
作者&投稿:邗荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Summary:Gu Kaizhi is an outstanding figure-painter during Eastern Jin Dynasty.People in the following eras said that He was best at three aspects:paitings,articles,and he was the most crazy man.He set up lots of theories on painting.especially his thought of "Creating expressive works".This theory was not only reflected in his masterpiece to its full extent,but also exerts profound influence on China's traditional aesthetics.This article focuses on and makes several comparisons of the historic backgrounds when the theory of"Creating expressive works"was established as well as the development of this theory in later time.By the comparisons and analysis,the article proves the Gu's thought of"Expressing the paintings here".This article will explore the profound origin of his thought,and analyse the pragmatic contents of the thought of"Creating expressive works".It will be of great significance for us to learn the theory of Chinese paitings and the pratice of creating Chinese traditional paitings.
Key words:Gu kaizhi theory of"Creating expressive works" lie


But "the FDA stood against [implicit pre-emption] until this administration," O'Reilly said. "The FDA made an historic shift when it argued for implicit pre-emption at the end of 2002. The capture of the FDA by forces favoring judicial pre-emption is a travesty." The FDA has intervened in a handful of lawsuits on the side of drug and medical device manufacturers, arguing that the public health will suffer if state courts are allowed to, in its words, "second-guess" the agency's regulatory decisions by ruling on consumers' tort claims. Ironically, the FDA has taken that position in the face of a rising tide of criticism over its handling of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) -a class of anti-depressants that includes Paxil and Zoloft- and amid calls for the release of unpublished safety and efficacy data so that private researchers can more effectively second-guess the agency
但粮食与药物管理局站立了反对含蓄先买直到这管理说粮食与药物管理局做了一个历史的转移当它为赞成含蓄先买而辩论在后期的2002 年。粮食与药物管理局的捕获由力量倾向司法先买是travesty 。粮食与药物管理局干预了在几个诉讼在药物的边并且医疗设备制造商, 争辩说, 公共卫生将遭受如果状态法院被允许对, 在它的管理决定由统治在消费者\ ' 侵权行为要求。讽刺地, 粮食与药物管理局采取了那个位置在批评面前上升的浪潮它处理有选择性的5-羟色胺reuptake 抗化剂(SSRIs) - 包括Paxil 并且Zoloft- 和在呼叫之中请求未出版的安全和效力数据发行抗抑郁剂的组以便私有研究员更加有效地装于罐中猜疑代办处

但\"the 粮食与药物管理局站立了反对[ 含蓄先买] 直到这管理, \" O\'Reilly 说。\"The 粮食与药物管理局做了一个历史的转移当它为赞成含蓄先买而辩论在后期的2002 年。粮食与药物管理局的捕获由力量倾向司法先买是travesty 。\ " 粮食与药物管理局干预了在几个诉讼在药物的边并且医疗设备制造商, 争辩说, 公共卫生将遭受如果状态法院被允许对, 在它的词, \"second 猜测\" agency\ 的管理决定由统治在消费者\ ' 侵权行为要求。讽刺地, 粮食与药物管理局采取了那个位置在批评面前上升的浪潮它处理有选择性的5-羟色胺reuptake 抗化剂(SSRIs) - 包括Paxil 并且Zoloft- 和在呼叫之中请求未出版的安全和效力数据发行抗抑郁剂的组以便私有研究员更加有效地装于罐中猜疑代办处

"但对林业站[隐先发制人]这之前,"若干题目. "林业历史性转变做出了隐时辩称先发制人到2002年底. 攻陷 由林业袒司法力量先发制人的嘲弄. " 食品暨药物管理局已介入一小撮官司的药物和医疗器械制造业方面, 辩称公共卫生受损州法院允许在其词, "猜测"该机构的管理决定由执政党对消费者侵权索赔. 讽刺 食品暨药物管理局已采取这一立场,在面对高呼批评美国处理展 5-羟色胺摄取抑制剂(医师)-一类抗忧郁包括paxil、舍曲--呼唤声中获释 未发表的数据安全性和有效性,使研究人员能够更有效的私人揣测处

every honorable interviewer,Good morning! My name is XXX. I am from Yichang,a city where the magnificent Three Gorges are located. I am a teacher of Chinese from a senior vocational school. I love the education of Chinese and I have been involved in teaching for 15 years. I ...

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In my view, is a self-learning and traditional learning methods corresponding to a modern way of learning. Compared with traditional learning methods, the subject is the self-study students. Students must pass an independent analysis, to explore other methods to achieve learning goals, ...

