
作者&投稿:楚舒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好:Everyone needs money.Men can't live without money.But money isn't everything.I find it is very important for a person to work hard.Somebody loves money and says he needs money every day.In fact,if he owns a large amount of money ,he always like to play with others and he spends too much money on everything.He is sure to feel regretted in the future.Of course,it's very good to make good use of his money.For example,he uses his money to denote the charity.People will remember him forever and he will be respected by people.Try not to waste your money in your life.Cherish your precious money in your life.Save more,make a contribution more for the socitey!


With the rapid development of our society, more and more people are fond of online shopping for its convenience. Online shopping has been a heated fashion. But different people have different views on this point. After all, every coin has two sides.
Online shopping has advantages as well as disadvantages. Firstly, nowadays, the Internet has become a must. As convenient as it is, online shopping caters for those who are occupied by busy work or other things. And it can help us save much money, which is cheaper than what we buy in the physical store. What’s more, it contributes the Internet to the further development.

However, it is also a risk of online shopping as we pay the bill online by our credit cards, we may be cheated by the dishonest shoppers. Sometimes the quality of what we buy online is much worse than we could imagine.
In my opinion, when we are shopping online, we should keep wise to prevent us from treating. And we’ll find that online shopping has advantages over disadvantages.

Advantages of Budgets

A budget can be advantageous because of it:

Links objectives and resources (Menghubungkan objective/goal perusahaan dengan sumber daya yang ada).
Communicates to managers what is expected of them (Mengkomunikasikan perusahaan dengan para manager mengenai apa yang diharapkan oleh perusahaan dar mereka).
Any problems in communication and working relationships are identified (Setiap permasalahan dalam komunikasi dan hubungan kerja teridentifikasi).
Resources and requirements are identified (Sumber daya dan permintaan teridentifikasi).
Establishes guidelines in the form of a road map to proceed in the right direction (Membangun panduan dalam bentuk peta arah untuk melakukan aktifitas ke arah yang benar).
Improves managerial decision making because emphasis is on future events and associated opportunities (Memperbaiki pengambilan keputusan managerial, sebab focus diarahkan pada kejadian masa depan terkait dengan peluang-peluang yang ada).
Encourages delegation of responsibility and enables managers to focus more on the specifics of their plans and how realistic the plans are, and how such plans may be effectively achieved (Mendorong pelimpahan wewenang dan membuka kemungkinan bagi para manager untuk lebih focus pada ke-khusus-an renacan-rencana mereka, seberapa realistis rencananya, dan bagaimana renecana-rencana tersebut bisa diwujudkan dengan lebih efektif).
Provides an accurate analytical technique (memberikan tehnik analysis yang akurat).
Provides better management of subordinates (memberikan pengelolaan bawahan dengan lebih baik, misalnya: seorang manager dapat menggunakan sebuah budget untuk mendorong staff penjualan agar mempertimbangkan client-nya untuk renacan strategis jangka panjang).
Helps management become aware of the problems faced by lower levels within the organization (Membantu management menjadi lebih sadar akan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh bawahan). It promotes labor relations
Allows for thinking how to make operations and resources more productive, efficient, competitive, and profitable (Memberikan ruang untuk pemikiran/idea mengenai bagaimana membuat operasional dan sumberdaya menjadi lebih productive, efisien dan menguntungkan). It leads to cost reduction.
Allows management to monitor, control, and direct activities within the company (Memberikan ruang bagi management untuk memonitor, mengontrol dan mengarahkan aktifitas-aktifitas di dalam perusahaan).
Performance standards act as incentives to perform more effectively (Standard kinerja bertindak sebagai insentif untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan lebih efektif).
Points out deviations between budget and actual, resulting in warning signals for changes or alterations (Menunjukkan penyimpangan-penyimpangan antara budget dengan realisasinya, sehingga menjadi sinyal peringatan atas suatu perubahan atau penambahan).
Helps identify on a timely basis weaknesses in the organizational structure (membantu mengidentifikasi kelemahan-kelemahan dalam struktur organisasi secara berkala).
There is early notice of dangers or departures from forecasts (tersedia pemberitahuan lebih awal atas bahaya-bahaya atau perubahan dari peramalan).
The formulation and administration of budgets pinpoints communication weaknesses, assigns responsibility, and improves working relationships (Formulasi dan administrasi dari budget menunjukkan kelemahan-kelemahan komunikasi, pelimpahan tugas, serta perbaikan hubungan kerja).
Provides management with foresight into potential crisis situations so alternative plans may be instituted (Menyediakan pangawasan ke depan kepada management pada saat masuk ke dalam potensi krisis sehingga bisa mengubah rensana).
Provides early signals of upcoming threats and opportunities (Menyediakan sinyal-sinyal yang lebih awal atas ancaman-ancaman dan peluang-peluang yang akan datang).
Aids coordination between departments to attain efficiency and productivity (Melengkapi koordinasi antar department untuk menjaga efisiensi dan produktifitas).
There is an interlocking within the business organization (tersedia hubungan yang saling mengikat antar kegiatan di dalam perusahaan, misalnya: production department akan melakukan produksi berdasarkan antiasipasi volumen penjualan dari sales department, sedangkan Purchasing Departement akan membeli raw matrial berdasarkan antisipasi volume produksi dari production department, dan seterusnya).
Executives are forced to consider relationships among individual operations and the company as a whole (Para executive terdorong untuk mempertimbangkan hubungan antara operasional perusahaan yang terpisah-pisah menjadi satu kesatuan).
Provides a motivational device setting a standard for employees to achieve (Memberikan alat yang bersifat memotivasi kepada pekerja mengenai standard yang harus dicapainya).
Provides measures of self-evaluation (menyediakan ukuran-ukuran untuk penilian diri sendiri).

