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standing at other people's point of view
consider things from other's point of view

英 [stænd] 美 [stænd]
verb【不规则形式】 stood, stood
vt.& vi.站立,(使)直立,站着
1. 站立;立;直立 to be on your feet; to be in a vertical position
[V] She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。
2. [V] ~ (up) 站起来;起立 to get up onto your feet from another position
Everyone stood when the President came in. 总统进来,大家都站了起来。
3. [VN + adv./prep.] 使直立;竖放;使站立 to put sth/sb in a vertical position somewhere
Stand the ladder up against the wall. 把梯子靠墙立好。
4. [V + adv./prep.] 位于(某处) to be in a particular place
The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield. 那座城堡坐落在一片古战场上。
5. [V-ADJ] 处于(某种状态或情形) to be in a particular condition or situation
The house stood empty for a long time. 那所房子空了好长一段时间。
6. [V-N] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) 高度为;高达 to be a particular height
The tower stands 30 metres high. 塔高30米。
7. [V] ~ at sth 达特定水平(或数量、高度等) to be at a particular level, amount, height, etc.
Interest rates stand at 3%. 利率为3%。
8. [V + adv./prep.] 停;停靠 to be in a particular place, especially while waiting to go somewhere
The train standing at platform 3 is for London, Victoria. 停在第3站台的火车开往伦敦维多利亚站。
9. [V] 停滞;不流动;放着不动 to remain still, without moving or being moved
Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes. 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。
10. [V] 保持有效;维持不变 if an offer, a decision, etc. made earlier stands , it is still valid
My offer still stands. 我的出价仍然算数。
11. [V to inf] 很可能做某事 to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth
You stand to make a lot from this deal. 你很可能会从这笔生意中大赚一笔。
12. [V] ~ (on sth)(对某事)持某种态度,有某一观点,采取某种立场 to have a particular attitude or opinion about sth or towards sb
Where do you stand on private education? 你对民办教育持什么观点?
13. [no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (尤用于否定句和疑问句,强调不喜欢)容忍,忍受 used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not like sb/sth
同义词: bear
[VN] I can't stand his brother. 他弟弟让我受不了。
I can't stand the sight of blood. 一看见血我就难受。
14. [VN] (尤与can或could连用)经受,承受,经得起 used especially with can/could to say that sb/sth can survive sth or can tolerate sth without being hurt or damaged
His heart won't stand the strain much longer. 他的心脏对这种压力承受不了多久。
15. [no passive] 花钱请(某人喝饮料或吃饭);买…请客 to buy a drink or meal for sb
[VN] He stood drinks all round. 他请客,让大家喝了饮料。
16. ~ (for/as sth) 做候选人;参选 to be a candidate in an election
He stood for parliament (= tried to get elected as an MP) . 他竞选过议会议员。
stand aside
站到一边;让开 / 不参与;不介入;置身事外 / 退居一旁;让位于他人;靠边
stand back (from sth)
往后站;退后 /位于离…有一段距离的地方 / 置身事外(来考虑)
stand between sb/sth and sth
stand by
袖手旁观;无动于衷 / 做好随时行动的准备;做好准备
stand by sb
stand by sth
stand down
1.~ (as sth) 离职;退职;下台
2.(of a witness 证人) 退出证人席
stand for sth
1.(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (指缩写或符号)是…意思,代表
to be an abbreviation or symbol of sth
stand in (for sb)
代替,顶替(某人) 同义词: deputize
stand out (as sth)
stand out (from/against sth)
stand over sb
stand up
stand up for sb/sth
stand up (to sth)
stand up to sb
stand up to sth
(of materials, products, etc. 材料、产品等) 能承受,经受得住,耐(…) 同义词: withstand
英 [kənˈsɪdə(r)] 美 [kənˈsɪdər ]
vt.& vi. 考虑;把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何;考虑,细想
vt. 考虑;认为;以为;看重
vi. 仔细考虑;深思
1.(尤指为作出决定而)仔细考虑,细想 to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision
[VN] She considered her options. 她仔细考虑了自己的各种选择。
2. ~ sb/sth (as) sth 认为;以为;觉得 to think of sb/sth in a particular way
[VN-N] This award is considered (to be) a great honour. 这项奖被视为极大的荣誉。
3. [VN] 体谅;考虑到;顾及 to think about sth, especially the feelings of other people, and be influenced by it when making a decision, etc.
You should consider other people before you act. 你在行动之前应当考虑到别人。
4. [VN] (formal) 端详;注视 to look carefully at sb/sth
He stood there, considering the painting. 他站在那里,凝视着那幅画。
1. all things considered 从各方面看来;考虑到所有情况;总而言之
thinking carefully about all the facts, especially the problems or difficulties, of a situation
She's had a lot of problems since her husband died but she seems quite cheerful, all things considered. 自从丈夫死后,她面临很多困难,但总的来说她看上去情绪还是挺乐观的。
2. your considered opinion 成熟的意见;经过深思熟虑的意见
your opinion that is the result of careful thought

