
作者&投稿:木雯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I've read the book To Be With You.It is a book telling a story of the Bear Teddy's family.In the story ,the bears always think of others ,and help them if they have problems.The book is softly fragrant,and we should learn from the bear's family.

本论文利用A与B在没有催化剂存在的情况下反应生成C。并通过三因素三水平正交试验得到了C的最佳反应条件,最佳反应条件为:反应温度X ℃,反应时间Y h,反应压力Z MPa。通过研究反应温度、反应时间、反应压力与A的吸附量以及产物粘度的关系可知,反应温度越高,A的吸附量以及产物粘度越大,但反应压力、反应时间对A的吸附量以及产物的粘度影响不大。比较反应温度、反应时间、反应压力三者之间的实验结果可知,A的吸附量与产物粘度有密切的关系,A的吸附量越大,产物粘度也越大。并通过红外光谱、碳谱检测手段表征了C的结构,利用凝胶渗透色谱计算出C的聚合度。

In this paper, using A and B in the absence of reaction in the presence of C catalyst. And the best reaction conditions of C were obtained by three factors and three levels of orthogonal test, the optimum reaction conditions were: reaction temperature X ℃, reaction time Y, reaction pressure h, Z MPa. The adsorption capacity of the reaction temperature, reaction time, reaction pressure and A and the relationship between the product viscosity, the higher the reaction temperature, the adsorption quantity of A and the viscosity of product is high, but the A adsorption amount of reaction pressure, reaction time and the effect of the product viscosity is not. The experimental results were compared between the reaction temperature, reaction time, reaction pressure three shows, there is a close relationship between the A adsorption amount and the viscosity of product, the more the adsorption of A, the viscosity of product is greater. And characterized by infrared spectroscopy, NMR detection was characterized by means of C, using gel permeation chromatography to calculate the degree of polymerization of C.

尝试联系你无果,实际上就是要说你这个是高度专业化的翻译,强烈建议寻找电气或机械工程专业的人士进行磋商而不是仅找会英文的人。以下的翻译仅供最粗浅的参考。部分我不确定如何翻译得专业词汇我用引号标记了出来,并在后面的括号中注明其本应对应的中文。其实最关键的是那个“给HOIST BRAKE提供电源的整流电路集成电路板”,就是那个你让厂方索赔的东西的翻译要十分十分的准确,毕竟是索赔对象嘛!!

Yesterday when we were carrying the “drain tap” (排气阀) of the “mainframe” (主机) we found that the hoister for the “engine room” (机舱) couldn’t perform hoisting. After checking the control box of the vehicle we found the switch 3F1 tripped, even after we tried to reset it. After we had received and read the drawings and handbooks from the factory, we checked the vehicle again, pulling the wire (X1.18, X1.19) off from the plug board and resetting switch 3F1, only to find that the switch worked well. This proved that there was no problem in the “rectified circuit” (整合电流) between the control box and the “hoist brake motor”(升降马达刹车),and that the problem occurred in the rectified circuit of the power supply for the hoist brake’s coil. More specifically, the malfunction of the“diode rectifier” (整流二极管) short-circuited the AC side of the whole circuit, furthermore causing switch 3F1 to trip. We also checked the insulated resistor and “三相绕组线圈” (实在不知道怎么翻译) and they worked as normal. Thus now we claim the cost of A1“IC board in the rectified circuit” (整流电流集成电路) that supply power for the hoist brake and request that the factory “将其供船” (不知何意) (Due to the damage of that circuit, we went through painstaking procedures to hoist and install the drain tap. Yet we are not able to move away the removed drain tap, (这里没有翻译“只能用葫芦”,因为不知道是什么意思) which is now placed on the top floor of the “mainframe vat” (主机缸), which is very unsafe. We are also unable to remove other two drain taps in urgent need of removal.)

P.S. 我一般不这样说其他人,但你这段话涉及严肃重要的话题,我不得不说,仅从文法正确和通畅角度前面1至4楼的翻译都没有我的准确。而专业术语的翻译我们几个半斤八两,如前述请你务必找专业人士咨询,不是开玩笑的。

Yesterday we lifted the host when the exhaust valve lift suddenly can not control the vehicle cabin, check the traffic control box found in the control box power switch 3F1
Tripped power, we reset them, but still jump at power. We have received and read the factory-related drawings and specifications, the failure to continue today to check on the vehicle, the wiring (X1. 18, X1.19) disconnected from the terminal block on the 3F1 reset, that switch can be closed , that from the control box to lift the crane motor brake rectifier power cord is no problem, the problem in the brake coil to provide power to the rectifier circuit, the diode rectifier circuit damage caused by short circuit and cause the AC side power switch 3F1 jumping power. We also measured the HOISTING MOTORS (3M1.1, 3M1.2) insulation resistance and three-phase windings, that is normal; remove HOIST BRAKE coil (in front of the 3Y1 is not found, but the drawings are some) of the wiring and measure insulation and windings, also found normal. HOIST BRAKE now we provide power to the rectifier circuit integrated circuit board (A1) to claim, and called for the factory as soon as the ship (due to damage to the circuit, when the exhaust valve in the lifting hoist we only took nine before the power of cow tigers into the exhaust valve, but removed the exhaust valve on the master cylinder as the first layer hanging can not go very bad for security, and the exhaust valve is also host two other much-needed change, but Now these are not complete.).

