
作者&投稿:隗京 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


why not seperate the open tasks from(and) the closed ones?
或者:why are the open tasks and the closed ones not seperated?
或者:why are the open tasks not seperated from the closed ones?
或者:why don't you seperate the open tasks from(and) the closed ones?


The research of this title is of great useful to English communication. Comunication has been attached importance to in recent years.
【This research is of great use to us in English communication, to which we have attached importance for several years. 】

This article is an attempt to reveal the blunders in cross cultural communication through the analysis of six key components and five procedures which are involved in daily conversation and tries to find out solutions to deal with them.
【This article gives so me examples of blunders in cross-cultural communication involved in daily conversations, classifies them into 6 major types and 5 procedures, as well as tries to bring up some solutions to deal with them.】
注:这里原文中的six key components and five procedures指的什么?
我理解成为把这些现象分为6中主要类型,那么5 procedures?5个步骤?什么步骤?暂时我先保留。

We need to know Cultural background, time,place and social environment, and individual problems heavily affect our encoding and decoding, sending and receiving, as well as the transmitting process of message. influences speaking and listening, and how to help us communicate successfully in English .
【What we need to know include cultural background, in different time, places and social environment, and also individual habits that influence heavily on our encoding and decoding, sending and receiving, as well as the transmitting process of message, and further on whether we would communication successfully.】


应该是research of this topic。is of great useful的of去掉。had been attached importance to改成is becoming more and more important。this article这句太长了,读起来累死了,应该改掉,改成短句或者复合句。heavily affect改成deep affect。

分别选择“忙、冷、吵、静、快、辣”这6个情景,照“词句段运用”第一部分的句子写一段话.急用!!! - : 快1、忙:过年了,爸爸忙着杀鸡,妈妈忙着做饭,而我们小孩则忙着放鞭炮. 2、冷:腊月,天很冷.鸡冷得不叫了,狗冷得躲在窝里不出来,孩子们冷得穿上棉袄,直哆嗦. 3、吵:集市真吵,吵...

有一些不是很准确的用法,修改如下。The research of this title is of great useful to English communication. Comunication has been attached importance to in recent years.【This research is of great use to us in English communication, to which we have attached importance for several years...




崔永元: 今天的话题是“昨天,今天,明天”。我看咱改改规矩,这回大叔您先说。赵本山: 昨天,在家准备一宿;今天,上这儿来了;明天,回去,谢谢!(乐队奏乐)赵本山: 挺简单,崔永元: 不是,大叔我不是让您说这个昨天,我是让您往前说,宋丹丹: 前天,前天俺们俩得到的乡里通知,谢谢。崔永元...

sister Ying is one of my neighbors. She is a warm-heart girl, who is keen on things and people around her. I still remembered the time that when I moved to a new place and knew nobody else. One day, I needed work overtime and nobody could help me to look after my ...


whoever FOR who have a glorious feeling.3. Flexibility. While teachers prepare lesson preparation of a pre-class object, but due to the ever-changing circumstances of individual students, especially the impact of psychological factors, there will be mistakes in judgement of teachers, tha...

eleanor is 19-year-old,she is the oldest daughter of Mr.and Mrs Henry.

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦帮我修改一下这段话,让它变得更有文学色彩 -
乔向如意: 佛曰:“前世的的五百次回眸才换来今生的擦肩而过.”然而遇见,这两个简简单单的字,饱含了多少次前生的眼神和今生的缘分天地间的每一份温馨,朋友间的每一份知心默契...

格尔木市15762333144: 这是我写的一编短文,写的不太好,第一段基本都是摘抄,我很需要你的帮助,麻烦你抽点时间给我改改,重谢 -
乔向如意: 如果没字数要求,我建议你把第2段删了,或者你把那段写纺织厂高温的“ 夏天是纺织厂最难熬的日子,面对车间的高温高湿,我们梳理研究部的技术服务人员,没有退缩,哪里需要就到哪里,有些厂空调设备比较好的还能忍受,有很多的厂车...

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦英语高手帮修改一下这篇文章~急用,呃,一篇演讲稿,怕有语法错误,感激不尽!(如果有较大改动,麻烦发上来.不过文章篇幅要在1分45秒以内)The... -
乔向如意:[答案] The Spring Festival is celebrated by the Chinese once a year. The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals for Chinese people. The most important meal is the traditional Chinese New Year eve dinner,when a feast is offered and ...

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦各位帮我看下这段话有什么语法错误,帮我改过来,谢谢··with the globalization of economy and the further opening - up of China, there has been an ... -
乔向如意:[答案] 除了第四行的is改为in之外,俺实在找不到其他的错误.LZ的英文底子很好啊.

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦来看下这段话是否存在短语错误,并麻烦改正 -
乔向如意: 有错. If one day I don't love you, I must be die soon. So I can't make friend with you,sorry. 是将来的事,不要用过去时.

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦帮我检查并修改下这段话是否有语法和用词错误,..The English teacher should ask students to try to use different types of sentence patterns,paying ... -
乔向如意:[答案] Third,不要

格尔木市15762333144: 老大~好想加入你们团呀.可惜名额满了.能帮我改一下下面这段话中的语法错误吗?麻烦您了. -
乔向如意: After Shakespeare created the "MountEverest" of British drama, the British drama returned to the ordinarystate. The more extremely, there was a couple of “blanks” during that period.There are almost no drama durng three eras in the British ...

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦大家帮忙改下英文自我介绍 面试急用 谢谢 -
乔向如意: 自传不要写介绍,因为你的简历已经有了,而是要介绍你自己的专业和兴趣,以及可以吸引企业目光的主体.I born in Beijing China, and study as a senior student in ****...

格尔木市15762333144: 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这段话吧~不要在线翻译的~英语好的进来麻烦人工翻译下~感激不尽啊~先谢谢谢谢你们了! -
乔向如意: In m...

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