Import documentary business - domestic transport of the goods
Process of import documentary business (domestic transport of goods) :

1.The buyer paid some costs to forwarder, including DDC:Destination Delivery Charge THC:Terminal Handing Charge, etc.

2.The buyer arranged the domestic transportation. If the goods are to be very urgent, the buyer could arrange part cargo unloading to the factory's warehouse through road transport. If the goods are not to be very urgent, and then can be directly shipped to the factory through river transport. (generally domestic port of destination is in Changshu city, Jiangsu province. It will take about one week to arrive plant wharf (port of Chenglingji ) for river transportation )

3.The cargo reached the factory wharf, then the buyer discharged goods, registered quantity of the goods, and registered the information of goods on the company's website.

4.Cancel after verification for tax reimbursement for export. Buyer payed import VAT to customs, obtained the goods bill of value added tax (17%). Then cancel after verification for tax reimbursement for export according to VAT invoice. For example, the paper pulp imported from the seller's factory was $500 a tonne of price including tax, and tax refund rate was 13%. The import tax rebate = 500 / (1 + 0.17) * 13% = $55.55. This means the buyer can be refund $55.55 to the IRS for every ton.


岳阳楼记 第一段的原文和翻译

第五段翻译:唉!我曾经探求古时品德高尚的人的思想感情 ,或许不同于(以上)两种人的心情,这是为什么呢?(是由于)不因外物好坏和自己得失而或喜或悲。在朝廷上做官时,就为百姓担忧;在江湖上不做官时,就为国君担忧。这样来说在朝廷做官也担忧,在僻远的江湖也担忧。既然这样,那么他们什么时候...


当他的其中的一个学生听到他要离开,她对他说,新来的老师是不会像你一样优秀的,Mr Lewis当他听到这句话十分的开心,但他却说,哦,不。新来的老师将会和我一样优秀甚至会更好。 这个学生说道,不,当我来的时候五个老师已经来了又去了,并且每个新来的老师比前一个更糟糕。

琵琶行第三段原文 琵琶行第三段原文及翻译



《乌江自刎》译文 项羽的军队在垓下安营扎寨,士兵越来越少,粮食也吃没了,刘邦的汉军和韩信、彭越的军队又层层包围上来。夜晚,听到汉军的四周都在唱着楚地的歌谣,项羽大惊失色地说:“汉军把楚地都占领了吗?不然,为什么汉军中楚人这么多呢?”项羽连夜起来,到军帐中喝酒。回想过去,有美丽的虞姬...

《少年中国说》第二段翻译 红日刚刚升起,道路充满霞光;黄河从地下冒出来,汹涌奔泻浩浩荡荡;潜龙从深渊中腾跃而起,它的鳞爪舞动飞扬;小老虎在山谷吼叫,所有的野兽都害怕惊慌,雄鹰隼鸟振翅欲飞,风和尘土高卷飞扬;奇花刚开始孕起蓓蕾,灿烂明丽茂盛茁壮;干将剑新磨,闪射出光芒。头顶着苍天,脚踏...

