
作者&投稿:温环 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

we go back home . 我们回家

上升, 靠近, 升职, 提及
下降, 沉没, 屈服, 被记下
同样的, 相同的

Madrid [mə'drid] 马德里(西班牙首都)
Sydney ['sidni] 悉尼(澳大利亚城市)
Cairo ['kaiərəu, 'kairəu] 开罗(埃及首都)
Los Angeles [lɔs'ændʒələs]洛杉矶(美国城市)
Mexico City ['meksikəu 'siti] 墨西哥城(墨西哥)

1、what have you got in them? 你在里面放了什么?
——have got 拥有,得到【have got a cold 得了感冒】
2、Have..got 【Have you got time to phone him? 你有时间给他打电话吗?】
——Yes, …have/has. / No, …haven’t/hasn’t 是的/不是。
3、have/has got something in 在..中得到...
【It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。】
4、Have you got anything in this case? 你在这个案子中发现了点什么吗?
Oh,no.I have got nothing in it. 不,我什么都没发现。

本初子午线 the prime meridian
经纬线 warp and woof
世界时区 world time zone

The time zone is that any of the 24 regions of the globe throughout which the same standard time is used. People in olden days learnt the time by the solar direction. As a result, people in different latitude and longitude had a different time. And this problem was solved to some extent, at least in part by the appearance of the time zone. Countries all over the world locate in different places , so the sunrise-and-sunset time would be different too. And the difference is called time difference.

1. What benifit have you got? 你得到了什麼好处?
2. Have you got a new car? 你有得到一辆新车吗?
3. He has got something in his stomach. 他肚子里有些想法.
4. Have you got anything in your mind? 你有想到什麼吗?

1...有什么?...有...have got=have
2 这道题have got 是现在完成时,have是助动词
3 ...人有一些东西/一些事情/在某方面有一些问题
4 和3翻译一样

1.What benifit have you got?你得到了什么好处?2.Have you got a new car?你有得到一辆新车吗?3.He has got something in his stomach.他肚子里有些想法.4.Have you got anything in your mind?你有想到什么吗?

1. But for the heat of the sun, what will become of the living thing on earth.要是没有太阳的热,地球上的生物会成什么样子。2. Prices seem high in relation to wages.就工资看来,这价格有点高。3I can't make use of this tool.我不会使用这个工具。4she looks as if she were...

英语老师布置了作业,用there be句型造句并翻译。单数三个,复数三个...
1、there is an apple.那儿有一个苹果。2、there is a beautiful girl.那里有个漂亮的小姑娘。3、there is a star in the sky.天上有颗星星。4、there are two students.那里有两个学生 5、there are many animals in the zoo.动物园里有很多动物。英语学习方法 第一:自信的说英语。英语是...

there is、there are的造句,简单点,最好是四五年级的水平(有中文翻译...
1、There is, in addition, one further point to make.此外,还有一点要说。2、There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.大家对税制缺乏了解。3、There is a growing realization that changes must be made.越来越多的人认识到改革势在必行。4、There is no difference between the ...

造句如下:1、He studies hard.译文:他学习很努力。2、I finished my homework .译文:我完成了作业。3、I will review my homework.译文:我将复习我的家庭作业。4、I am going to visit my grandparents.译文:我要去看望我的祖父母。5、He is drawing a picture.译文:他正在画画。6、They ...

门后有一只猫。There be句型造句?
1、英语中的 there be 句型表示"某地有某物"。翻译句子时,先翻译有某物,再翻译在某地。比如说这句:There are two apples on the tree. 树上有两个苹果。当然了,题目给的也是这个典型的基本的用法哦~~~2、there be结构表示“某地有某物”或“某时有某事”。be是谓语动词,主语是谓语动词...

用以下句型what's this in Engsh?和It's a或an编三句话并翻译
1、what's this in Engsh? It's a book.英语里这是什么?它是一本书。2、what's this in Engsh? It's an Apple.英语里这是什么?它是一个苹果。3、what's this in Engsh? It's a house.英语里这是什么?它是一个房子。

THERE BE 句型 造句
there is my bedroom.there is a table.some books are on the table.a book is on the chair.there are pens on the chair,too.翻译:这是我的房间。这是一个桌子。一些书在桌子上。一本书在椅子上。钢笔也在椅子上。

there be句型造句
There are many bananas on the table.There are some people in the park.There are too many trees in the garden.There are so many pictures in the bag.There is some water in the bottle.there is some paper on the floor.there is a cup on the desk.there is a book in my ...

