
作者&投稿:廉才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hi, everybody, Nice to see you all! Let me intruduce myself first. I'm a structure engineer from design department. I worked in quality department five months ago and turn to bussiness department here. I'm a new gay here and have to learn more from you all. I need your help in future on bussiness, wishing good cooperation with you all. Thank you in advance!


Hello, I'm (你的名字). May I have this dance with you?
-你好,我是 (名字). 我可以和你跳这一只舞么?

Are you tired? Do you want to take a rest at that table?
-你累了么? 要不要在那个桌子旁边休息下? (我高中舞会时舞台不远处有桌子,椅子可以休息,吃小吃)

May I get you anything do drink or eat?


You look very handsome today, nice suit!
You look very beautiful today, that dress is beautiful!

This is my favorite song!



I am a new structural design department engineer, five months before I work in the Quality Assurance Department, is now mobilizing to the business department, because it is a lot of new things to learn, later also to a lot of advice!

I am designing new structural engineer, I five months before in the quality assurance work, now mobilizing to work, because it's new business need to learn a lot of things, then also please your comments

I am designing new structural engineer, I five months before in the quality assurance work, now mobilizing to work, because it's new business need to learn a lot of things, after you for your comments!

I am designing new structural engineer, I five months before in the quality assurance work, now mobilizing to work, because it's new business need to learn a lot of things, after you for your comments!


1、下午好 こんにちは。2、初次见面,请多关照 初めまして、よろしくお愿いします。3、我叫佐藤 佐藤と申します。4、那么再见 では、また。5、最近麻烦您了 この顷、お世话になりました。6、哪里哪里 こちらこそ。7、那么,我先走了\/我挂了 では、お先に失礼します。8、...

wishing good cooperation with you all. Thank you in advance!

初めまして。——初次见面 お気に入り登录、ありがとうございました♪—— 谢谢你收藏(我们的网页)どうぞ宜しくお愿い致します。:) ——请多多关照 06040409さんは可爱いお声ですね~。——06040409先生(小姐)声音好可爱啊~这里容易搞混是お気に入り,这就是中文网页的收藏夹的...

1;最初の会合は、注意してください! 初次见面,请多多关照! =哈吉买马戏台,要老西裤,奥乃噶依稀马斯 2;おはようございます! 早上好!哦哈腰够杂役马斯 3;こんにちは! 你好! 空呢齐瓦 4;こんばんは!晚上好!空帮瓦 5;おやすみなさい!晚安! 欧亚素米 6;ようこそ! ...

I am a new structural design department engineer, five months before I work in the Quality Assurance Department, is now mobilizing to the business department, because it is a lot of new things to learn, later also to a lot of advice!

初次见面 meet for the first time;他们多年没见面了。They haven't seen each other for years.; It's many years since they parted.中中释义 见面 [jiàn miàn](1) [meet;see]∶与相见 (2) [appear]∶ [公开或在公众前]露面 邀请我和他们见面 双语例句 全部 meet see 1...

Hi!Nice to meet you!初次见面请多关照,英语一般都是上边翻译的这句英语话来打招呼的。望采纳,谢谢您!~


初次见面,请多关照。4,こんにちは。ko nn ni ti ha 你好 5,こんばんは。ko nn ba nn ha。晚上好。6,ありがとう ございます。a ri ga to u go za i ma su。谢谢。7,すみません。su mi ma se nn。对不起。8,お休みなさい。おやすみなさい。o ya su mi na sa i。

meet(初次)见面;认识;结识 'Jennifer,' Miss Mallory said, 'this is Leigh Van-Voreen.' — 'Pleased to meet you,' Jennifer said.“珍妮弗,”马洛里小姐说,“这位是利·范沃林。”——“见到您很高兴,”珍妮弗说。

遵化市13481241246: 请帮忙翻译一句初次见面的日常交际用语,翻译成英文 -
纵昭槟榔: Hi, everybody, Nice to see you all! Let me intruduce myself first. I'm a structure engineer from design department. I worked in quality department five months ago and turn to bussiness department here. I'm a new gay here and have to learn more from ...

遵化市13481241246: 求英文日常交际交往用语...(要带汉语翻译) -
纵昭槟榔: 1.你好哇,哥儿们!How are you doing, sport!2.`你好吗?'`很好,谢谢!'`How are you?' `Fine, thanks.'3.你好,史蒂文斯.Hi there, Stevens.4.你好,真巧啊!Hello there, what a coincidence!5.“你好”是一个习惯问候语."How are you?" is a ...

遵化市13481241246: 50句英语日常交际用语 -
纵昭槟榔:[答案] 1.问候 Greetings (1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好(或:喂) Hi.你好(或:嗨... 我来把您介绍给我的好朋友好吗? I'd like you to meet Mr Green.我想请您见见格林先生 (2)--How do you do?(初次见面...

遵化市13481241246: 英语日常交际用语翻译(20句 -
纵昭槟榔: 1.How are you? 你好吗? 2.Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你. 3.How do you do? 你好.怎么样(还好吗?)? 4.Fine,thanks,And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 5.Very well,thanks. 很好,谢谢. 6.I'm fine,thank you. 我很好,谢谢你. 7.Nice to ...

遵化市13481241246: 第一次见面 用英语怎么说? -
纵昭槟榔: 还记得我们第一次见面的那天 : Remember first time we met day one1. 我想这是我们第一次见面,对吗? I think this is the first time we've met, isn't it?2 .赫:第一次见面时我就告诉过你. Hector : Just as I told you when we first met.3. 新婚夫妇...

遵化市13481241246: 求一些英语初次见面的句子 -
纵昭槟榔: 1.I 'm in the second middle school2, I am grade eight students3, It's nice to meet you4, I am not proficient in English, just a little.如:What's up? What are you up to these days ? How goes it with you? 最近过的怎么样 Hey,buddy!Long time no see.嗨...

遵化市13481241246: “初次见面,请多关照”用英语怎么翻译? -
纵昭槟榔: 初次见面:meet for the first time 初次见面用语: 打招呼:1.Nice to meet you! 2.I am so glad to see you! 上面两句都是很高兴见到你的意思外国人一般不讲请多关照,你可以讲nice to meet you或者稍微谦恭一点pleasure to meet you

遵化市13481241246: 英语日常交际用语 -
纵昭槟榔:[答案] 英语日常交际用语 1.问候 Greetings (1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好(或:喂) Hi.你好(或:嗨) How are you?你好吗 Fine,thank you,and you?(very well,thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢...

遵化市13481241246: 日常交往用语 -
纵昭槟榔: 1.初次见面说: 你/您好 2.请人指点说: 请教 3.麻烦别人说: 烦请 4.托人办事说: 劳驾 5.求人方便说: 劳烦 6.看望别人说: 保重 7.好久不见说: 久违 8.请你帮忙说: 拜托 9.求人解答说: 赐教 10.向人祝贺说: 恭喜 11.求人谅解说: 见谅/海涵 12.起身走时说: 再见/回见

遵化市13481241246: 你在吗? 初次见面,你好! 请帮我翻译英语. -
纵昭槟榔: Are you there? The first meeting, hello!你在吗? 初次见面,你好! Please help me to translate the english.请帮我翻译英语.

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