问一下tolerate的用法 有没有tolerate doing 有没有tolerate sb to do 还有就是老师讲的是approve of sth

作者&投稿:宜月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
tolerate用法是tolerate sb to do 还是tolerate sb doing~

tolerate的意思是忍受 后面加doing 就是忍受继续做这件相同的事情 比如你之前在洗碗,后面你还忍受洗碗,这就是doing。
to do 就是忍受做另一件事情,比如你之前在洗碗,后来你忍受去扫地,这就是两件不同的事情。

tolerate to do 和tolerate doing的区别:
1、具体含义不同。tolerate to do 忍受做某事,忍受的是另外一件事。而tolerate doing忍受做某事是忍受的同一件事。
2、是否有近义词组。tolerate to do 作为容许,允许(不同意或不喜欢的事物)时,有近义词组put up with,例如:
I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with.
We don't tolerate smoking in the library. 我们不容许在图书馆里抽烟.
Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will never tolerate other people to do so.每个学员不撒谎,不欺骗,不盗窃,也决不容忍其他人这样做。

扩展资料:同为忍受时,bear, endure ,tolerate的区别:
1、bear v. 忍受,忍耐
〔例证〕A strong man will bear hardship without complaining.一个坚强的人会忍受困苦而不抱怨
2、endure v. [正式]忍受,忍耐
〔例证〕Be quiet! I can't endure the racket any longer.请安静点!我再也忍受不了这吵闹声了。
3、tolerate v. 忍受,容忍
〔例证〕Surely, we tolerate all opinions here.当然,我们这里容许发表各种意见。

tolerate sth 或 tolerate doing
approve of 支持;赞成
approve sth 批准

1. Tolerate verb+ing = tolerate doing is ok; Example: We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital; or he learned to tolerate the heat.

2. I will approve his educational policies. To approve something or The approval of ...

1. 前面是一个 the more ..., the more 的句型,表示“越如何就如何”。2. because 引导的是表语从句。3. tolerant 应该理解为“具有无排异反应特征的”

例如:tolerant(能容忍的)assistant(辅助的)ascendant(上升的)accordant(和谐的,一致的) Ⅳ.后缀-ee 后缀-ee属名词后缀,有较强的构词能力,它不但能加在动词后面构成名词,也可以加在某些形容词或名词后面构成名词。其构词的特点可归纳为以下几点: 1.加在许多及物动词后面构成名词,表示含有被动意义的"受动者",这类...

this world is not lost tolerance. We must never lose tolerance. Therefore, we will carefully seize that a tolerance, not to let him slip away. This is because, with tolerance to life even more splendid! With only more tolerant life fascinating! The world because of the tolerance...

tolerant,Pretend,Feel at a loss,Feel cold,With confidence,Since,No matter what,不懂请追问,请采纳

You are a tolerant and generous person.

I understand that I should separate work and life, but I still can't help getting affected by bad emotions from work. I wish I could have a better temper in the new year, and be more tolerant to others and myself.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所...

The more you like her, the more tolerant you'll be toward her, while the less you do, the less tolerant you'll be.

谁能帮我翻译一下啊 ,着急。。。
Have a multidisciplinary background: Management (Business Management)Have a good business and moral qualities: to participate in the system of business ethics training coursesHave a good personality: sincere, tolerant; things dedication, seriously; peace of mind, a sense of responsibility ...


翻译一下 Loveaperson,tobeconsiderate,butalsounderstanding;isaccepted,ratherthanendure;istolerant,butnotindulgent;butdonotbreakeasily!该选谁呢?最快的了... Love a person, to be considerate, but also understanding; is accepted, rather than endure; is tolerant, but not indulgent; but do not break...

禹王台区17852364488: tolerate的用法 -
秘璧固元:[答案] tolerate ['tɔləreit,'tɔlə.reit] vt.容许,忍受,容忍 例句与用法: vt.容许 1.The school cannot tolerate cheating on exams. 该学校不容许在考试中有作弊现象. 2.We do not tolerate any form of discrimination. 我们绝不容许歧视的存在. vt.忍受 1.He can ...

禹王台区17852364488: 问一下tolerate的用法 有没有tolerate doing 有没有tolerate sb to do 还有就是老师讲的是approve of sth -
秘璧固元: 1. Tolerate verb+ing = tolerate doing is ok; Example: We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital; or he learned to tolerate the heat.2. I will approve his educational policies. To approve something or The approval of ...

禹王台区17852364488: 单词 tolerate 是什么意思?怎么使用?
秘璧固元: tolerate KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 忍受;容忍,宽恕 I cannot tolerate your bad manners. 我不能容忍你的无礼行为. 2. 容许,不干预;承认,尊重 Our teacher won't tolerate any cheating on exams. 我们老师容不得任何考试作弊行为. We tolerate all opinions here. 我们这里容许发表各种意见. 3. 对(药物等)有耐力 Some people cannot tolerate penicillin. 有些人不能打青霉素.

禹王台区17852364488: 解释一下bear,stand,enduce和tolerate的区别,详细一些,谢谢
秘璧固元: 这组词都有“忍受,忍耐”之意.ؤ endure 比较正式,尤指忍受大的、持久的困难、痛苦、灾祸,常用于否定意义的句子中.ؤ bear 强调忍受者的坚韧.ؤ stand 意为“忍受,顶住”,多用于口语中,常用于否定句中,若用于肯定句,则意为“不屈不挠,经受得起”.ؤ tolerate 意为“容忍”,语气较前几个词弱.

禹王台区17852364488: “朋友间可以忍受彼此的坏脾气”用英语如何翻译?请用tolerate造句 -
秘璧固元: Friends can tolerate each other's bad temper造句:I can tolerate your wrong.

禹王台区17852364488: tolerate=stand=bear=忍受时.这三个词的后面是不是一定要用doing? -
秘璧固元: put up如果不加with,是举起;张贴;建造;提高的意思 因为put up本身含义较多,所以需要后接不同介词来区分. tolerate=stand=bear做忍受讲时后接动词必须用ing,代词可以任意接. 比如I can't bear you anymore.我再也受不了你了.满意请采纳

禹王台区17852364488: bear, tolerate和put up with的区别? -
秘璧固元: tolerate稍微正式些,其它两个差不多,口语化一些,put up with 很地道的用法.

禹王台区17852364488: tolerate=stand=bear=忍受时.这三个词的后面是不是一定要用doing?而put up=忍受时,只能是put up with?可是为什么有I can't stand it 的用法? -
秘璧固元:[答案] put up如果不加with,是举起;张贴;建造;提高的意思 因为put up本身含义较多,所以需要后接不同介词来区分. tolerate=stand=bear做忍受讲时后接动词必须用ing,代词可以任意接. 比如I can't bear you anymore.我再也受不了你了.

禹王台区17852364488: The love requires of us to tolerate. tolerate 不是及物动词吗? 难道是of 从句,of提前?? -
秘璧固元: 应该是病句,require和tolerate都是及物动词.去掉of句子是通顺的.

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