
作者&投稿:巢翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

Dear Mr. Zhang,
my name is LiQiang. I am a graduating student college student. I have seen the ad from your company of hiring an Editorial assistant in China Youth Daily. I like this position so much, and hope can be your colleague.
Reading newspapers, novels and weekly magazines is my favorite thing. I admire the people who work as an enditor, and I dream of working in a newspaper office or a press, too.
I used to in charge of the Editing work at college and I got a high praise from teachers and students. What's more, I also got the first price from school. However, I'm pretty sure that I can do a good job in your company, and I hope you giving me a chance of interview.
Eager for your reply.



Manager zhang hello:
My name is li qiang, a graduating college students. Today I see your company in the position of assistant editor advertised in the China youth daily, I like this job, very hope to become your colleague.
I've always liked to read newspaper, novel, magazine, etc., very envy those who are engaged in editing. I really like the editing work, dream of oneself also can work in a newspaper or press.
Because when I was in school is responsible for the editing work of our college journal, and editing the school magazine, published by me won the praise of the broad masses of teachers and students, also won the school awarded the first prize. I want to your company for an editorial assistant I also will be able to do well, hope to be able to give a chance to interview.

Looking forward to your reply.

Manager Zhang Hello: my name is Li Qiang, is a graduate of College students. I see your company assistant in China "Youth Daily" editorial office today, I like this job, so I hope I can become your colleagues. I always like to read newspapers, novels, weekly, very envious of people engaged in editing. I like editing work, his dream to work in the newspaper or the press. Because of the editing work when I was in school on school, and I edited and published the magazine was the majority of students and teachers alike, also won first prize awarded by the school. I want to edit your assistant I can do well, hope to be able to give an interview. Looking forward to your reply. Li Qiang in January 11, 2014

3,我们的欧洲代表J. Needham先生将在本月24日到30日抵达巴黎,并且我们邀请他在此期间抽空拜访你。他将向您展示手工生产线的全部样品,并授权讨论订货事宜和合同的签订。4,我们将提供诱人的薪水和福利制度,并为合适的候选人提供相应的培训和提升机会。请将目前为止全部简历及期望的工资待遇寄至以下地址...

运动员。”hunter-for-food可能是邪恶的,有时是素食者误导说的,但他不杀为了杀戮。农场主和农民的消灭所有活的东西不能立即有利可图有时可能会在他们自身最大利益的能力;但是,不论是否他们是对或错,他们希望达到某种应该有了杀人,如果要行恶,我不指望嘎 可以下个翻译软件试试!学习愉快啊!

려고 请帮我翻译一下,谢谢
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透过**大学这扇窗户,我可以接触,学习,认识更广大的世界.Through **this window of the university, I can experience, learn and even get to know a bigger world.大学浓烈的学习气氛和优秀的老师和同学们的帮助下,我相信自己会成为一个有用的人才.Being in a university environment of high ...

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我没有自信能够不辜负部长的期望。皆さんの足手まといになっては申し訳ありませんので、…没能帮上大家的帮,我很抱歉。。。会社にご迷惑を挂けることになってはいけませんから、やはりご辞退させてください 不能给公司增添麻烦,所以请允许我辞职。一番难しいのが断り方でしょう。「...

请帮我找一个中文翻译 用英语怎么说?
detail.php? 应该够了吧,哈哈,慢慢欣赏吧 请帮我翻译一个地址,中文翻译成英文 Room 601,unit2,building 9,Number 58,First Renmin road,Sifang district,Qingdao city,Shandong province 请帮我找一150词左右的英语小笑话,最好有中文翻译。 :blog.hjenglish.\/english2009\/articles\/388044.

我希望我能在世界各地旅行和讲英语的外国人一天。然后,我可以谈北京2008年奥运会他们。这是我梦想中的五颜六色的英语世界。还有更多我喜欢做的事。还有更多我想说的。也许我可以告诉你更多的下一次。谢谢你听。我理想中的学校 我希望我的理想中的学校上午8时30分开始,因为要升起来了。我希望我的...

—我们的话语没有被设计成能够理解的现实。我不能让我的任何一个朋友经历同样的地狱。在这段时间里,我要感谢你,让我所有的梦想成真。作为所有俱乐部成员的朋友。最重要的是,谢谢你成为我的文学俱乐部的一员。用永恒的爱,莫妮卡 第二张翻译:错误:脚本文件丢失或损坏。请重新安装游戏 ...

丰满区18385665010: 高分求翻译英语,帮忙翻译一下.谢谢 -
伏雷复方: 你好,为你的分析如下:先把句子划开来看:it must be certified good by the bank/ on which is drawn for payment/ up to the 22nd day of September,2011up to the 22...

丰满区18385665010: 用英语帮我翻译下. 谢谢 高分加起. -
伏雷复方: 我希望自己能像向日葵一样,开出梦想的果实.I wish I could as same as sunflower, the fruit of dream will be generated during harvest season.

丰满区18385665010: 请帮我翻译两段英文,谢谢,高分!!!!
伏雷复方: 我的老天啊,楼下的两位使用的翻译软件吧,“PLS”不过是缩写而已,就被译成这样了. 我给的翻译是: 1.有一道寒风刮入我心,几欲将我撕裂.每个夜晚我感受着,这样的空虚感令我只想她倚靠在我身边. 2.告诉关于你的(一切),我的意思是(I mean),请(PLS=Please)解释我要如何怎样懂你

丰满区18385665010: 高分请翻译.谢谢. -
伏雷复方: 3. Taxes Each party shall be responsible for its own Value Added Tax, Goods and Services Tax, and/ or any other similar taxes and governmental charges or other deductions (collectively,”Taxes”). All amounts payable by the Company to ...

丰满区18385665010: 【高分悬赏】求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.谢谢了! -
伏雷复方: My hero. My hero was a great man. A hero I am very worship, that is, the angels - Ye Xin. Ye Xin, a hospital nurse, enthusiastic people, love helping people, patients and colleagues liked her. But in 2003 a SARS war let her down on the battlefield. ...

丰满区18385665010: 高分,帮我翻译一下,在线等
伏雷复方: 宋会方 song will be.

丰满区18385665010: 高分悬赏,请帮我翻译一段日文,谢谢
伏雷复方: 楼上的错了!“铳”就是“枪”的意思! 温柔一枪:优しい一発; 优しい一撃. 你先打平假名,汉字部分你可以试试搜狗拼音,在同一发音的汉字最后,会出现日文汉字,我以前就是这么打的.你不妨试试看. 希望能够帮到你.

丰满区18385665010: 请英语翻译高手进来赐教啊!帮我翻译一个句子.谢谢了.我高分悬赏. -
伏雷复方: Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成.

丰满区18385665010: 高分请翻译高手进来帮助,谢谢大家请大家帮我翻译以下文件:我们认为
伏雷复方: We insist that the signed contracts should obligate both parties, and meanwhile, they are the legal documents with which either party could claim its legitimate rights. ...

丰满区18385665010: (高分)急请帮我翻译下这几个词语 -
伏雷复方: 米黄 beige 布纹牛皮 cowskin of cloth marks 铁灰布纹牛皮 iron grey cowskin of cloth marks 金黄 golden yellow 摔纹羊皮 摔纹是什么?```羊皮是sheepskin 黄色印花羊漆 yellow japanned sheepskin of painting 草绿双色牛皱漆皮 grass green double-coloured japanned leather of cow-beruffled

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