
作者&投稿:种宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Keeping love with you in the date of freshness forever.

You say that you are only a passer-by in our life, but you are the very passer-by much more important than many people . Merry Christmas, my best friend.

1It's not the legendary UFO?
1 该不会是传说中的UFO吧?
2 must be. On television UFO is such.
2 一定是.电视上的UFO就是这样的.
3 they chased the UFO flying in the direction of the run, UFO landed in a lawn. A seemingly human things from the UFO came out and coming toward them.
4 you humans wading get along. Nice to meet you. When I was a tour guide, can leave me a happy journey of earth、
4 你们人类好容易相处。很高兴认识你们。可以当我是导游,给我留下个快乐的地球之旅

1 it's not the legendary UFO?

2 must be. On television UFO is such.

3 they chased the UFO flying in the direction of the run, UFO landed in a lawn. A seemingly human things from the UFO came out and coming toward them.

4 you humans wading get along. Nice to meet you. When I was a tour guide, can leave me a happy journey of earth

1is it the UFO in the legend?
2yes UFO on TV is just like this?
3they chased after the direction of UFO which is dropping on to the lawn then. something 4seems like human beings walked out of the UFO and came toward them.
5they said you human beings are easy to get along with. nice to meet you. you can treat me like a tour guide, leave me a happy journey on earth.

1 This will not be the legendary UFO, right?
2 must be. television is such a UFO.
3 chasing the UFO flying in the direction they run, UFO landed on a lawn. Looks like something a man came out from UFO coming to them.
4 you humans to get along with great difficulty. Nice to meet you. Can be my tour guide, left me a happy Earth

It's not the legendary UFO?
Sure. UFO is such On television
3 they chased the UFO flying in the direction of the run, UFO landed in a lawn. A seemingly human things from the UFO came out and coming toward them.

4 humans wading get along. Nice to meet you. you can treat me as a tour guide and leave me a happy journey on earth

4、英语 英语是一种西日耳曼语,在中世纪早期的英国最早被使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。它是由德国人(Angles)命名的,该部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇已...

Good morning\/Good afternoon, Sirs! I am honored to be able to take part in this interview. My name is XXX and I come from XXX. I am seventeen years old. I am careful and not afraid of hardship. Although I will be working as a trainee for only a year, I am eager to...

粤语翻译 有人能帮我把 钟无艳 这首歌翻译成 粤语的白发文吗。。。怎 ...
kei sat gang paa nei zi dung dak yan soeng ngo ban hang 其实更怕你只懂得欣赏我品行 mou yan kap ngo yung zi zyut cung\/zung sap liu nei seon sam 无人及我用字绝重拾了你信心 mou yan man ngo ho gam sam yin ze wai daai - faa san 无人问我可甘心演这伟大 化身 kei sat...

森原 雪琳 もりはら せつりん morihara setsurin 千夜 月琪 ちよ(せにゃ) げつき chiyo(senya) getsuki 千夜 ちよ比せんや要好听得多 上面的名字基本都不是正宗日本人名字 根据每个汉字的读音规则喽 有的根据音读 有的根据训读 怎么好听怎么念就是了 现在的日本人名字本来就是五花把门的 ...

我看着她的眼睛,从她的眼睛里我发现,如果她的男孩还活着的话,我真的能成为我可以做的人。这句话因为没有上下文,所以读起来会很奇怪。我查到了那篇文章,结合文章这样理解:这位 Tom Anderson 有心理阴影(他的同学死了),所以很萎靡。如果他的同学(句中her boy,she是同学的母亲)还在世的话...


和美国人讲了同样语言" 。阿尔伯特・H. Marckwardt 和伦道夫突变最近表达了他们的结论, 他们英国英语和美国人把同样视为在他们的书里共同语言: 英国和美国英语。这是是节录从书读的介绍"英语二品种从未是很不同如同人们想象, 并且统治倾向, 几十年现在, 是那汇合和更加巨大的相似性。"...



3.a friend is the one who knows all about you and still likes you 朋友是知道你底细还仍然爱你的人 4. afriend is one of the nicest things you can have,and one of the best things you can be 朋友是最珍贵的,也是你自己能做的最好的 5.you can make more friends in two ...

高碑店市18663269118: 请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了· -
毓锦舒心: 1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者. The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations. 2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁. The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship . (介词...

高碑店市18663269118: 哪个英语高手能帮我把这几句中文翻译成英文?
毓锦舒心: 1,She drank three saliva! 2, she likes to see race cattle. 3, the groom and bride 4, A piece of meat cut into four pieces, the smashed bones

高碑店市18663269118: 英文高手帮我把这几句中文翻译成英文?
毓锦舒心: Boss I want to say No matter what you are in someone else mouth of a personI just want my future you are there I just want to later we can have a home I just want to be able to see you open your eyes every morning, lying on the distance from my recent appearance sleeping I just want us together again

高碑店市18663269118: 英语厉害的来!帮我把几句中文翻译成英语… 一定要标准!也不能太罗嗦,不能骗人哦、谢了…
毓锦舒心: 1. (you walked, is the perfect ending? But my heartache.) 2. (you go, my love would with you far away, has been watching.) 3. (at the moment, you feel my love to you?) 4. (you love or not, my love there will always love you.)

高碑店市18663269118: 谁英语好的帮帮忙帮我翻译下这些句子?(汉语翻译成英语) 【人工翻译,不要百度翻译,百度不准的.】谢谢了1,如果你每天练习说英语,你的口语就会提... -
毓锦舒心:[答案] 1,Your oral English will improve if you practise every day. 2,I have never seen my old friends since I left Dandong. 3,He said someone had told him that not go outside at night. 4,Suzhou is the most beatiful place I have been to. 5,There were lots of flowers ...

高碑店市18663269118: 请英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下这几句话 -
毓锦舒心: Never give up your dream! As long as you keep it, you will make it.Don't forget to live for yourself and people you love.It will be bound to clear after the thunder and the rain. To be proud with politeness instead of madness.Do what you want bravely, and live in the moment.

高碑店市18663269118: 麻烦谁英语好,帮我把这几句话给我翻译成英语:首先把爆米花倒进爆米花机里,然后打开爆米花机,接着把爆 -
毓锦舒心:[答案] First,pour the popcorn into the popcorn-machine and then turn on the machine letting it pop the popcorn. eer,怎么觉得有点像绕口令.

高碑店市18663269118: 英语高手帮帮忙,把着几句中文翻译成英文谢谢拉
毓锦舒心: 直都要坚持下去,因为胜利就在眼前,天使和恶魔都在看者你前进 Never give up, Victory is just ahead of you. Angel and devil are watching around!

高碑店市18663269118: 英语好的帮我翻译这几句英语句子吧 -
毓锦舒心: 1你认为将来在人们家里有机器人吗?2孩子们将不用去学校.他们将在家通过电脑学习3一切都将是免费的.4人们会活到200岁5一百年之后人们还会用钱吗?第五句一楼翻译错了,In在此处表示的是将来时态,如果按照一楼的翻译,楼主你自己感觉都会怪怪的.

高碑店市18663269118: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这个句子翻译成英文,我为一个如此大的公司在英语翻译上如此马虎感到遗憾. -
毓锦舒心:[答案] I feel so sorry that such a big company has been so careless with the English translation .

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