
作者&投稿:养尤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Entering the society of university graduates, because the experience islimited, but face severe employment pressure, less income, remove thedaily expenses, often There is not much left. In this case, universitygraduates for their disposable funds how to reasonable financial management to better meet the needs of life becomes very necessary. In this paper, I take Yixing city of 2013 university graduates as the research object, questionnaire on income a year after they graduate and financialsituation. Survey results show that, just graduated from college studentsgenerally have low incomes, poor financial management, financialknowledge practice, financial management goal is not clear and the problem of improper methods. Finally I to just enter the society of university graduates in the financial management problems are analyzed and somesuggestions.
Keywords: university graduates and financial proposals

The current enterprise cost management work problems and countermeasures

After years of our enterprise's production organization, production technology, production method etc has happened earth-shaking changes, especially the wide application of computer technology, the production and operation of increasingly detailed information can be obtained easily, all of these enterprises to be more accurate cost management and control provides technical support.

Because enterprise USES a large amount of information technology, improve and strengthen the enterprise WuZiLiu, cash flow and information flow of integrated management of enterprise inherent management idea and the management pattern produced strong impact.

Therefore, can will enterprises resources and related business tightly integrated unified management system for the enterprise resources, in order to realize to reduce the production cost, improve product quality, increase customer satisfaction purpose.

First we to cost management of the basic theory on simply introduced, and then the existence of our country enterprise management major problems have been analyzed, and proposed to solve these problems related measures, in order to at present our country enterprise cost management bring forward some useful advice.

Keywords: enterprise cost;



对策 经管论文
Countermeasures concession papers

The current cost of doing business in the management of Problems and Solutions
In recent years the production of business organization, production technology, production methods such as earth-shaking changes have taken place, especially the wide application of computer technology, more detailed information on production and operation can be easily obtained, which are more accurate for the enterprise cost management provide technical support and control. Since a large number of enterprises to adopt information technology to improve and strengthen the enterprise material flow, capital flow and information flow integration management, business management thinking and the inherent management had a strong impact. Therefore, it can be corporate resources, related businesses tightly integrated unified management system for enterprise resources in order to achieve lower production costs, improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction objectives. First we have the basic theory of cost management a brief introduction, and then there is the current principal of business management are analyzed, and issues related to these measures to the cost of the current management of China's enterprises make useful comments.
Keywords: COST; management; problems; measures administered by the thesis

The current cost of doing business in the management of Problems and Solutions
In recent years the production of business organization, production technology, production methods such as earth-shaking changes have taken place, especially the wide application of computer technology, more detailed information on production and operation can be easily obtained, which are more accurate for the enterprise cost management provide technical support and control. Since a large number of enterprises to adopt information technology to improve and strengthen the enterprise material flow, capital flow and information flow integration management, business management thinking and the inherent management had a strong impact. Therefore, enterprises can be resource-related businesses tightly integrated unified management system for enterprise resources in order to achieve lower production costs, improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction objectives. First we have the basic theory of cost management a brief introduction, and then there is the current principal of business management are analyzed, and issues related to these measures to the cost of the current management of China's enterprises make useful comments.
Keywords: COST; management; problems; measures administered by the thesis



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been analyzed, and proposed to solve these problems related measures, in order to at present our country enterprise cost management bring forward some useful advice.关键词:企业成本;Keywords: enterprise cost;管理;Management;问题;Question;对策 经管论文 Countermeasures concession papers ...


中文摘要及关键词:“摘要”二字采用三号字黑体、居中书写,“摘”与“要”之间空两格,内容采用小四号宋体。“关键词”三字采用小四号字黑体,顶格书写,一般为3—5个。英文摘要应与中文摘要相对应,字体为小四号times new roman。1、摘要 论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究...

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