谁有bbc英语发音教学 音标学习[ŋ] [i] 视频的字幕或文本?或求高人此视频所述内容(英文)

作者&投稿:却冠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求bbc英语发音教学 音标学习[ŋ] [i] 视频的字幕或文本?或求高人此视频所述内容(英文)~

This is a short fun sound, it pronounced [i], now you try, listen and repeat after me, [i] [i]
Now here are some words who have this sound, kit, bid, hymn, minute, now you try, listen carefully and repeat afer me kit, bid, hymn, minute,
For speakers of some languages, it may be difficult to tell the difference between this vowel ,
the short vowel [i] and another sound, the long vowel [i:]
listen carefully to hear the difference between the two in each pair of examples, I'll say the short sound [i] first.
hit, heat, lip, leap, sick. seek, will, wheel, now you try, listen carefully and repeat after me. hit, heat, lip, leap, sick. seek, will, wheel.

This is a consonant sound, now in English, you will never find it at the beginning of a word, because it only comes at the end of a syllable, so you find it in the middle of the word "anger", and at the middle of the word "Thanks", and at the end of the word "rung"
Now we make this sound towards the back of the mouth [ŋ]...
And if you do this sound correctly, you can feel of vibration in your nose [ŋ].
Now let's practice. Listen to these examples and repeat after me.
rung, anger, thanks, . OK
Now it can be difficult to hear the difference between this sound [ŋ] and another similar consonant [n], listen carefully.
rung , run, rung , run.
Now [ŋ] is made at the back of the mouth and [n] is made behind the teeth.
now you try, listen and repeat.
rung run,rung run
Now let's have some more examples, listen first
tongue, ton, wing, win, robbing, robin, singer,sinner,
now you try, listen and repeat.
tongue, ton, wing, win, robbing, robin, singer,sinner,

ps: bbc /倒e/视频中那几个问题。
1. In fact, it's so important that it has its own name. 我回答的里面少了that。
2. And of drool latte, I'm really looking forward to my cuppa. 我好期待喝这杯让人垂涎的拿铁。应该是latte 和forward。

This is a short fun sound. It pronounced /倒e/. And to make this sound, you just relax your mouth.
You try, listen and repeat. /倒e/ , again, /倒e/
In fact, this is a very common sound in English, and in many grammar words. It’s the only vowel sound, such as a, the, of, that.
Let’s practice this, listen and repeat, a, the, of, that.
Now you also get this sound in many words of more than one syllable, listen, about, common, standard, butter.
Let’s practice, listen to me and repeat: about, common, standard, butter. Good.
You could say that the vowel /倒e/ is the most important vowel in English. In fact, it’s so important, it has its own name. It’s called Jone, no, not really, it’s actually called “schwa”. Schwa, which is pretty strange when you think about it, because the word “schwa” doesn’t have the schwa sound /倒e/ in it. So why is this sound so important?
Well, it’s a very natural sound for English speakers, and it’s actually the most frequent sound in English. It appears in just about every word with more than two syllables, and it’s very important for getting the stress and rhythm in English right. Schwa is usually in unstressed syllables.
Let’s have a look at some examples: accuse, banana, father, camera.
Ok, now you try, listen and repeat: accuse, banana, father, camera.
Now as well as being a part of many words, schwa could also be the pronunciation for a whole word itself. And to show you this, I’m going to need assistance.
——“A cup of tea” ——”Thank you.”
An ordinary cup of tea, but listen to what happens when I say the words “a” and ”of” naturally.
A cuppa tea(连读后的发音) a cuppa tea.
The words “a“ and ”of” become schwa “/倒e/”
Now you try, listen and repeat after me, a cuppa tea, a cuppa tea. Good.
Now this is such a natural and common way to pronounce “cup of” that in British English, the word ”cuppa” actually means ”a cup of tea”.
And after drool lard, I’m really looking for to my “cuppa”.
Actually, what I really fancy is “a piece of cake”. (piece of 那里主持人也连读了~)


[ŋ]: This is a consonant sound. Now in English, you'll never find it at the beginning of a word, because it only comes at the end of a syllable. So you find it in the middle of the word "anger", at the middle of the word "thanks", and at the end of the word "rung". Now we make this sound towards the back of the mouth, "[ŋ]", and if you do this sound correctly, you can feel the vibration in your nose, "[ŋ]". Now let's practise. Listen to these examples and repeat after me, "rung", "anger", "thanks", okay. Now it can be difficult to hear the difference between this sound "[ŋ]" and another similar consonant "[n]". Listen carefully, "rung", "run", "rung", "run". Now "[ŋ]" is made at the back of the mouth and "[n]" is made behind the teeth. Now you try, listen and repeat, "rung", "run", "rung", "run". Now let's have some more examples. Listen first, "tongue", "ton"; "wing", "win"; "robbing", "robin"; "singer", "sinner". Now you try, listen and repeat: "tongue", "ton"; "wing", "win"; "robbing", "robin"; "singer", "sinner".


学英语发音好的软件有:英语流利说、BBC英语地道发音、英语发音盒子等。以下是对这些软件的 英语流利说 英语流利说是一款功能强大的英语学习软件,其中涵盖了发音训练。它提供了丰富的课程,从基础发音到高级发音技巧,都有详细的讲解和训练。用户可以通过模仿和跟读功能,实时纠正自己的发音。此外,软件还配备...

学英语可以听BBC广播。BBC是全球著名的广播机构之一,其英语广播节目广受好评。学英语听BBC广播是一个很好的选择。BBC英语广播有以下优点:1. 发音纯正。BBC广播的英语发音非常纯正,对于想要纠正自己发音的学习者来说,这是一个非常好的学习范本。2. 内容丰富多样。BBC广播涵盖各种主题,包括新闻、文化、...