6) However, she did not lose heart. 然而她并没有丧失信心。7) She became a fine example for people who have had bad accidents or bad luck.她为那些曾经经历过意外事故或坏运气的人们树立了一个好榜样。8) Leonardo encouraged me not to give up and keep on fighting. 莱昂纳多鼓励我...

南安市15080343509: 英文句子翻译用下面的句式造句:句型 not only... but also... only when.../only in this way.../ only by doing ....1, 只有到了每一件事情都很糟糕的时候,他才开始... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] , only when having arrived at, when every piece of thing is very too bad, he begins to realize that he has made a wrong decision just now. 2, not only, he is fond of reading a novel , is fond of playing the piano. Only when 3, passing physical training,you ...

南安市15080343509: 求翻译下面句型.请表明序号.谢谢一.开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 2.It goes without saying that... 3.It can be said with certainty that... 4.As the proverb says... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] 一1 至于...; 就...来说2 毫无疑问...;没什么可说的...3 可以确定的说...;可以确切认为...4 谚语有云...5 必须注意...6 通常人们认为...;通常被认为...7 可能...;也许...;好像...8 很难...9 不能认为...很过分...

南安市15080343509: 翻译下列句子(用There be句型).1.有许多书在图书馆.( )2.房子后边有许多绵羊.( )3.文具盒里一枝笔也没有.( )4.有一只猫在桌子下面.( )5.There is ... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] there are many books in library. there are much sheep behind the house. there isn't a pen in pencilbox. there is a cat under the table. 墙上有幅中国地图. 我的家乡没有一条长河.

南安市15080343509: 指出下列句子的句式,并翻译成现代汉语. (1)以深入击秦,战于蓝田. - ______ - (2)明道德之广崇. - ______ --
漫建麝珠:[答案] 答案: 解析: (1)介宾短语后置句.译:深入到秦国境内进攻秦军,在蓝田展开了激战. (2)定语后置句.译:阐明广大崇高的道德.

南安市15080343509: 指出下列句子的句式,并翻译成现代汉语. (1)遂绝齐. - ______ - (2)又因厚币用事者臣靳尚. - ______ --
漫建麝珠:[答案] 答案: 解析: (1)遂绝(于)齐,省略句,省略介词.译:就同齐国绝交了. (2)又因厚币(赂)用事者臣靳尚,省略句,省谓语.译:又用丰厚的礼物贿赂楚国当权大臣靳尚.

南安市15080343509: 指出下列文言句子句式并翻译1.他人之贤者,丘陵也.2.博我以文,约我以礼.3.人虽欲自绝,其何伤于日月乎?4.居则曰:“不吾知也!”5.小人学道则易使也.... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] 1.判断句 其他的一些贤德之人,是(这里是暗喻)丘陵,尚且还可以被超越 2.状语后置 用文化知识让弟子的常识渊博,用礼仪规范约束弟子的行为 3状语后置 人即使自杀了,难道对日月(交替的规律)有损害吗? 4.宾语前置 平时总是说:没有人了...

南安市15080343509: 翻译以下句子(7个基本句型是:主动SV,主动状SVA,主动补SVC,主动宾SVO,主动宾宾SVoO,主动宾补SVOC,主动宾状SVOA.基本句型可以通过... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] 11.The meeting will last two hours.12.The train will leave at 6:00.13.The book is about Amerian history.14.He suggested taking the bus.15.I made tea for myself.16.You must keep the room clean all the ...

南安市15080343509: 翻译下列词组和句子1.做家庭作业___________2.看电视____________3.打扫房间___________4.吃晚饭__________5.想去看电影___________6.那听起来... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] 1:do homework 2:watch TV3:clean room4:have supper5:want to watch film6:that sounds nice7:the television is boring8:write letter二:1:we are not watch TV Are you watch TV2:the boy is not running is th...

南安市15080343509: 英语翻译高手们翻译下列句子,最好用强调句型:1、直到动身去北京上大学我才意识到父母是多么爱我2、上海是个如此美丽的旅游城市,下周我想再次去那... -
漫建麝珠:[答案] 1. Not until i go to university in Beijing , i realized how my parents love me 2. Shnghai is so beautiful a city 3. It's the time we should take effective measures to protect water 输不上啊

南安市15080343509: 英语问题:用不同的句式(一般句式、否定句式、倒装句式、强调句式等),翻译下列句子. -
漫建麝珠: 1.It was 11 when he got home last night . 肯定句 2.He didn't get home until 11 last night . 否定句 3.Not until 11 did he get home last night . 倒装句 4.It was not until 11 last night that he got home . 强调句 1.She was absent from school yesterday ...

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