
作者&投稿:休孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

UL认证是美国保险商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)作出的认证的简写。UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是世界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。 它是一个独立的、营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构。
UL 认证在美国属于非强制性认证,主要是产品安全性能方 面的检测和认证,其认证范围不包含产品的 EMC(电磁兼容)特性。

UL由一个有安全专家、政府官员、消费者、教育界、公用事业、保险业及标准部门的代表组成的理事会管理,日常工作由总裁、副总裁处理。目前,UL在美国本土有五个实验室,总部设在芝加哥北部的Northbrook镇,同时在台湾, 苏州,广州和香港分别设立了相应的实验室。

UL555是UL的标准号,是UL颁发的关于Fire Dampers的标准。其范围如下:

1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover fire dampers that are intended for use where air ducts penetrate or terminate at openings in walls or partitions; in air transfer openings in partitions; and where air ducts extend through floors as specified in the Standard for Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, NFPA 90A. Fire dampers are intended for installation in accordance with codes such as the BOCA National Mechanical Code, SBCCI Standard Mechanical Code, ICBO Uniform Mechanical Code, and the International Mechanical Code.

1.2 Fire dampers are evaluated for use as either:

a) Fire Dampers for Static Systems - For HVAC systems that are automatically shut down in the event of a fire or for air transfer openings in walls or partitions,

b) Fire Dampers for Dynamic Systems - For HVAC systems that are operational in the event of a fire, or

c) Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers - For locations in HVAC systems where a fire damper and a smoke damper are required at a single location.

1.3 Under these requirements a fire damper is subjected to a standard fire exposure, controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period, followed by the application of a specified standard hose stream. This exposure by itself is not representative of all fire conditions; conditions vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. These requirements provide a relative measure of fire performance of fire damper assemblies under these specified fire exposure conditions. Any variation from the construction or conditions that are tested such as method of installation and materials has the potential to substantially change the performance characteristics of the fire damper assembly.

1.4 Fire dampers for static systems (no air flow through the damper) are intended to close automatically upon the detection of heat by a heat responsive device.

1.5 Under these requirements combination fire and smoke dampers and fire dampers for dynamic systems are exposed to standardized heat and airflow conditions and are evaluated for dynamic closure under these conditions.

1.6 Combination fire and smoke dampers shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Smoke Dampers, UL 555S.

1.7 Fire dampers for dynamic systems are intended for use where the airflow is operational at the time of fire, such as in a smoke control system, or from other situations in which the fan system is operational at the time of a fire.

1.8 Where fire dampers are required in ducts that penetrate fire barriers and where the duct is also used as part of a smoke control system, the system designer shall ascertain which type of fire damper is appropriate for the application. Fire dampers for dynamic systems are evaluated only for dynamic closure under heated airflow conditions. Combination fire and smoke dampers that have an elevated temperature rating are evaluated for dynamic closure under heated airflow conditions and they are also evaluated to operate under heated air conditions.

1.9 Tests conducted in accordance with these requirements are intended to demonstrate the performance of fire dampers during the period of fire test exposure and are not intended to determine acceptability of fire dampers for use after exposure to fire.

1.10 It is the intent that tests conducted in accordance with the test methods described herein develop data to enable regulatory authorities to determine the acceptability of fire damper assemblies for use in locations where fire resistance of a specified duration is required.

1.11 Fire dampers are intended to close automatically upon the detection of heat by the use of a fusible link or other heat responsive device.

1.12 These requirements do not cover:

a) Performance of the fire damper assembly in walls, partitions, or floors constructed of materials other than those tested.

b) The performance of the fire damper assembly when installed using methods other than those fire tested.

c) Measurement of heat transmission through a fire damper assembly.

d) Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of the passage of smoke or products of combustion through the fire damper assembly.

至于哪些厂家有UL认证,访问UL官方网站数据库:http://database.ul.com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1FRAME/index.htm,在Keyword中输入“Fire Dampers”即可查询。

UL555是UL的标准号,是UL颁发的关于Fire Dampers的标准。其范围如下:1 Scope 1.1 These requirements cover fire dampers that are intended for use where air ducts penetrate or terminate at openings in walls or partitions; in air transfer openings in partitions; and where air ducts extend...

