帮帮忙~ 小妹会给分的!! 观看一部英文原版电影,并请用英语写一篇80字左右的影评。

作者&投稿:沙虎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I kept thinking after I watched .I felt Peter Parker was just a normal man.
He had been once blind when popularity and vanity came into him like everybody else.He had also cried for his loved ones.Every time he risked his own life to save humans as Spiderman,and had to face the reality alone as suffering Peter.I admire him for his courage and great spirit.He is my hero.
我看完这部片子 自己写的,

看完蜘蛛侠3后我想了很多。我感觉Peter Parker 只是一个很普通的人。他像所有人一样曾被人们的追捧和名利蒙蔽了双眼。他也会为自己的至亲哭泣。每次他冒着生命危险作为蜘蛛侠去拯救人类,然而作为peter的他却不得不独自面对现实。我敬佩他的勇气和伟大的精神。他是我的英雄。

My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. 


这又一部 阿凡达 的影评,不知道能不能帮你
.The movie is directed by James Cameron, who is famous with product Tatanic.It took 14 years prepare for the movie,4 years time for filming and will be released on 2ed January 2010.It cost 500 million and became the largested investment in history. The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI.

I like him, because he is very brave, and very clever. He is a good man. This film is very good, it is so excited, and it is to shake, it is so exciting. At the beginning of, he is helps the human being, but he does not like the human being break the alien’s home, so he help the alien attack the human being. At last he is the winner. And he is change to the alien .He project the alien’s environment. He is a good man. I like this film very much.


这又一部 阿凡达 的影评,不知道能不能帮你
.The movie is directed by James Cameron, who is famous with product Tatanic.It took 14 years prepare for the movie,4 years time for filming and will be released on 2ed January 2010.It cost 500 million and became the largested investment in history. The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI.

I like him, because he is very brave, and very clever. He is a good man. This film is very good, it is so excited, and it is to shake, it is so exciting. At the beginning of, he is helps the human being, but he does not like the human being break the alien’s home, so he help the alien attack the human being. At last he is the winner. And he is change to the alien .He project the alien’s environment. He is a good man. I like this film very much.

...英文电影很多。。你喜欢什么类型的。中英双语的字幕现在到处都是。口碑票房双收的电影,去年我看过的只能是《the town》了。中文名是城中大盗。现在DVD和高清网上都是有的。我是个电影达人哦。欢迎你跟我交流。有问题邮件我。6559555@qq.com

奎屯市13081593279: 帮帮忙~ 小妹会给分的!! 观看一部英文原版电影,并请用英语写一篇80字左右的影评. -
司促舒敏: ...英文电影很多..你喜欢什么类型的.中英双语的字幕现在到处都是.口碑票房双收的电影,去年我看过的只能是《the town》了.中文名是城中大盗.现在DVD和高清网上都是有的.我是个电影达人哦.欢迎你跟我交流.有问题邮件我.6559555@qq.com

奎屯市13081593279: ( )人( )、( )风( )号、下( )下( ),请各位哥哥姐姐、弟弟妹妹们帮帮忙,这几个是在不会填. -
司促舒敏: (狂)风(怒)号

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司促舒敏: 第一人称是“我”第二人称是“你”

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司促舒敏: 我是华北4区的 我们区 5级暗青的价格 在 15万左右 20来级的黄金武器也就几万吧 而45的黄金武器需要 50万左右 55的需要80万左右 最贵的宝石 应该是白雾火红黄沉 但我对宝石的理解 是我更需要五行防御的 起码可以单独补充自己想要的 比如说法师 并不需要全部都加 只需要加金 木防 别的少点 有盾补充

奎屯市13081593279: 赵刚到学校用了25分钟,李娜用了1/3小时到学校,赵刚和李娜相比谁走得快?帮帮忙,小妹谢谢了! -
司促舒敏: 赵刚25分钟.李娜1/3小时.每小时60分钟,60*1/3=20分钟

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司促舒敏: 生日(公历): 2013年 3月 22日22时0分 生日(农历): 癸巳年 二月 十一 亥时 八字: 癸巳 乙卯 丁亥 辛亥 五行: 水火...

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