
作者&投稿:爨届 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Active Galactic Nuclei (Active Galactic Nucleus) is a modern astrophysics research Heat Gate issue, in spite of 40 years of observation and theoretical study But how the gravitational potential energy of the radiation into the mysteries answered. Since the last century observation confirmed active galactic nuclei can be observed at all frequencies generally flow with the changes (optical variable), Transitions Optical has been regarded understand AGN internal mechanism of radiation one of the effective ways. In recent years, Active Galactic Nuclei with the optical spectra of radiation flow changes in the observational facts attracted many domestic and foreign astronomers relations Note. AGN flow changes led to the changes in the optical spectra of active galactic nuclei or internal mechanisms of the optical spectrum changes? AGN changes in the optical spectra and light changes between standard Is there some relationship? AGN radiation flow optical spectrum redden blue or changes has been the most concern. If confirmed by active galactic nuclei with optical spectra of a flow trend, understanding of active galactic nuclei and internal radiation mechanism unified model for the evolution an important role.

现实: [ xiàn shí ]

1. reality
2. real
3. actuality
4. actual
5. now
6. realism

1. 他的计划迅速变为现实。
His plans were transformed overnight into reality.

2. 这部影片生动地揭示了贫穷和饥饿的人们赤裸裸的生活现实。
The film vividly shows the stark realities of life for the poor and hungry.

3. 我们必须面对现实。
We must face reality.

4. 你不能永远护住自己的子女,不让他们接触现实生活。
You can't screen your children from the real life forever.

5. 现实是不能逃避的。
Reality can't be escaped.

6. 现实中, 事情总是出乎意料地发生。
In reality, things always happen out of expectation.

7. 现行的教育制度和现实并不一致。
The current education system is not in concert with the reality.

8. 现实生活并不象人们想象的那样美好。
Real life isn't as happy as people imagine.




现实: [ xiàn shí ]1. reality 2. real 3. actuality 4. actual 5. now 6. realism 例句与用法:1. 他的计划迅速变为现实。His plans were transformed overnight into reality.2. 这部影片生动地揭示了贫穷和饥饿的人们赤裸裸的生活现实。The film vividly shows the stark realities of life...

现实的英文单词怎么写 现实英文解释
现实的英文单词怎么写 现实英文解释1、现实,reality,读音:美\/ri??l?ti\/;英\/ri??l?ti\/。2、释义:n.现实;实际;真实。3、例句:Reality struck a blow to the young man.现实给了这个年轻人沉重一击。


reality英语读法是[riˈæləti]。一、发音英:[riˈæləti];美:[riˈæləti]二、中文翻译n.现实,实际,事实;(尤指不愉快的或困难的)真实情况,实际情形;现实存在,真实发生的事;实际经历,见到的事物;真实感,逼真感;真人秀节目 三...

1、reality 英文发音:[rɪ'ælɪtɪ]中文释义:n. 现实;实际;真实 例句:What we should do is face reality.我们所要做的就是面对现实。2、real 英文发音:[ˈriːəl]中文释义:adj.真实的;实际存在的;非凭空想象的;真的;正宗的;非假冒的;非人工...

真实的英文real,音标:英 [ˈri:əl] 美 [ˈriəl, ril]real英 [ˈri:əl] 美 [ˈriəl, ril]第三人称复数:reals real 基本解释 形容词:真的; 真实的,现实的; 事实上的; 真诚的 副词:真正,实在; 确实地 名词:实在,现实; 实数 r...

在日常交流中,我们常常提及事实、真相与现实这三者,它们在英文中分别对应为 fact、truth 和 reality。事实,作为客观存在的基石,承载着丰富的文化与学术内涵,却也因主观认知的差异而呈现出多样性。真相,这个词汇则更倾向于个人化的解读,它基于个体的知识背景和视角,对事实进行独特诠释。Reality 在人文...

现实是,不要高估你别人心里的地位。Don’t over estimate your value in others’ heart in the reality.望采纳

真实的英文拼写是“real”。详细解释如下:在英语中,“real”一词用来表达“真实的”、“真正的”含义。它是形容词,用来描述名词或者代词,表示某物或某人是真正的、不是假的或者伪造的。例如,当我们说“This is a real book.”时,我们意味着这本书不是假冒的或者伪造的。此外,“real”这个词...

Realism:1) concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary.2) a. a doctrine that universals exist outside the mind;spcif: the conception that an abstract term names an independent and unitary reality b. a theory that objects of sense perception or ...

通河县18731427389: 翻译“现实” -
定牵得必: Reality.................

通河县18731427389: 把现实给我翻译成英文 -
定牵得必: reality/actuality Not divorce oneself from reality不脱离现实 Face the facts面对现实 real/actuai life现实意义

通河县18731427389: 现实 用英文怎么说啊 -
定牵得必: truth reality act 名词 realistic real 形容词 actrually 副词 in fact as it is as the metter of fact 短语(事实上)

通河县18731427389: (现实、无奈)变成英语怎么说! -
定牵得必: 现实翻译成英文:Reality, but无奈:cannot help but 或however

通河县18731427389: 醒来吧,现实在敲门了 翻译成英语, -
定牵得必:[答案] Wake up!Reality is knocking on the door. 这样才是英语表达,一二楼把现实翻译成形容词了,语法错误

通河县18731427389: “接受现实”翻译成英文是什么 -
定牵得必: 接受现实: Face the truth Accept reality.你要接受现实: You need to face the truth. You need to accept reality.自己翻译的,这样比较确切. 希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

通河县18731427389: “接受现实”翻译成英文是什么
定牵得必: To accept the reality

通河县18731427389: 现实是残酷的 翻译成英语句子 -
定牵得必: the reality is cruel. doom正解

通河县18731427389: 如果.这就是现实英文怎么翻译 -
定牵得必: 1. 如果这就是现实=If this is the reality.2. 例句:(a)"the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him" 他处境的现实(b) "We live in different worlds (=realiti...

通河县18731427389: 把“现实告诉我:拼搏得到是人生,等待得到的是命运”翻译成英语 -
定牵得必: 1.Reality tells me : the struggle for life, waiting to get is the fate现实告诉我:拼搏得到是人生,等待得到的是命运2.Real tell me: fighting to get is life, waiting for get is destiny 现实告诉我:拼搏得到是人生,等待得到的是命运两种都是一个意思,采纳吧

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