
作者&投稿:张宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.和…吵架 quarrel with.....
2.一张球票 one soccer ticket
3。从…借 borrow from .....
4.请求 beg
5.找出 find out
6.养宠物 keep pets
7.看起来精神的 look fresh
8.于…一样 same as ....
9.使得^…做某事 make .... do something
10.在图书馆前面 in front of the library
11.理发 have a haircut
12.从浴室出来 come out from the bathroom
13.买一个纪念品 buy a souvenir
14.爬树 climb up the tree
15.在火车站 in the train station
16.起飞 departs
17,进来 come in
18.发生 happen
19,跳下来 jump down
20做晚饭 prepare dinner
21,随懒觉 take a nap
22。进入商场 enter the mall
23.骑自行车 ride a bike
24。照相 take photos
25.为某人买礼物 buy a present for ....

1.铺开 spread
2.证明...的观点 prove your opinion
3.像...一样好as good as
4.学校开放日 school's opening day
5.习惯于做某事 get/be used to doing
6.过去习惯于做某事used to do
7.隐瞒....disguise uncover sth
8.说实话 tell the truth
9.躺在 lay on
10.处于不幸中 be in adversity
11.到如今 so far
12.在空间内 in the space
13.与..不同 different from
14.开...玩笑 jjoke about
15.密切注视 keep an eye on
16.小心 watch out look out
17.小心点be careful
18.保重 take care
19.作打算 make a decision make up one's mind
20.正在休假 be on holiday
21.声音像... sounds like
21.是选择同样的.. choose the same as
22.在最高的地方 at the top
23.更喜欢做某事 prefer doing/to do sth
24.少许... a little bit
25.覆盖着 be covered with
26.准时去做某事 do sth,on time
27.是时候去做... It's time to do
29.整队 stand in queue
30.向...提供 supply sb with sth provide sb.with sth, offer sb sth

1.去锻炼take exercises
2.爬山clim mountain
3.你需要锻炼并保持健康You need to exercise and keep healthy
4.这山没真的高The mountain didn't really high
5.玩的开心have a good time/enjoy myself/have fun
6.乘船旅行to travel by ship
8.保重take care
9.一切顺利all going well
10.去.....的顶部go to...at the top of
11.美国总统Chief Executive
12.由......制造made of/made from
13.港湾大桥Bay Bridge
14.埃菲尔铁塔Eiffel Tower
15.塞纳河River Seine
16.白宫White House
17.金门大桥Golden Gate Bridge
18.90英尺宽90feet wide
19.我们正坐在塞纳河畔一家小咖啡店里we are sitting in the Seine river in a small coffee shop.
20.It is has a big garden and many trees beautiful buildings.

  1. go and exercise

  2. mountain climbing

  3. you need to exercise to keep fit nd healthy

  4. this mountian is really not very high

  5. enjoy yourself/have a wonderful time/have fun

  6. a cruis trip

  7. pass by/walk by

  8. take care

  9. All the best

  10. go onto the top of .....

  11. the president of USA

  12. made by..../made from....

  13. Sydney Harbour Bridge

  14. Eiffel Towe

  15. Seine River

  16. the White House

  17. Golden Gate Bridge

  18. 1890 inch wide

  19. We are sitting in a small coffee shop along the Seine River. 

  20. It is a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees. 

下次 next time 例.I'll win you next time.对...有好处 be good for 例.Reading in the morning is good for your English.各种各样的 all kinds of 例.There are all kinds of flowers in the garden.或者...或者... either...or... 例.You can take either the cake...

1get warmer

train lessons 培训课 medical card 医药卡.相信我,100%正确.

be proud of my country be proud of being a teacher have a special chair to sit build a house by oneself raise chickens and collect the eggs by own raise cattle and collect milk by own help me once again prepare a report do a report to show them my love ...

27 A home for half an hour 28 All the misspelled word

如题,快考试了,英语一向不灵光,请帮下,明天来收答案初二下学期1~5单元的英语语法及词组,要全面的人教版... 如题,快考试了,英语一向不灵光,请帮下,明天来收答案初二下学期1~5单元的英语语法及词组,要全面的 人教版 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了? zd1995227 2009-04-25 ·...

初二 英语 英语单词翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (20 20:58:9)
1.在你的上次学校郊游中 on your last school trip 2.在他的十二岁生日派对上 during(on) his 12-year-old bithday party 3.大吃一惊 jump out of one's skin \/ get (have) a fright \/ shocked( 这个不太好,因为你这里是词组翻译,不过平时写的时候可以用的)4.到。。。为止 up unti...

