求详细解答:汉译英。 1. 他已

作者&投稿:阿致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
汉译英 帮我一把~

Give me a hand

In this paper, under the foxconn group F e-commerce companies from set up to months before a formal operation bottleneck and difficulty in the marketing process and the way is described, and the electricity transformation of traditional foundry enterprise problems is analyzed, from the perspective of the 4 cs, how to solve the traditional foundry enterprise product positioning, pricing and formulate the right Internet marketing strategy. For other is transformation of the manufacturing or offline retail industry to provide reference for marketing strategies. The first part is the case, the F company set up the background of network marketing development road, put forward its development status are faced with the problem. The second part is case analysis, the first to use SWOT analysis F e-commerce company strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats of conditions it is concluded that the development strategy of road; Then use the STP analysis, in the company long-term development strategy is put forward on the basis of network marketing strategy, concerning how to segment the market positioning, pricing; Moreover, on the basis of a clear marketing strategy from the Angle of the 4 cs, network marketing strategy is put forward. Finally put forward the F problems at this stage the summary of the proposals.

1. He has already visited the place where his ancestors lived.
2. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.
3. Loud  music always makes me want to dance.
4. In the last twelve months, they have made a hit CD.
5. I haven't cleaned out the refrigerator yet.

求详细解答:Translation. (英汉互
回答:1. They are in the woods. 2. Is he counting insects? 3. John is playing chess. 4. 过来看看这些蚂蚁。 5. 她正在跑向我们。 答案不唯一

求详细解答:汉译英。 1. 他已
1. He has already visited the place where his ancestors lived. 2. Spending time with family and friends is very important to us. 3. Loud music always makes me want to dance. 4. In the last twelve months, they have made a hit CD. 5. I haven't cleaned out the ...

汉译英。 ---我认为这些香蕉不是他们的。---I___ ___ the bananas are...
don't think?

初一 英语 汉译英 请详细解答,谢谢! (11 10:40:3)
what time is it in New York now ? 问时间的还有What is the time? what time is it ? = What is the time ?

初一 英语 翻译!!~英语 请详细解答,谢谢! (16 14:30:22)
英汉互译 What is up?怎么样?在做什么?最近如何?the school magazine 校刊 in next month is magazine 在下月 杂志 给我看一些照片 show me some pictures 最酷的事 the coolest thing 喜欢与厌倦 be fond and be dreary of 告诉你我所想的 tell you what i'm thinking of 色彩艳丽的衣服...

对某人好 汉译英
be kind(friendly) to sb 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

初二 英语 英汉互译(2) 请详细解答,谢谢! (24 13:40:58)
1.borrow sth. from sb.2.find out 3 寒暄;闲谈;聊家常 She loves to have some small talk with the neighbors.她喜欢与邻居聊家常。

英语翻译:英翻汉。明确答案:英语翻译成汉语,即将英文内容转化为中文表达。详细解释:1. 翻译的基本概念:翻译是指将一种语言的文本转换为另一种语言的文本,旨在传达相同的含义、情感和语境。在英语翻译成汉语的过程中,需要将英文的词汇、语法和语境转换为对应的中文表达。2. 英翻汉的过程:进行英翻...

初一 英语 英汉互译 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 14:1:52)

1.3 参考答案: 对每道题的详细解答,便于自我评估。第二章 语法词汇 2.1 题型概要: 系统讲解语法词汇题型,重点突出高频考点。2.2 真题冲浪: 通过历年试题训练语法和词汇运用。2.3 参考答案: 提供正确答案解析,巩固学习成果。……(以下章节依此类推,包括完形填空、挑错、英译汉、汉译英等部分...

汉川市15752313128: 汉译英,6个句子,请特别注意现在完成时态,英语高手请进1.他已经来中国三年多了.2.我从来没去过长城.3.他已经去图书馆了.4.这本字典我已买了三年了.5.... -
连定复方:[答案] 1. He has been to China for over 3 years. 2. I have never been to the Great Wall. 3. He has gone to the library. 4. I have had the dictionary for 3 years. 5. He has left China for 3 years. 6. He has l...

汉川市15752313128: 汉译英 1、我已经洗完衣服了.2、他已经把箱子倒空了.3、玛丽已经打开门了.4、爸爸正在刮胡子.5、他昨天问了我一些问题. -
连定复方:[答案] 1,I have already washed complete clothes. 2,He has already but left a chest empty. 3,Mary has already opened the door. 4,Father is shaving beard 5.He had asked about my some problems yesterday

汉川市15752313128: 汉译英:1.他告诉我他已经通过了口语测试2.他问我是否我昨天晚上玩游戏了3.他问我是否曾经去过北京4.我可以在哪将人民币换成美元5.你能告诉我昨天晚... -
连定复方:[答案] 汉译英: 1. He told me that he passed the speaking test. 2. He asked me if i played games last night. 3. He asked me if I have been to Beijing. 4. Can you tell me where I can exchange RMB to USD? 5. Can you tell me what you did at nine last night? 6. ...

汉川市15752313128: 汉译英 现在完成时1.他当医生已经5年了2.电影已经放映5分钟了 -
连定复方:[答案] he has been a doctor for 5 years the film has been on for 5 minutes

汉川市15752313128: 现在完成时:汉译英1、 吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了.2、 他昨天收到一封信.3、 我父亲以前到过长城.4、 她还没有看过那部新电影.5、 她去过上海.6、 ... -
连定复方:[答案] 1 Jim has finished his homework,he is free now 2 He recived a paper letter yesterday.3 My father has been to the Great Wall before 4 She hasn't seen the new film5 She has ever been to Shanghai.7 where...

汉川市15752313128: 汉译英:1、到上周末为止我已经看过三部英语电影了;2、他匆忙赶到火车站时,火车已经开了;3、他说他以前从没出国旅游过;4、他上大学之前就学了两... -
连定复方:[答案] 1.I had already watched 3 English movies by the end of last week. 2.When he arrived at the railway station in a hurry,the train had already left. 3.He said he had never been abroad to travel before. 4.He had learned two foreign languages before he went to...

汉川市15752313128: 急求!英语题解答__________________________________________ - 三、 汉译英.1、 吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了.2、 他昨天收到一封信.3、 我父亲... -
连定复方:[答案] 1Jim has done his homework and he has time now.2He received a letter yesterday.3My father has been to the Great Wall before.4She has not seen the new film yet.5She has been to Shanghai.6Where has he b...

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连定复方: 1. keep/stay in touch 2. who; role models 3. paid; back 4. owed; to 5. As we know

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连定复方: 随便拿一楼的来订正一下,你就知道正确答案了 1.He has been dead for two years.(对) 2.He has passed away for two years.【passed away仍是动作动词,建议还是说成has been dead 前两个句意本来就是相同的】 3.He is dying.【下面的3-4-...

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