
作者&投稿:裴向 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 2010年6月加入公司以来,面对人事管理的混乱局面,在较短时间内对人事系统进行了整理和补充,确立了人事部2010年的工作目标和重点。根据广州的现实情况及过往的人事工作经验,及时地提出员工薪资调整方案,有效地规避了劳务风险,保证了员工的相对稳定和各部门工作的展开。
Joining our company in June 2010, I was immediately confronted with a chaotic
situation in personnel administration. I quickly rectified the situation by reorganizing and restructuring the Human Resources (HR) system, as well as setting up operation goals and priorities for the HR Department. In view of the situation in Guangzhou and also based on my past experiences, I duly came up with a salary review program that has effectively avoided risks in labor problems and ensured the stable developments of the various departments.

I have organized Japanese language training within the company and also provided training for supervisory staff and administrators, as well as pioneered the launching of an internal newsletter. I have enhanced the coordination and management of the labor service dispatching company to ensure the smooth implementation of the recruitment operation. As for the enrichment of staff recreations, I have organized, jointly with the Administrative Department, staff activities such as travels, dinner gatherings and annual party, thus enhancing our employees' sense of belonging.

For this year 2011, in order to combat the ruthless competition in the labor force market, in addition to actively carrying out the aforementioned tasks, the HR department will focus on recruitment, the retention of our present work force, and the increase in training intensity for staff of all levels; preparing our personnel for greater contributions to the further development and expansion of our company.

When I joined the company in June 2010, I was confronted with the chaotic situation in personnel administration. But I quickly rectified the situation by rearranging and supplementing the HR system, as well as setting up the operation goal and priorities of the HR Department. In view of the relevant situation in Guangzhou and also based on my previous working experiences, I duly came up with a salary review program which had effectively avoided labor risks and ensured the stable operations of the various departments.

I had organized Japanese language training within the company and also provided training for supervisory staff and above, as well as pioneered the launching of an internal publication. I had ensured the smooth implementation of the recruitment operations, and enhanced the coordination and management of the labor service dispatching company. As for the enrichment of staffs’ spare-time recreations, I had organized jointly with the administrative department, staff activities such as travels, dinner gatherings and annual functions, thus enhancing their sense of belonging.

For the year 2011, in order to combat the ruthless competition in the labor force market, other than committed to actively carry out the above tasks, the HR department shall focus on the work of recruitment, the retention of present work force, and the increase in training frequency for staffs of all levels; so as to offer greater contributions to the further development of the company.


June 2010 since joined the company, in the face of personnel management confusion, in shorter time on the personnel system for the sorting and complement, established the personnel 2010 work objectives and priorities.

According to the reality of the situation and guangzhou passing personnel working experience, propose promptly employee salary adjustment scheme, effectively evade a service risk, to ensure the staff's relatively stable and departments work started.

In the internal organization of a Japanese training, competent cadres training, above established internal publications.

Strengthening labor dispatching company of coordination and management, ensure the recruiting work smoothly.

Together with the administrative department of tourism, dinner organized workers, annual activities, the spare time of our staff, enhance the sense of belonging.

2011, with more cruel Labour market, personnel in actively doing the above work in the meantime, will be the focus of our work of the existing staff recruitment and steering stability and intensify the strata employee training and proper for further expansion of the company expanded make more contribution.

June 2010 joining the firm in the face of the chaos of Personnel Management, in a relatively short period of time on the personnel system has been collated and added that the Ministry of Personnel has established objectives and 2010 priorities2010年6月加入公司以来,面对人事管理的混乱局面,在较短时间内对人事系统进行了整理和补充,确立了人事部2010年的工作目标和重点According to Guangzhou's actual situation and past experience in personnel work, in a timely manner proposed employee salary adjustment programs, effective services to avoid the risks and ensure the relative stability of the employees and departments to start work根据广州的现实情况及过往的人事工作经验,及时地提出员工薪资调整方案,有效地规避了劳务风险,保证了员工的相对稳定和各部门工作的展开。

这是很中式的表达方式。换成英文的话。我建议分成achivement(2010) 和 goal(2011) 两部分。这样可以用没有主语的表达。而且最好分点表述。如
1,adjusted the HR system
2,set up the measurable objective

1,Carrying out more training

After joining our company in June 2010, I faced with the chaos of human resourse administration. I adjusted and complemented the HR system in a short time, and set up the objective and key point of the daily work of HR department. In accordance to the current situation of Guangzhou and my HR working experience, I came up with a new proposal of salary adjustment in time, and avoided the labour service risk effectively, and also garanteed the stabilization of employee and the smoothness of working of all department. I organized the trainings of Japanese and trainings for supervisors and above level. I also established the internal company magazine, enhanced the coordination and management of labour service dispatching companies, and ensured the recruitment work on its way. Together with administrative department, I organized the travels,dinners and activities for staffs enriching the their sparetime and strengthening their sense of belonging. In 2011, facing with the drastic competing labour market, besides repeating and improving the regualr work mentioned above, HR department will also turn to focus the recruitment and the stabilization of current employee, base on which we will emphasize the trainings for all levels of staffs. By doing this , we will contribute more strength to our company.

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