
作者&投稿:富居 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Verbs followed by of, from, in and on 后面可跟of, from, in和on的动词

We can put of, from, in, or on after certain verbs:

of, from, in, on可以用在某些动词的后面:

Jane never dreamed of receiving a letter…(11. 1-2)

She never thought of it again. (11. 4-5)

She received a letter from a girl in Holland. (11. 5-6)

Use this list for reference:


a OF: accuse, approve, assure, beware, boast(or about), complain(or about), consist, convince(or about), cure, despair, dream(or about), expect(or from), hear(or from),be/get rid, smell, suspect, think(or about), tired., warn (or against).


b FROM: borrow, defend(or against), demand(or of), differ, dismiss, draw(SD 64), emerge, escape, excuse(or for), hinder, prevent, prohibit, protect(or against), receive, separate, suffer.


c IN: believe, delight, employ(ed), encourage, engaged., experienced., fail, help(or with), include, indulge, instruct, interest(ed), invest, involved., persist, share.


d ON: act, based., call(SD 34), comment, concentrate, congratulate, consult(or about), count, decide, depend, economize, embark, experiment, insist, lean(or against), live, operate, perform(or in), pride(oneself), rely, vote(on a motion; for someone), write(or about).


新东方新概念2册课后习题答案详解Lesson 22
1. d
根据课文第4-5行She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, 只有d. She didn’t expect anyone to find the bottle 是课文所暗示的内容,其他3个选择都不符合课文实际内容。
2. b
根据课文第6行Both girls write to each other regularly now, 只有b. correspond in the normal way now 与课文实际内容相符合,correspond=write to each other, 其他3个选择都不是课文提及的内容。
3. d
本句中的动词dreamed(梦想) 可以同介词of 或about连用,也可以跟that引导的从句做宾语,但不能跟动词不定式。a. to receive 是动词不定式,不合乎语法;b. to receiving 有语法错误,应该是dream of receiving; c. of receive 有语法错误,应该是of receiving; d. that she would receive 是that 引导的从句,可以做dreamed 的宾语,因此应该选d.
4. d
只有d. the same age as(与……年龄相同)之处是正确的表达方式; 而a. the same age with 不符合语法,same 不应该同with 连用,而应该同as连用;b. the same age 后面缺as, 不正确;c. as old 后面也应该有as 才符合语法。
5. b
这个句子是一般过去时形式的疑问句,所以填的动词应该是动词原形,因此只有b. throw 是正确答案。
6. d
只有d. about才能同thought构成短语动词表示“考虑”其他3个都不是正确的表达方式。
7. a
只有a. to one another(互相)最符合语法和习惯用法。
b. the one to the other 虽然语法上讲得通,但意思古够通顺;c. each to other不符合语法,应该是to each other; d. to other 不符合语法。
8. c
只有c. trip(旅行) 是正确的表达方式,与前面的were traveling 的意思相符。 a. sail(航行) 不合乎题目意思;b. travel 不是正确表达方式,可以是went on a journey/trip; d. run(跑) 不是正确的表达方式,也不合乎题目意思。
9. d
只有d. sheet (张) 是正确的表达方式,而其他3个选择a. lump(块,团),b. bar(条,棒) ,c. tube(管子) 都不能与paper(纸张) 连用。
10. a
只有a. frequently(经常)同前面的often意思相同。
b. occasionally(不时地),c. sometimes(有时),d. now and again(时而,不时)这3个选择都与often意思不同。
11. b
b. stamps(邮票) 才符合逻辑。 a. sweets(糖) ,c. apples(苹果), d. sugar(方糖) 这3个选择都不符合题目意思。
12. b
只有b. more quickly(较快地)同前一句中的faster意思相同。
a. sooner(不久地,较早地) ,c. hurriedly(匆忙地) 与d. shorter(较短地) 这3个选择都与faster 的意思不同。

