one more glass?您需要再来一杯么?Would you please come tonight?你今晚来一下好吗?Would you please not do this ?请你不要这样做好吗?

龙子湖区17157864934: Would you like...有什么句型,怎么使用,什么意思?具体一点,急用,我们期末复习. -
印羽逍遥:[答案] "Would you like../" 句式大家已经接触很久了,今天,我们就来深入的了解一下它:句中的like后面常接名词、代词和动词不定式,表示/"你想要./",与/"Do you want.../" 意思相近,但前者语气比后者委婉,用来礼貌地提出请求、征求对方意见...

龙子湖区17157864934: Would You Like(单曲) - 搜狗百科
印羽逍遥:[答案] would you like 你想不想;您是否希望 I.Would you like sth.如: Would you like some oranges? (=Do you want some oranges?) 你想吃些桔子吗? II.Would you like to do sth.如: Would you like to drink a cup of tea? (=Do you want to drink a cup of tea?)...

龙子湖区17157864934: 英语关于 would you like的句式would you like to go boating with me?用I 还是用I'd like to 为什么?want,不过有点争议 -
印羽逍遥:[答案] 因为问句中用would like to,答最好也是would like to.want也可以,那问句就是do you want to go boating with me,但不是最好的.

龙子湖区17157864934: would you like的用法
印羽逍遥: to do sth.喜欢做某事,注意用在简要回答中可用I WOULD LIKE TO /LOVE TO状语从句亦是如此 ;sth.喜欢某物或某样食品、饭菜......,简要回答直接用:I WOULD LIKE,从句一样.

龙子湖区17157864934: would you like+动词?的应答语是什么? -
印羽逍遥: Would you like后动词要用不定式(to do)形式肯定回答:Yes, I'd like to.(to 不可以省略)否定回答:I'd like to,but……

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