...get take的词组,例如take out get down与其翻译,谢谢啦
1. Get up 起床 2. Get off 下车 3. Get on 上车,相处 4. Get over 克服,恢复 5. Get back 回来 6. Get through 接通电话;完成 7. Get along 相处,进展 8. Get into 进入,陷入 9. Get out 出去 10. Get in the way 碍事 11. Take...

人教版初二英语上册所有单词和翻译 (不要扫描)明天7点之前要 救我 展开 4个回答 #专题# 怎么买保险?答案全在这里了 aaroon3285058 2008-01-22 · TA获得超过840个赞 知道答主 回答量:83 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 第一册词组(共26个) 1.in English ...

初二英语短文翻译 来专业的
一:当我还是个小姑娘的时候,我最想做的事就是旅行(travel这里是名词),而且我决定能实现这个愿望的最好方法就是当一个空姐(这里的be to do不是一个词组,“was”是谓语动词,后面是宾语)。我已经当了空姐两年了,它真是个很有趣的工作因为我可以环游全世界。我发现最重要的一个要求,就是要...

河曲县17637873838: 初二英语词组中翻英 (共10个,会的告诉我 给二十分) -
骆肩法斯: Three pieces of furniture Eight kinds of different plants The world of the general plant Were used to build premises taking 12 be grass do hat Patients, Most of our money Take one and a half year to build our houses Use this glass box on the plants

河曲县17637873838: 七八年级重点英语词组 -
骆肩法斯:[答案] (一)加-ing enjoy / like doing sth 喜欢做---- spend.(in) doing sth 在做---花费--- try doing 试着做------ be busy doing sth 忙于... 落 come along来;随同 come in进来 come on来吧;跟着来;赶快 come over过来;顺便来访 come out出来;出现;(花)...

河曲县17637873838: 从初一到初二的英语词组 -
骆肩法斯: 1. be back / in / out / over 回来/在家/外出 2. be at home/work 在家/上班 3. be good at 善于,擅长于 4. be careful 当心,注意,仔细 5. be ready for 为……作好准备 6. be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶 7. be interested in 对……感兴趣 8. be born 出...

河曲县17637873838: 我要英语八年级下册的词组,越多越好,记住是英语八年级下册的词组 -
骆肩法斯:[答案] Module 1 1.将来_in the future2.结果 as a result3.山地自行车运动 mountain biking4.出版 come out5.例如 for example/such as... 准备天气预报Prepare the weather reports6.进两球Score two goals7.赢得比赛Win the match8.输掉比赛Lose the match9.---的...

河曲县17637873838: 英语翻译初2词组 -
骆肩法斯: 1立刻马上 at once 2得分/失去一分 to score/lose one point3尽某人的力】try one's best4确定做某事 be determined to do sth.5在某人帮助下 with the help of sb6与```对抗/较量 compete with sb7很久 a very long time 8病倒了 fall ill9(我)做```你介意...

河曲县17637873838: 初二英语翻译词组
骆肩法斯: 你好. 词组分别为:1、food on.2、The largest animal planet.3、in the air in the sky.4、Weigh 209 tons.5、A new set of teeth.6、A cm long.7、19 feet high. 希望对你有帮助.

河曲县17637873838: 用英文翻译下列词组.2我会的老师3原谅我4在树上的鸟5下来6欢迎来我们学校 -
骆肩法斯:[答案] 1 Thank you (very much)

河曲县17637873838: 求初二的英语词组
骆肩法斯: 天要下雨 It's gonna rain,or it's about to rain. 互相关心 take care of each other concern about each other 给...标号码 to number 猜猜看 guess,or have a guess 把他们放在 put them on 花费很长时间 spend pretty long time 在 末端 at the end of 遍...

河曲县17637873838: 初二的英语 短语
骆肩法斯: 未来;将来in the future 远离be far away from 喜爱;爱上be fond of (梦想等)实现come true 为...付款pay for 时髦的;流行的up to date 兼职工作a part-time job 寻找look for 空闲时间in one's spare/free time 打电话 make a phone call 所要要求ask for (与某人)相处 get on with sb.

河曲县17637873838: 初二英语翻译词组1.因为独自一人.2、你曾经用过“FRESH”反义词造句吗?3、频繁的搬家.4、不要在修那辆车了,你丈夫等你两小时了.5、我想查几个词6... -
骆肩法斯:[答案] 1.Because I am alone.这句不完整啊,正常应该有下文的.2.Have you made up a sentence with the antonym of"fresh"?3.move frequently4,Don't repair that car any more,your husband has been waiting for you for ...

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