名词性从句包括:主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句和同位语从句
课文中My daughter Jane......... 这句 就是同位语从句
(1)名词做同位语 例子 Mr Wang,my child's teacher,will be visiting us on Tuesday.
(2)短语作同位语 例子 I ,the oldest girl in the family,always had to care for the other children.
(3)橘子做同位语 例子 The girls were surprised at the fact the ocean ships can sail up the Great lakes.
1of one's own age 和某人年龄一样
eg.He is boy of my own age.
2each other 相互(强调两者之间)
one another强调三者或三者以上的相互
4a little 可以修饰比较级
5think of 考虑
dream of 梦想
6write to 给某人写信


文中 dreamed of后面的部分都是宾语。动名词 receiving带有自己的宾语 a letter。( cf. 第 20课语法)receive… from…表示“从……收到……”。3.Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. 去年,当...


The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they...


Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger?My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling ...

How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger?My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She ...

新概念2的第22课多选题的理解的第二题:Both girls ___ .
答案是 B.correspond in the normal way now依据是Both girls write to each other regularly now.However,they have decided to use the post office.其他选项 都不对 A.meet regularly now(文章中没有提到 故 不对)C.send notes to each other in bottles(互相 用 漂流瓶 写信 是不可能...


新概念英语第二册22课摘要写作, 如果还有的话,23\/24课也要,感激不...
参考答案(摘要写作)Lesson 22 Jane crossed the Channel last year.She threw a bottle into the sea.It contained a piece of paper with he name and address on it.Ten months later,she received a letter from a girl in Holland .They write to each other regularly now .They send ...

she主 received谓 (a letter)宾 (from a girl in Holland)状语.(Both girls)主 (write to) 谓(each other)宾 regularly now.However, they主 (have decided)谓 (to use the post office.)动词不定式作宾语 Letters 主(will cost)谓 a little more, but they will certainly travel faster.

罗湖区17517662605: 新概念第二册第22课语法 -
闭易先普: 1同位语 名词性从句包括:主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句和同位语从句 课文中My daughter Jane......... 这句 就是同位语从句 (1)名词做同位语 例子 Mr Wang,my child's teacher,will be visiting us on Tuesday. (2)短语作同位语 例子 I ,the oldest girl in ...

罗湖区17517662605: 新概念第二册22课语法Both girls write to each other regularly now.However,they have decided to use the post office.Letters will cost a little more,but they will ... -
闭易先普:[答案] 根据你的上下文,这里will 感觉会像“会”的意思,不仅仅是“将”的意思,所以,用了“will”; 当然如果用一般现在时,语法上也是不错的,只是语气稍微有些生硬 但是不能用过去时,因为你的上下文用的都是现在时.

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罗湖区17517662605: 新概念英语第二册第二十二课They began by experimenting ( ) rats,选填介词in/on/of/form其中之一.帮忙选出正确答案并分析一下句子,谢谢! -
闭易先普:[答案] 用on 这里有他们用法的区别~

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闭易先普:[答案] 1.10 from on in on from in of on from in 11`~20 on on of in on of of from in on on of in 21---30 of on in from on on on in on in 31--40 from on on of in from on on in of 41--50 on on in on in in from of of of 51--54 on of from in 这些基本用法需要记忆的 好多...

罗湖区17517662605: 新概念英语第二册第22课 -
闭易先普: 1.~10 from on in on from in of on from in 11`~20 on on of in on of of from in on on of in 21---30 of on in from on on on in on in 31--40 from on on of in from on on in of 41--50 on on in on in in from of of of 51--54 on of from in 这些基本用法需要记忆的 好多也是查字典才知道的 不过大部分只要你熟悉单词的用法 搭配起来一般不会太难

罗湖区17517662605: 新概念英语第二册的语法问题Did you manage to sell the tickets yesterday?你昨天把票卖了吗?No,I won't be able to sell them untill next week.这句话为啥书上... -
闭易先普:[答案] 这是因为not.until是固定搭配,翻译成直到.才.所以翻译中没有出现否定意思,不要纠结. 例如:I couldn't finish the work until Tom helped me.

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