谁能帮我翻译一下,英文!!谢谢!!!! 大概是这个意思就行了!!!!!

作者&投稿:招君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


according to the bank Information tips,my credit card has been paid 122.5 pounds successfully in July 8, 2013。Why the shop deducted money several times in the later time,and the recent order status is displayed canceled?


shop 商家
deducted money 扣款
in the later time 之后(的一段时间)
the recent order status 近期订单状态


多少在做广告上花费总疑难。一些公司使用比较同等方法- 他们简单地匹配他们的竞争者的消费, 因此避免给战争做广告。其他人设置了他们的广告预算在当前的销售收入的某一百分比。但这两个方法忽视事实增加的广告消费或反经济循环周期做广告可能增加当前的销售。另一方面, 过份做广告是妨碍达到预期目的因为在许多曝光人民倾向于停止注意ads, 或开始发现他们激怒之后。并且一旦最有为的潜在客户被到达了, 有报酬减少, 即更曾经小的销售增加关于增加的广告的消费。

Weggis Rose is a famous Swiss town, where residents used to grow roses, the annual early July, the residents of the Rose Festival will celebrate its annual Rose Festival, the town will engage in various activities, the highlight of which is selected is Rose Queen of their own. Rose Festival, weekdays almost no shadows in the street, full of tourists. Terminal side of the square, a bustling market, the ice cream truck music, Shaokao Tan cries, play with the children's laughter, a rare form the hustle and bustle of the town scene, but also everywhere in the covered market Rose. In fact, the famous resort of Weggis, or many famous writers, musicians who have visited here, such as Goethe, such as Mark Twain, the Russian composer Rachmaninoff 1929-1939 lived here for ten years , and finally buried here, said that his descendants still live here. This is a very beautiful and magical land of tourism

Weggis is Switzerland famous rose town, dwellers here habit growing roses annually, in early July, here's residents will celebrate his MeiGuiJie annually, MeiGuiJie, a town will make various activities, including the grand opera, which is named them their own rose queen. MeiGuiJie period, ferial was almost figure avenue, is full of tourists. Wharf side of the square, have noisy market, ice cream truck music, barbecue booth, play the crying children's laughter, constitute the town rare blatant scene, market also rose hung everywhere. In fact Weggis or famous resorts, many famous writer, musicians have visit here, like Goethe, such as Mark Twain, while the Russian composer t. Cardiff 1929-1939 manasseh el nino live here ten years and, ultimately, reposing in the future generations, it is said that he still lives here. It is a very beautiful magical place to visit

Weggis is Switzerland famous rose town, dwellers here habit growing roses annually, in early July, here's residents will celebrate his MeiGuiJie annually, MeiGuiJie, a town will make various activities, including the grand opera, which is named them their own rose queen. MeiGuiJie period, ferial was almost figure avenue, is full of tourists. Wharf side of the square, have noisy market, ice cream truck music, barbecue booth, play the crying children's laughter, constitute the town rare blatant scene, market also rose hung everywhere. In fact Weggis or famous resorts, many famous writer, musicians have visit here, like Goethe, such as Mark Twain, while the Russian composer t. Cardiff 1929——1939 manasseh el nino live here ten years and, ultimately, reposing in the future generations, it is said that he still lives here. It is a very beautiful magical place to visit

喝茶的时候不能出声音,还有当有位女士来和离去的时候,所有在这张桌子的男人都应该起身,因为这样比较礼貌。I think afternoon tea must be a wonderful part of British people's daily life.我认为,下午茶一定是英国人每天中十分美好的一部分。为了方便理解,我修改了几个翻译,但是意思不变 ...

业内然后是篇:专家谈全国翻译专业资格考试 我们中国外文局翻译资格考评中心作为全国翻译资格水平考试的具体实施和组织单位,近期邀请全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试专家委员会的部分专家谈翻译考试,向考生介绍有关翻译考试的大纲、模块设置、题型、如何备考等相关问题。 【考试情况概要介绍】2003年3月人事部制定下发了《翻译...

there reading.18.他喜欢集邮。18. He likes collecting stamps.19.他学习英语有技巧。19. He is some skills in learning English.20.我不能确信会议什么时候开始。20. I can not make sure when the meeting started.21.这些书里面包含了你的无本。21. These books include five of yours....