Yesterday we were hoisting host vent suddenly cabin driving cannot undertake lift control, check traffic control box found control box power switch 3F1
Happen jump electricity, we carry on the reduction, but still leapt electricity. We received and read manufacturer related drawings and specifications, from today on the traffic fault continue to inspect, wiring (clamps its X1. 18, X1.19) from wiring row withdraw, to 3F1 are reset, and found that the switch can close, explain from lifting motor control box to crane brake rectifier circuit power without question, the problem of coil to provide power to brake rectifier diode rectifier circuit circuit, damage caused by exchange short-circuit causing the power switch 3F1 jump electricity. We also measured

HOISTING MOTORS (3M1. 1, 3M1... 2) insulation resistance and three-phase windings, found normal, Unload HOIST Volkswagen coil (front 3Y1 not found, while drawing is some) of wiring and measuring insulation and the windings, also found normal. Now our to provide power to HOIST Volkswagen of rectifier circuit chips (A1) for the compensation, and requires the manufacturer as soon as possible for ship (due to the damage of this circuit, in hoisting vent valve when we can only use gourd had the dickens will vent load, but due to remove the exhaust valve on host of cylinder head layer can't walk, the safety hang is bad, and host the other two vent also need change, but now these tasks are unable to complete. .

Yesterday we while hanging luck host row to annoy valve suddenly the passenger compartment went a car to carry on to ascend and descend a control, the check goes a car control the box discovered the control power switch inside the box 3 F1s
The occurrence jumps an electricity, as to it's do we carry on resetting, but still keep jumping an electricity right away.We receive and after reading the factory square related diagram paper and manual, continue to carry on a check towards going car breakdown today, will connect line(X1.18, X1.19)from connect the line row takes off to open and carries on resetting to the 3 F1s, discover the switch can close and explain from the control box to hang the power cable that the machine rise and fall motor brake commutates electric circuit to have no problem, the problem appears in providing commutating of the power electric circuit for brake coil and commutate electric circuit diode the damage make the side short circuit then resulted in the power switch 3 F1s' jumping an electricity.We also measured HOISTING insulating of MOTORS(3 M1.1s, 3 M1.2s) electric resistance and three mutually round a set of coil, discover as usual;Unload connecting of the coil of HOIST BRAKE(front of the 3 Y1s didn't find out, and diagram paper ascend certain) line and measure to insulate and round a set of coil, also discover as usual.Now we to give HOIST BRAKE to provide the power of commutate electric circuit integrated circuit the plank(A1) carry on claim, and request a square of factory to provide the ship he/she as soon as possible(because of the damage of that electric circuit, while hanging to pack row spirit valve we can be used a bottle gourd fee the dint of the tremendous amount just will line up spirit valve to pack go into, but dismantle next of row spirit valve because of put can not mourn to walk at the host urn head layer, very disadvantageous to safety, and host moreover two row spirit the valve also need replace urgently to, but these works can not complete now.).

Yesterday we were hoisting host vent suddenly cabin driving cannot undertake lift control, check traffic control box found control box power switch 3F1 happen jump electricity, we carry on the reduction, but still leapt electricity. We received and read manufacturer related drawings and specifications, from today on the traffic fault continue to inspect, wiring (clamps its X1. 18, X1.19) from wiring row withdraw, to 3F1 are reset, and found that the switch can close, explain from control box to crane

Lifting motor braking power rectifier circuit: no problem, the problem of coil to provide power to brake rectifier diode rectifier circuit circuit, damage caused by exchange short-circuit causing the power switch 3F1 jump electricity. We also measured HOISTING MOTORS (3M1. 1, 3M1... 2) insulation resistance and three-phase windings, found normal, Unload HOIST Volkswagen coil (front 3Y1 not found, while drawing is some) of wiring and measuring insulation and the windings, also found normal. Now our to provide power to HOIST Volkswagen of rectifier circuit chips (A1) for the compensation, and requires the manufacturer as soon as possible for ship (due to the damage of this circuit, in hoisting vent valve when we can only use gourd had the dickens will vent load, but due to remove the exhaust valve on host of cylinder head layer can't walk, the safety hang is bad, and host the other two vent also need change, but now these tasks are unable to complete.

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四方台区18183873625: 急!急!急!~有哪位好心人可以帮忙解决下啊???求下面一段话的英文翻译~~~本人万分感谢~ -
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四方台区18183873625: 急!谁能帮我翻译下面这段英文呢?万分感激!!! -
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蛮岸康复: 积分达到1500就可以点亮了

四方台区18183873625: 麻烦各位朋友帮我翻译下下面那段话,译成英文,十分感谢! -
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四方台区18183873625: 求助哪位高手帮我翻译下面这段英文.万分感谢! -
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四方台区18183873625: 希望大家帮忙翻译下这段话,万分感谢?
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