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汉译英1.事实上 2.与.........相处融洽~

1.事实上 in fact
2.与.........相处融洽 get on well with …或: get along well with...

Second, we should take the teacher as a friend. Don't be afraid of the teacher,often along with teacher

1.He goes on very well with his friend.2.It seemed that the teacher was angry with us.

1, He gets along with his friends.
2,Our teacher looked as if she is anger with us。
Thank you.

11.4英语作业 汉译英 1.Brown是他的姓氏。 2.这是你的字典吗?不,它不...
11.4英语作业汉译英1.Brown是他的姓氏。2.这是你的字典吗?不,它不是。3.请拨打456-1234找小明。4.这是你的笔记本吗?是,它是。5.这是什么?是棒球。6.你怎样拼写“铅笔”?7.这些是... 11.4英语作业汉译英1.Brown是他的姓氏。2.这是你的字典吗?不,它不是。3.请拨打456-1234 找小明。4.这是你的...

英语翻译: 1.他的普通话不好,理解他的话有点难 2.张老师明天将会在会上...
English Translation: 1 his Mandarin is not good, understood his words a bit difficult to 2 Zhang tomorrow will give a speech at the meeting? 3 the king force like a word for word reading, so he is a very slow reader 4 I see through the video to learn English 5 room is ...

He hasn't noticed about his shortages, what's worse, he makes light of other's advices.~

求详细解答:汉译英。 1. 他已
1. He has already visited the place where his ancestors lived. 2. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us. 3. Loud music always makes me want to dance. 4. In the last twelve months, they have made a hit CD. 5. I haven't cleaned out the ...

汉译英:1.他第一次参加学校英语演讲比赛就获得了一等奖(speech conte...
1、He won first prize when he attend the English speech contest of school for the first time.2、Xu Haifeng is the first Chinese athlete to win the gold medal in the Olympics.

汉译英:1、他不会同意的。2、他不同意帮我学英语。3、我和他在许多事 ...
1. He won't agree on this issue.他不同意这件事。短语agree on sth.2. He didn't agree to help me to learn English.他不同意帮我学英语。同意做某事:agree to do sth 帮助某人做某事:help sb to do sth.3. I don't agree with him on many things.我和他在许多事情上不同意...

汉译英 1他的名字( )2我们的狗( )3画一幅画( )4看书( )5骑车( )6我...
1他的名字(his name)2我们的狗(our dog )3画一幅画(draw a picture)4看书(read a book )5骑车(ride a bike )6我的生日(my birthday )7在操场上(on\/in the playground )参考资料:英语牛人团

汉译英:1、这本书是谁的?它是Tom和Mary的 2、有两扇门在墙上 3、你...
1.Whose book it's? It's Tom and Mary's.2.On the wall with two doors.3.What color is your coat? It's black and white.4.Whose coat is it? It's your mothers.5.There are many flowers in the middle of the garden.6.Where are the children. They are on the playground...

1 He went shopping this morning.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

汉英翻译:1、他向我提出要求搭车。 2、我很快就了解到,他自己就是个...
你好这位朋友:我的翻译如下:1. He asked me for a ride.注:“向我提出”是中式的表达,地道的英语中不进行翻译。2. Soon I realized that he's British himself.注:根据语境的需求,如果是在交代“哎呀我以前怎么没注意到他的国籍的呢”,那么属于过去时,我翻译的要改成:Soon I realized ...

松岭区15892041976: 汉译英:她与她的朋友们相处很融洽.She is - _ - ___ - ___ - ____ - her friends.答案应该是get on well with还是getting on well with ,为什么? -
稻平替尼:[答案] getting on well with,因为系动词 is 后面不能跟动词原形,所以只能用现在进行时了.不是填空的话,我倒想说she gets on well with her friends~

松岭区15892041976: 他和他的朋友相处得很好.英文he ( )( )with his friends -
稻平替尼: 与……相处好get along/on well with 你只有两个格, 应该是三个格 gets along/on well(一般现在时)

松岭区15892041976: 他也喜欢拉小提琴,他认为那是放松的.他和他的朋友们相处得很好. 变英语 -
稻平替尼: 1.He also likes playing the violin,he thinks that is relaxing.2.He is good with his friends.

松岭区15892041976: 英语体,快.翻译句子:1.我和我的朋友们相处得很好.2.你篮球打得好吗?完成句子:A:Really?() B:OK,Let's go.填空,用正确的形式填空:1.She doesn't want... -
稻平替尼:[答案] I get along with my friends well Do you play bascketball well? to go;be our musician wanted let

松岭区15892041976: 翻译英文!和朋友们相处得好.句式:be good with sb.帮帮忙啊!求求你们了!再讲讲be的意思! -
稻平替尼: be是系动词,本身没有意义.放在具体的句子里比如我和amy相处得很好 I am good with Amy~

松岭区15892041976: 托尼和他的同学相处得很好 汉译英 Tony ( ) ( ) ( ) his classmates -
稻平替尼:[答案] Tony (gets ) (on/along ) (with) his classmates.

松岭区15892041976: 1.我们本应该在车站见面的,但他没去.(汉译英) 2.他说他和同学们相处得好.(汉译英)1.We_ - _ - _ - meet at the station,but he_ - go there.2.He said he -- ... -
稻平替尼:[答案] 1,We should have met at the station,but he didn't come.(表示“本该”要用“should have done”) 2,He said that he got on well with his classmates.(和同学相处融洽可以用get on well with sb这个词组)

松岭区15892041976: 英语翻译句子.1.托尼和他的同学相处得很好.Tony____ - ______ - _____ - hie classmates. -
稻平替尼:[答案] is good with 或 gets along with

松岭区15892041976: 英语翻译句子. 1.托尼和他的同学相处得很好. Tony - --- - ------ - ----- - hie classmates. -
稻平替尼: is good with 或 gets along with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

松岭区15892041976: 他和每个人都相处的很好中译英
稻平替尼: He and everyone get along very well

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