Such a boring job is a waste of her talent.3. 她在这一领域很有名气,她的许多成就得到了认可。(receive recognition for…)She is very famous in this field, and have received recognition for many of her achievements.4. 我把手表给了他,作为交换,他把照相机给了我。(in exchange...

英译中 1 词汇量大的人不仅让人印象深刻,而且他\/她也能同时更好的与你沟通并理解一些复杂的观点。2 一个测试人类态度的研究机构发现词汇量丰富是成功人士的唯一共同点。3 它告诉你什么书可以读,那些看法你能理解。4 我们所学习的新单词其实也包括与之相关的词和句子。5 它代表了你的看法。它给予...

total fires extinguished fire truck mission level Assassination contract completed flight hours fishes fed sprayings weapon Budget fashion Budget property Budget Auto repair and painting Budget property Destoryed Highese media attention CRiminal Rating 好长,等我回家再翻,后面的不要抄我的哦 ...

帮我翻译一下LOVE story是什么意思?
译文:翻译:爱情故事我的日子里充满了对你的各种想法,你带着爱填满了我的夜晚。你是我生命中的彩虹。我知道这个世界里有一个人在等我,虽然我不知道他是谁。但是这些让我每天都感觉很快乐。重点词汇:LOVE 英[lʌv]释义:n.爱;爱情;喜好;(昵称)亲爱的;爱你的;心爱的人;钟爱之物...

回答:请确认你可以让橙色Pantone 138(下同)在 生产通知客户。 关于制定印刷,也´吗 可以送我们一件艺术品(其他客户)进行修改和适应它与西班牙 文本和标志吗? 这样我们会在白准备完整的作品 你的颜色和西班牙文本。 你能提前我们 大小OS计步器?我们需要为外箱。特别是随着 和深度。 望采纳

Accompany with flying of world economy to develop soon, the economic structure took place important variety, high and new technique business enterprise the comparison had is big more and more in each kind of economic entity, to the influence of the economic growth is also more and ...


呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我翻译一下英文
卫林炉甘: When I am old,I will still remember a girl named Juwanmeng

呼中区13779553185: 英语句子谁能帮我翻译一下?谢谢 -
卫林炉甘: 直译:我母亲不断把我介绍给她认为能做我丈夫的男人.意译:母亲遍寻良家子,已成东床之选 本句应为:My mother is keeping introducing me to men she considers to be prospective husbands.prospective 英[prəˈspektɪv] 美[prəˈspɛktɪv] adj. 未来的; 预期的; 可能的; 有希望的; [例句]The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers 这篇报道应该对其他潜在的购买者起到警示作用.

呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我翻译一下英文?
卫林炉甘: Go away, I hate you滚、我讨厌你 Get away as far as possible.滚得越远越好.

呼中区13779553185: 英文谁能帮我翻译一下是什么意思!谢谢!! -
卫林炉甘: 我也爱你.我们拥有一个幸福的家,家里有你,有我,有我们的宝贝孩子,我们将非常的开心,快乐,幸福

呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我用英语翻译下这句话?谢谢 -
卫林炉甘: 1. google和有道的翻译都是错的,语法混乱,用词不当.正确的说法请参考:The urban landscape is,colloquially,a kind of painting whose subject is the cityscape.2. 语法仍然混乱.正确的说法请参考:Posters are a kind of painting that is to publicize, agitate and creat an atmosphere of public opinions.绝对没错,请放心参考.希望能帮到你~~~

呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我翻译一下英语
卫林炉甘: 1.You owe me an apology. 2.This novel is based on3.It does not give out light. 4. publish the source of their campaign fund 5. The professor continues his lecture 6.We have to fly to the neariest airport 7.overcritical can only hinder his intelligence ...

呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我翻译英文
卫林炉甘: 1 This is my mother give me the modelcar 2 Ouch so cool 3can I play it 4 No,no,I want paly with myself 5Jaky give yourfriend car to paly.Be kind! 6 Ok 7Think you

呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我翻译一下这句话!谢谢(要译成英文):一对一根本没人能打败我,包括上帝! -
卫林炉甘:[答案] The one by one basic nobody can vanquish me and include God! 我尽力了!

呼中区13779553185: 谁能帮我翻译一下英语的
卫林炉甘: I'm not happy, because I want to make up missed lesson, to get up early, so I can't lie in

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