求文档: 美国UL555《防火阀标准》介绍
1.6 Combination fire and smoke dampers and corridor dampers shall also comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Smoke Dampers, UL 555S.1.7 Fire dampers for dynamic systems are intended for use where the airflow is operational at the time of fire, such as in a...



铜山县15897197293: 什么是UL555认证 -
愚露氟罗: UL555是UL的标准号,是UL颁发的关于Fire Dampers的标准.其范围如下:1 Scope1.1 These requirements cover fire dampers that are intended for use where air ducts penetrate or terminate at ope...

铜山县15897197293: 什么是ul认证
愚露氟罗: 所指的是UL认证. UL是英文保险商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的简写.UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构.它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构.它采用科学...

铜山县15897197293: ul 电线上印的字都是什么意思啊? -
愚露氟罗: UL AWM 1015 VW-1 是指有UL认证的型号为1015 VW-1的电线,是指最高耐温为105℃,600V是指耐电压为600V,E159272是UL认证号,可以在UL网上查询到该厂家及所有的认证产品.22AWG是指线径,对应国标的0.75平方的线,CHANGDA是生产厂家.

铜山县15897197293: Ul的标准是什么 -
愚露氟罗: UL的产品认证、试验服务的种类主要可分为列名、认可和分级. 1) 列名(LISTED):一般来讲,列名仅适用于完整的产品以及有资格人员在现场进行替换或安装的各种器件和装置,属于UL列名服务的各种产品包括:家用电器,医疗设备、计...

铜山县15897197293: ul是什么认证 -
愚露氟罗: 美国UL认证,销售往美国的产品必须要求UL证书才能购买保险,所以虽然UL认证不是强制性的,但不做的话对销售渠道会有很大的影响.

铜山县15897197293: 锂电池供电产品 需要申请UL吗 -
愚露氟罗: 产品申请UL标志包括五个步骤(您亦可按类似步骤申请欧洲认证),您可以向度外提出申请,以获得快捷和直接的帮助.一、申请人递交有关公司及产品资料1书面申请:您应以书面方式要求UL公司对贵公司的产品进行检测.2公司资料:请提供申请公

铜山县15897197293: 我司主要是研发和销售,不想自己做生产,但是ul认证需要考察工厂,请问这种情况下我如何做ul呢 -
愚露氟罗: 你这种情况我们这边遇到很多客户是这种情况的,说说我的看法:UL必须要验厂的,这个是你要做UL无法逃避的,所以你们的产品必须要选择一家工厂来生产,并进行后续的一年4次(至少)验厂.既然是你们研发和销售,当然UL认证申请公司肯定要以你们公司来申请!因为这样UL号码(就相当于证书吧)才属于你们,打上你们的品牌去销售.要是这个UL认证所有权都不属于你们,那做这个UL就没有意义了.不用担心通过UL号码查到你们的工厂信息,这个是无法查到的!除非你们自己透露给你们客户.有人说做多重列明,这个情况是不适合的.多重列明一般是你们的客户要打上他们的UL号码去销售.需要你们的产品做过了UL,在做多重列明给客户.希望答案能让你满意!

铜山县15897197293: UL认证的后续费用是多少
愚露氟罗: UL认证的后续费用: 首次的工厂审查费: 700USD(另加差旅费), 季度工厂审查费:650USD(每年四次) 档案数量 2010 年档案维护费 一个档案: 1170USD 二个档案: 1570USD 三个档案 :1800USD 四个档案 : 2110USD 大于五个 :2400USD 多重列名: 2009 年 (1080USD) 交替列名: 2009 年 (540USD) 从 2009 年11月开 始, 以上费用是由工厂直接支付美金给UL帐 户, 需要由工厂另自行支付.5.05%的税给当地税务局. 需要做UL认证可咨询用户名,谢谢!

铜山县15897197293: 什么是F1认证 -
愚露氟罗: 紫外光照射测试.抗UV分为八级,F1认证是UL公司的一种测试,黄卡上标注F1就说明此产品可以在长期在户外使用! UL 746C (f1) - Suitable for outdoor use with respect to exposure to Ultraviolet Light, Water Exposure and Immersion in ...

铜山县15897197293: 燃气灶有哪些测试及认证 -
愚露氟罗: 欧盟CE认证,美国UL认证.

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