谁有bbc英语发音教学 音标学习[ŋ] [i] 视频的字幕或文本?或求高人此...
because it only comes at the end of a syllable. So you find it in the middle of the word "anger", at the middle of the word "thanks", and at the end of the word "rung". Now we make this sound towards the back of the mouth, ...

只要坚持练习,就能有进步的,BBC是英音的,VOA 和CNN都是美音的。最重要的还是要说出来,读出来,那样才有效果的,就是跟着读啊说啊。坚持


谁有bbc英语发音教学 |倒e|视频的字幕或文本?或求高人此视频所述内容...
“cuppa”.Actually, what I really fancy is “a piece of cake”. (piece of 那里主持人也连读了~)这个视频就是介绍了英语里最常用的中性元音(schwa)——\/倒e\/,然后举例说明了,那些元音(a\\e\\i\\o\\u),在非重读音节中,都是发\/倒e\/这个音的~最后讲的就是连读 希望能帮到楼主~...

BBC的发音就是RP发音。Received Pronunciation最早是11世纪时形成于英格兰中南部的一支方言。这个区域从现今的Midlands地区一直向东南延伸到伦敦,其中包含了牛津和剑桥这两个大学城。14世纪时,Received Pronunciation被广泛在贸易商人中使用,又由于牛津和剑桥大学的崛起,这种方言被两所大学的学生所采用,于是...


BBC英语广播是一款专注于英语广播的软件。它提供实时更新的BBC广播内容,包括新闻、节目、讲座等,帮助用户接触地道的英语发音和真实语境。软件界面简洁,易于操作,特别适合想要提高英语听力水平的学习者。三、每日英语听力 每日英语听力是一款专注于听力训练的软件。它提供大量的英语听力材料,包括各类英文原文...

松北区18448331996: 有没有英式音标发音软件 -
邱董芎香: 我学音标用的是我们老师建议的一个软件学的,是英国BBC广播员的发音,里面有口型图,可以跟读对比纠正发音的,还有各种讲解和练习,很快掌握了,你去下载试试看吧叫做我爱学音标,角斗士系列的,他们还有一款背单词的,叫做角斗士角斗士我爱背单词9(注意一定是角斗士系列的flyenglish),里面各种教材词汇都有的,这个淘宝都有的你去看看.

松北区18448331996: 想学标准的英式英语发音 -
邱董芎香: 练发音就要先多听,然后反复模仿,尤其注意语音语调.标准的英式英语发音材料,当属BBC参与制作的节目录音.推荐《新概念英语》英音版,最好是1985年版,该版是由BBC播音员录制;《跟我学》,即FOLLOW ME,80年代初风靡全国,该教学录像也是由BBC参与制作.此外,BBC平时的广播新闻、电视电影等也可做听力口语模仿材料.

松北区18448331996: 谁有bbc英语发音教学 |倒e|视频的字幕或文本?或求高人此视频所述内容(英文)?
邱董芎香: This is a short fun sound. It pronounced /倒e/. And to make this sound, you just relax your mouth.You try, listen and repeat. /倒e/ , again, /倒e/In fact, this is a very common sound in English, and in many grammar words. It's the only vowel sound, ...

松北区18448331996: bbc英语培训教程
邱董芎香: 英语作为一种语言,其最主要的目的是用其去交流,因此,听说读写,口语应该是其... 然后每个音标找到相关熟悉的词组进行巩固.不仅能学习单词,还能强化音标.一举...

松北区18448331996: 英语音标里/w/和/u/ /v/有区别吗.(最好能详细一点,或者能有视频链接) -
邱董芎香: 这三个音标明显不同,读法不同,写的也不同啊. BBC英式英语音标教学视频:第43课(半元音 w)BBC英式英语音标教学视频:第4课(短元音ʊ)BBC英式英语音标教学视频:第33课(摩擦辅音 v)

松北区18448331996: 怎么学bbc英语 -
邱董芎香: 两种方法,网上下载英国BBC新闻,学习发音;或者每天早上收音机收听BBC短波,调频是05:00 - 06:00 英语 BBC 英国广播电台 3915,597505:00 - 08:00 英语 BBC 英国广播电台 5965,619506:00 - 07:00 英语 BBC 英国广播电台 5955,6135,619506:00 - 10:00 英语 BBC 英国广播电台 974006:00 - 07:00 中文 BBC 英国广播电台 7325,7405,9580,9610,9695,11980

松北区18448331996: 有哪些软件可以学习英语音标 -
邱董芎香: 音标软件列举如下: 1、英语音标大师软件,是一款用于快速取得英语音标和英语单词发音的学习测试软件. 2、有道词典软件,包括的有各个音标的发音,你在学习的时候也能跟着它一起练习,可以让自己牢牢掌握. 3、我爱学音标,角斗士...

松北区18448331996: 音标都有哪些?怎样才比较容易学??? -
邱董芎香: 有元音字母和辅音字母,也有元音字母组合和辅音字母组合

松北区18448331996: 有没有一些专门用来学习英语(音标)发音,语法、格式的软件? -
邱董芎香: 有的,我就是用软件学习的,音标发音用我爱学音标就行了,里面有口型图、详解和发音,可以跟读对比做练习,语法的叫做我爱学语法,角斗士系列的还有一款背单词的叫做我爱背单词9的也很好,搜一下淘宝就有的.

松北区18448331996: 有那些好的练习英语发音的软件 -
邱董芎香: 其实软件并不太实用,因为离开电脑就没辙了,不能有效提高我的练习发音的方法是这样的 从VOA慢速英语上选大概2段的英文下来,然后根据音频,把一个个字母的音发好,还要注意语调,连读等 不要偷懒,要把不会的音标都标上 然后把这...


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