Disadvantages of Budgets

A budget can be disadvantageous because of:

A budget promotes manager’s gamesmanship, knowing they will be reduced, or they are in effect rewarded by getting what they probably really wanted (sebuah budget dapat mendorong terjadinya permainan-permainan manager yang menyadari bahwa budget mereka mungkin akan dikurangi, atau manager yang terobsesi akan perolehan penghargaan yang benar-benar diinginkannya).
A budget may reward managers who set modest goals and penalize those who set ambitious goals that are missed (Sebuah budget mungkin saja memberikan penghargaan kepada manager yang memasang goal yang sedang-sedang saja, sementara di sisi lain sebuah budget bisa memberikan penalty bagi manager yang menaruh goal yang ambisius tetapi tidak tercapai).
There is judgment and subjectivity in the budgeting process (Ada penilian sepihak dan bersifat subyektif dalam proses penganggaran).
A budget does not consider quality and customer service (suatu budget tidak mempertimbangkan kwalitas dan pelayanan pelanggan).
Budgets can be seen as pressure devices imposed by management, thus resulting in: bad labor relations (Budget bisa jadi lebih dilihat sebagai alat pekanan dari management, sehingga menimbulkan hubungan ketenaga-kerjaan yang buruk).
Budget could results departmental conflict arises due to disputes over resource allocation, and departments blaming each other if targets are not attained (Budget bisa menimbulkan konflik departmental karena penolakan atas suatu alokasi sumber daya dan bagian tersebut akan saling menyalahkan saat target tidak tercapai).
It is difficult to reconcile personal/individual and corporate goals (adalah tidak mudah merekonsiliasi goal perseorangan dengan goal perusahaan).
Budget could forces managers may overestimate costs so that they will not be blamed in the future should they overspend (Budget bisa jadi mendorong manager melakukan estimasi cost secara berlebihan/di atas kewajaran, sehingga mereka tidak dipersalahkan apabila realisasi cost nantinya membengkak).

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