源汇区18355929927: 翻译文段 -
闳静痔疾: December 16, 2008, American President Bush in Iraq's at the press conference, is gripped by Iraqi reporter Edie to throw continuously 2 shoes, although 2 shoes have not thrown, but has caused the great unrest in the entire Arabic area.

源汇区18355929927: 英语翻译文段为“伯牙善鼓琴,钟子期善听.伯牙鼓琴,志在高山.钟子期曰:“善哉,洋洋兮若江河.”………………伯牙乃舍琴而叹曰:“善哉善哉,子之... -
闳静痔疾:[答案] 全篇翻译: 传说先秦的琴师伯牙一次在荒山野地弹琴,樵夫钟子期竟能领会这是描绘“巍巍乎志在高山”和“洋洋乎志在流水”.伯牙惊曰:“善哉,子之心与吾同.”子期死后,伯牙痛失知音,摔琴断弦,终身不操,故有高山流水之曲. 春秋时代,有...

源汇区18355929927: 把下列《论语》中的文段翻译成现代汉语子路问成人.子曰:“若臧武仲之知,公绰之不欲,卞庄子之勇,冉求之艺,文之以礼乐,亦可以为成人矣.”曰:... -

源汇区18355929927: 把下列《论语》中的文段翻译成现代汉语宰予昼寝,子曰:“朽木不可雕也,粪土(1)之墙不可圬(2)也,于予与何诛(3)!”子曰:“始吾于人也,听其... -

源汇区18355929927: 阅读下列文段,翻译句子.江乙对荆宣王荆宣王问群臣曰:“吾闻北方之畏昭奚恤也,果诚何如?”群臣莫对.江乙对曰:“虎求百兽而食之,得狐.狐曰... -
闳静痔疾:[答案] 1.听说北方诸侯都害怕楚令尹昭奚恤,果真是这样的吗? 2.老虎不明白群兽是害怕自己才逃跑的,以为是害怕狐狸. 3.现在大王的国土方圆5000里,大军百万,却由昭奚恤独揽大权.所以,北方诸侯害怕昭奚恤,其实是害怕大王的军队,这就像群兽...

源汇区18355929927: 把下列《论语》中的文段翻译成现代汉语子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩.” -

源汇区18355929927: 把下列《论语》中的文段翻译成现代汉语子曰:“巧言、令色、足恭(1),左丘明(2)耻之,丘亦耻之.匿怨而友其人,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之.”  注释... -
闳静痔疾:[答案] 孔子说:“花言巧语,装出好看的脸色,摆出逢迎的姿式,低三下四地过分恭敬,左丘明认为这种人可耻,我也认为可耻.把怨恨装在心里,表面上却装出友好的样子,左丘明认为这种人可耻,我也认为可耻...

源汇区18355929927: 翻译英文文段
闳静痔疾: 你对我说:你是愿意和我一起走下去的人! 我感觉很快乐.只是现在,因为你,我们没有到达最后.

源汇区18355929927: 英语文段翻译
闳静痔疾: Every afternoon started one to two hours of extra-curricular activities, there are many interest groups, math, calculators, science, English, and many orchestras, sports

源汇区18355929927: 阅读下列文段,翻译画线的句子. 噫!以兹丘之胜,致之沣、镐、鄠、杜,则贵游之士争买者,日增千金而愈不可得. 今弃是州也,农夫、渔夫过而陋之.... -
闳静痔疾:[答案] 答案:解析: (1)如今被遗弃在这个州内,农夫渔夫从这里走过而看不起它. (2)这个小丘难道真的碰到了赏识它的人了吗? (3)把这篇文章刻写在石头上,就是用来祝贺这个小丘的遇合的.

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