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two separate on-site treatment systems are envisaged. The whole water system can be broken down into three subsystems: water utilization system, wastewater regeneration system and wastewater treatment system, as shown in Figure 1.Wastewater produced by the water utilization system is split...

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Mysterious shaman community, a boy, his parents were the most horrible dark wizard Voldemort killed.But he survived because of the protection of the mother's love. In an ordinary family growth and ill-treatment, 11years of age he found a real home - the Hogwarts school of magic...

will be of great significance for us to learn the theory of Chinese paitings and the pratice of creating Chinese traditional paitings.Key words:Gu kaizhi theory of"Creating expressive works" lie <luo river map> 有些过于专业的词汇翻译的不是很准确,,,呵呵,,,尽力了已经~~~...

淇县15326954210: 急需医学医学的一段话的英文翻译,有一些专业术语,请高手帮忙啊,急需 -
郗炭珍香: 【Abstract】 objective:to probe into the effect CQI(continuous quality improvement)applied in the nursing of patients that carries urethral catheter in urology.methods:choose 700 inpatients that carries urethral catheter, randomly divide them into two ...

淇县15326954210: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下这段话,医学方面的.
郗炭珍香: 如发生阴道出血、膀胱痉挛和阴道感染等症状,必须立即进行积极治疗以防止瘘病复发.如发生二次阴道出血,则需要进行重新包扎并卧床休息.预防性抗胆碱药可减少膀胱痉挛.如有需要,也可以服用颠茄和鸦片栓剂.在手术前和手术后都应该连续服用抗生素以防止阴道感染. ------------------------------------------- 我不是学医的,不过觉得自己翻译的挺到位了.

淇县15326954210: 帮忙翻译两段话,好像是和医药有关的……不是特别长,略微学术 -
郗炭珍香: 您好,很高兴为您解答翻译:The media coverage of the patent generated debate and discussion on the issue, and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)an autonomous institution under the Department of Science and ...

淇县15326954210: 求医药类高手帮忙翻译超声检查报告(中译英),请按标准报告格式翻译~! 中文报告如下: -
郗炭珍香: 超声所见Ultrasound findings: 子宫长径Uterine length xxmm ,前后径anteroposterior diameter xxmm ,横径 diameter xxmm ,大小正常ormal size,后位 rear position子宫内膜厚度endometrium thickness Xmm, 回声均匀echo uniform. 宫颈形...

淇县15326954210: 请医学英语的高手帮忙翻译一段文章 -
郗炭珍香: High blood pressure has closest relation to hemorrhagic stroke, therefore controlling of blood pressure plays an vital role in prevention of that disease. While ischemic stroke is a kind of disease involving multiple risk factors,which is needed to be ...

淇县15326954210: 请医学英语高手帮忙翻译一句重要的话 -
郗炭珍香: 值得注意的是,双受体敲出鼠(βDKO)出生时胰岛细胞的补体正常,但是,3周后都患了糖尿病,而单基因突变的表现型少.

淇县15326954210: 请高手指教医药翻译中常用的一句话
郗炭珍香: NLT是医学中的一项测试..normal lymphocyte transfer(test)正常淋巴细胞转移试验 后面的1.5 µmol/mg polysaccharide应该是试验的结果. 1.5 微摩尔每毫克 多糖酶

淇县15326954210: 急求医学英语翻译一段文字,谢谢高手们 -
郗炭珍香: Goal: Discusses XXX takes orally the fluid to grade, in the blood brain barrier index and the brain organization to the acute cerebral hemorrhage big mouse's nerve morbid state the neuron specificity enolase, the tumor necrosis factor expression ...

淇县15326954210: 医学类英译汉,麻烦各位大神帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了,以下是原文,在线等.
郗炭珍香: 晚期妊娠夭折的5头牛宝宝中,诊断出严重的破坏性多关节病伴随关节软骨的纤维性颤动和糜烂、关节面变形、关节软组织增生的情况.2头牛宝宝是单关节问题,都在肘关节,1头是膝关节,还有1头膝关节和跗关节都有问题,而最严重的那头牛宝宝臀部、膝关节、肩部和一个腕部都出现了问题.在患病的关节处,关节软骨的厚度有不规则地减小,含有纤维血管组织,有些甚至含有炎性细胞和纤维蛋白. 非医学专业,仅供参考.

淇县15326954210: 一小段英语短文的翻译 - --高手帮忙---在线等 -
郗炭珍香: 并不只是我们到了有那些动物的地方,同时也让它们更接近我们.国外的宠物给这个国家带来了一个新的疾病,这种怪病杀死了伊埃克森德得宠物,她说:“我认为如果我们并不了解...

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