
作者&投稿:烛全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dranw in by an unseen cold hand
Ipass even time as if flows to eternity
As your eyes look away into the hazy distance
what is revealed to them,I cannot see

As the moonlight shines on my bitter cold fingers
Frozen tears of mine begin to flow anew
I look at the sky,That distant far off dream
It always has me in its view

Unafraid,I reach my hand into the darkness
I am at the point of no return
If I truly realize the person I am
hidden away inside my deepest memorise

I still want to believe that you wii return to me
Until you are with me,together in this place
I still want to feel until the end of time
the gentile loving touch of your hands on my face

Trapped inside this cage made of glass
hurt feeling held captive in the cold and icy night
From far beyond the infinite dark
There must always be a ray of light

I know that your eternal shining light
will embrace me in the warmth of infinity
while trying to run from the pain of reality
I'am losing sight of what is so important to me

I still want to believe that you wii return to me
Until you are with me,together in this place
I still want to feel until the end of time
the gentile loving touch of your hands on my face

Trapped inside this cage made of glass
hurt feeling held captive in the cold and icy night
From far beyond the infinite dark
There must always be a ray of light

I know that your eternal shining light
will embrace me in the warmth of infinity
while trying to run from the pain of reality
I'am losing sight of what is so important to me

Dranw in by an unseen cold hand
Ipass even time as if flows to eternity
As your eyes look away into the hazy distance
what is revealed to them,I cannot see

As the moonlight shines on my bitter cold fingers
Frozen tears of mine begin to flow anew
I look at the sky,That distant far off dream
It always has me in its view

Unafraid,I reach my hand into the darkness
I am at the point of no return
If I truly realize the person I am
hidden away inside my deepest memorise

Have come to an
agreement that you
ask an excuse to
becalm no longer
when the queen
comes to an
agreement that the
tear block of wood
stream preordained
already comes to an
end to the utmost
herefrom, Rain has
escaped after you
must stand in
remembering that
let my heart
separate with each
other in painful
tear in the stream
even if speaking to
you li in
experience your
this Oh , no
mildness along me
to want to forget
that your this Oh ,
no mildness cannot
stop by me being
not able to already
tremble even
though have excuse
no matter being how
many I all unable
again go and lead
you by hand come to
an agreement
herefrom the day
afer tomorrow come
to an agreement
tear no stream
already at the
furthest end of
when you no longer
essential points
excuse becalm rain
escape you must
walk I station on
memory li on feel
your this Oh , no
mildness I am all
had no way to go to
lead you by hand
again by my heart
in wanting to
forget that your
this Oh , no
mildness lets me
cannot stop
trembling even
though having still
many excuses being
not able to
already after the
painful tear
separating with
each other even if
the stream speaking
to you after your
this Oh , no
mildness lets my
heart separate with
each other in
painful tear in the
stream even if
speaking to you
wanting to forget
that your this Oh ,
no mildness lets
me cannot stop
trembling even
though having still
many excuses being
not able to
already I all have
no way to go to
lead you by hand

Drawn in by an unseen cold hand,I pass even time as it flows to eternity.As your eyes look away into the hazy distanceWhat is revealed to them,I cannot see.As the moonlight shines on my bitter cold fingersFrozen tears of mine begin to flow anewI look at the sky. That distant far off dream,It always has me in its viewUnafraid, I reach my hand into the darknessI am at the point of no returnIf I truly realize the person I am,Hidden away inside my deepest memories.I still want to believe that you will return to meUntil you are with me, together in this place.I still want feel until the end of timeThe gentle loving touch of your hands on my face.Trapped inside this cage made of glasshurt feelings held captive in the cold and icy nightFrom far beyond the infinite darkThere must always be a ray of lightI know that your eternal shining lightWill embrace me in the warmth of infintyWhile trying to run from the pain of realityI’m lost sight of what is so important to me.I still want to believe that you will return to meUntil you are with me, together in this place.I still want feel until the end of timeThe gentle loving touch of your hands on my face.Drawn in by an unseen cold hand,I pass even time as it flows to eternity.As your eyes look away into the hazy distanceWhat is revealed to them,I cannot see.What is revealed to them,I cannot see.

温柔的天空,温柔的轻风,天会放晴吧 ひとりで悲しくならないで 不要一个人独自悲伤呀 邻に座っていてあげて 坐在(别人的)旁边吧 みんなみんなやさしかったんだ 谁都谁都温柔过啊 みんなみんな暖かかったんだ 谁都谁都温暖过啊 差し出す两手をつかまえながら 抓着伸出的双手 み...

优しい仕草 手のぬくもり 温柔的举措 宽厚温暖的手 わすれないわ くちずけの时 忘不了 与你接吻时的甜蜜 そうよあなたの あなたの名前 还有啊, 那就是你的 你的名字 (独白):再见了我的爱人,我将永远不会忘记你 也希望你不要把我忘记 也许我们将来还会有见面的一天,不是吗?第二段...

月光石——RURUTIA やさしい两手——三谷朋世

三谷朋世 やさしい两手 罗马拼音
[00:-0.50]やさしい両手 [00:-0.21]演唱:三谷朋世 [00:-0.11].hack\/\/G.U 再诞 [00:-0.01][00:05.40]冷たい手に引き寄せられ 被冰冷双手拉至身边 [00:05.40]tsu'me'ta'yi'de'ni hi'ki'yo'sei'na'lei [00:11.15]流れてゆく时を过ごし 时光就此流逝而去 [00:11...

