
作者&投稿:脂范 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

短语:1 保持做。。。(keep doing...)
2 设法做。。。(try to do...)
3 保持充满生气 (keep vitality enough)
句子:1. Stella is interested in writing poem
2. Bamboo is panda's main food
3. Damon lost the chance to win you, because he broke the rules.
4. Everyone who from the class was shouting loudly for the athletes' name of their class
5. Even though he is a deaf person, he is trying to make his life more vitality.

在丛林 In the jungle
在草原 In the prairie
吃草和叶子 Grass and leaves
一只澳洲袋鼠 An Australian Kangaroo

1.on the fifth floor(美式)
on the fourth floor(英式)
2.after work
3.in the middle of...(线)
in the center/centre of...(面)
4.on the other hand; on the opposite side/aspect
6.1) 请求…2) 要求…3)找…4)要求见到…5)自找麻烦

on the fifth floor
after work
in the middle of
on the other hand

1.on the fifth floor
2.after work
3.in the middle of
4.On the other hand
no longer
not ...any more
no more

1 on the fifth lever
2 after work
3 in the middle
4 on the other hand
5 在左边
6 要求 请求 寻求 要价
7 不再

on the fifth floor
after work
in the middle of
on the other hand

1.What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?2.What's your trouble? 你遇到什么麻烦?3.What's the matther with you?你有什么事? (前三句差不多)4.What's up? 怎么了?5.I'm feeling. 我在感觉(这是一句话吗?)6.during the break. 休息的时候 7.have a headache. 有点头痛 8....

1.打起精神来 brace oneself up 2.看来我别无选择 It looks as if I have no alternative but...3.动动脑筋 use your head 4.别紧张 never be nervous 5.求救信号 weft 6.成为某人的负担 become someone's burden

1.help homeless 2.make signboard 3.around the school 4.at least 5.primary school 6.book sale activity 7.make a lot of money 8.in their spare time 9.give up time to do 10.good way to do 11.raise money 12.a country in Africa 13.travel alone 14.delay sth until ...

various\/all kinds of 各种各样的 例:There are various foods on the table . 桌子上摆着各种各样的食物。例:His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people . 他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道。a span of time 一段时间 例:He has lived here for a ...

步行回家( go home on foot) 在早上6点30 (at half pass six in the morning )住在北京的一所公寓里(live in apartment in Beijing ) 课后踢球(play football after class )乘公共汽车(take bus ) 我们都是好朋友(we are all good friends )我在妈妈的办公室了(I am in my mom's...

提高你的技能:improve your skills 彼此的花园:each other's garden 改变我的生活方式:change my life style 捎个口信: take a message 尽力: try to do 在阳光下: in the sun 长大:grow up 为···推荐某人:recommend someone for ……参加下一届世界杯比赛:take part in the next World ...

lovesick girls翻译
二、翻译变体 除了翻译关键词“lovesickgirls翻译”,我们还可以看一下它的变体。例如,“lovesickgirl's翻译”的意思就是把这句话翻译成汉语,即“一个患上爱情病的女孩”。三、翻译词组 此外,我们还可以看一下翻译词组。例如,“lovesickgirls'stories翻译”的意思就是把这句话翻译成汉语,即“患...

1.two yellow shirts 2.those brown pants 3.my pink coat 4.his sister`s gray dress 5.Andy`s blue jeans 6.our yellow and gree skirts 7.some orange sweaters 8.a black and white dress 9.his blue T-shirt 10.their yellow shoes 11.whose toy bear 12.Bill`s father`s orange ...

float in the water 在海底是什么?海底?1.on the ocean floor.指具体的海底 2.under the sea 泛指海面以下 in swamps move quietly with teeth called ivory find out take turns to read 望采纳!追问~参考资料:Q团

1.去锻炼take exercises 2.爬山clim mountain 3.你需要锻炼并保持健康You need to exercise and keep healthy 4.这山没真的高The mountain didn't really high 5.玩的开心have a good time\/enjoy myself\/have fun 6.乘船旅行to travel by ship 7.经过〔走过〕pass\/through 8.保重take care 9....

成华区19470311884: 翻译词组 -
艾逃沙利: 1.两人互相合作工作2.现在轮到你了3.请你举起你的手

成华区19470311884: 翻译词组!!!快!!! -
艾逃沙利: 1--get out2--take off3--run away4--be in the waiting room5--be willing to do sth6--take place7--pass to8--should be9--first of all10--do well in11--be healthy

成华区19470311884: 翻译词组~~~帮帮~~~~ -
艾逃沙利: 1.speak English2.speak in English3.score for their team4.talk about football players with my father 5.start to do6.know those questions' answers7.at class

成华区19470311884: 用英语翻译词组 10个 -
艾逃沙利: 1.long and beautiful hair 2.turn off the light 3.politness and kind person 4.take away them 5.three English girls 6.five chinese cars 7.one light green bag 8.a lot of old pictures 9.a lot of beautiful red suit 10.a little yellow dog

成华区19470311884: 翻译10个词组
艾逃沙利: 1.take out 或 come up with; 2.walk around; 3.chase after 或 quicken one's pace to catch up; 4.wear bracelet; 5.have the leisure; 6.there be no dispute 或 as a matter of course; 7.find sth/sb out; 8.be concerned about 或 show solicitude for 或 show loving care for 或 care about; 9.at that time; 10.on the other side of.

成华区19470311884: 翻译英语词组
艾逃沙利: play with the elevator bustling with noise and excitement

成华区19470311884: 英语翻译词组
艾逃沙利: 1.欢迎到阳光镇来(welcome to the Sunshine Town) 2.住在一个现代化的城市(living in a moderate city) 3.乘地铁去北京中心(take a subway to beijing downtown) 4.最少的空气污染(the least air pollution) 5.我们中的大多数(most of us) ...

成华区19470311884: 翻译词组~~~~~~~~~ -
艾逃沙利: 1.work for 2 the latest member 3 look happy 4 a member of the computer club 5 score in 6 football player. 7 my favourite football player 8 watch football match 9 tall and strong 10 read the books on football 11. sports news 12 in the school football ...

成华区19470311884: 英语翻译词组 -
艾逃沙利: 1, for ball games2, singing English songs3 for the elderly, story-telling4, in the work of a university5, the elderly welfare6, to help them do the laundry7, the first day of the week8, in the computer room Internet access9, learn from each other10, started Morning Reading

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