《天天说爱我》作词:Ivy Neo 作曲:Ivy Neo 歌手:川岛茉树代 说 要你对我说 要你抱着我 要你说爱我 说 说你想着我 说你的温柔 就是要你对我说 走 带我一起走 走出这片天空 走入爱的时空 你不准不理我 不准不牵我的手 不准你忘了抱紧我 只要你 天天天天 天天说爱我 我就会 夜夜...

1.白夜~True Light~---宫本骏一(OP)2.やさしい午后(温柔的午后)---みなを(第2-12话ED)3.はいまソの日(开始的日子)---みなを(第13-25话ED)4.鼓动~whenever~---置鲇龙太郎(第3话插曲)5.乐园~Fanatic~---草尾毅(第4话插曲)6.白夜~True Light~(钢琴演奏版)---宫本...

激(はげ)しい岚(あらし)两手(りょうて)に受(う)けとめ 两手抵挡着激烈的暴风 勇气(ゆうき)をだして 拿出勇气 今(いま)飞(と)び立(だ)とう 勇敢向前飞驰 天(てん)を飞(と)びかう 在天上飞翔 无敌(むてき)の云(くも)は 无敌的云 Fly away Step by step ブッ飞(と)ぶよりも裸...

温柔的话语 爱(あい)した瞳(ひとみ)も 或是深爱的眼神 信(しん)じていいょね?我能否相信 もう一度(いちど)あえると 我们会再次相遇 泪(なみだ)はそれまで 在那天之前 流(なが)さないから 我不会流下泪滴 変(か)わらないうんめい 就已不变的命运 心(こころ)からきみと 真心...

ku to de mo ya sa shi く と で も や さ しい 虽然不知道前后句是什么,我有这么几个理解:やさしい:亲切的、温柔的...でもやさしい:但还是很温柔的(亲切的)...くとでもやさしい:烦归烦,倒是蛮细心的(温柔的\\亲切的)...希望对你有所帮助:)...

Leslies的《Happy》 歌词
优しい言叶の雨の下で \/ 温柔的话语如雨倾下 涙も混ぜて流せたらな \/ 也随眼泪一起流逝了吧 片付け中の头の上に  \/ 待理的事一件一件 これほど容易く日は升る \/ 就好像太阳每天升起一样 悲しみは消えるというなら  \/ 悲伤如果消失的话 喜びだってそういうものだろう \/ 称之...

涟源市18362818804: 帮忙把这些歌曲名译成中文 -
荀强氨酚: 1 コブクロ - 雪の降らない街 不下雪的街道コブクロ是由关西出身的小渕健太郎...

涟源市18362818804: 【游戏王MAD】温柔的双手里的那首背景音乐叫什么名字
荀强氨酚: やさしい両手 (温柔的双手)

涟源市18362818804: 求这个视频里的第一个音乐是什么
荀强氨酚: 《やさしい两手》(温柔的双手) 主唱:三谷朋世 下载地址 http://cfs.tistory.com/attach/5862/1406331133.mp3

涟源市18362818804: 谁能发一下VOL1和VOL2片尾曲(やさしの双手和真実の行方)的歌词? -
荀强氨酚: 多谢~ [s:85] [s:85] [s:85]

涟源市18362818804: 帮忙把这些歌曲名译成中文 -
荀强氨酚: 1 コブクロ - 雪の降らない街 不下雪的街道 コブクロ是由关西出身的小渕健太郎 黑田俊介组成.2002年 第六首单曲2.コブクロ - 时の足音 时间的脚步声2004年 收录在其第四张专辑里3.スキマスイッチ(无限开关:乐队名) - 雫 水滴 作词・作...

涟源市18362818804: 求茶太演唱的歌曲:やさしい歌词的中文翻译 -
荀强氨酚: 『やさしい』 /温柔 歌手:茶太 作词:茶太 作曲:虹音 编曲:虹音 名前を呼んだときの/呼唤名字时 何気ない返事が/ 假装若无其事的回答 どれほどの幸せか/有多么幸福啊 知らずにいたよ/在不知不觉中感受 ずっとずっと/永远永远 こんな日々...

涟源市18362818804: やさしい両手(温柔的双手)罗马发音
荀强氨酚: 暂时只找到中文的,尽快找全 やさしい両手(温柔的双手) 作词:福田考代 作曲:福田考代 中译:Liwei天青 歌 : 三谷朋世 被冰冷双手拉至身边 时光就此流逝而去 凝视远方的眼眸中 映出了什麽呢? 从月光照耀的冰冷指间 滴落的是冰冷的泪...

涟源市18362818804: 知世唱的歌:歌曲名《やさしさの种子》中やさしさの怎么读? -
荀强氨酚: ya sa shi sa no 意思是“温柔的”

涟源市18362818804: 渡边麻友 的《やさしくさせて》(让我温柔待你)中文歌词 -
荀强氨酚: 《やさしくさせて》 作词:秋元康 作曲:ムラマツテシヤ 演唱:渡り廊下走り队 原歌词: 泣いているあなたを抱きしめたい 私のこの両手で包むように 人は谁だって弱くなる时がある 男の子が泣いてもいいと思う やさしくさせて...

涟源市18362818804: 现在最流行的歌
荀强氨酚: 对不起 我不爱你——网络(推荐) 最清晰的声音——网络(推荐) 消逝的爱情——网络 这TM才是爱情——网络(推荐) 崩裂前声嘶力竭——神木与瞳(推荐) 感谢——龙井(推荐) 极海的另一边——京、婧(推荐) 即使说抱歉——徐良 你...

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