老友记(三人行)第一季第一集的那段吉他弹唱中含有if you ever need home这句的是哪首歌?

作者&投稿:饶贴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The first ever, the last you'll ever need.(中文翻译?)~


If you're looking for a job you need to be (think) about where you're.

think about 意思是:考虑


第一季第一集101 Pilot
场景:What song was playing while Ross and Rachel were each looking out of their windows, during the rainstorm?

歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black
演唱者:Jackson Browne
专辑出处:I''m Alive.


In the calling out to one another
Of the lovers up and down the strand
In the sound of the waves and the cries
Of the seagulls circling the sand
In the fragments of the songs
Carried down the wind from some radio
In the murmuring of the city in the distance
Ominous and low

I hear the sound of the world where we played
And the far too simple beauty
Of the promises we made

If you ever need holding
Call my name, and I''ll be there
If you ever need holding
And no holding back, and I''ll see you through
Sky Blue And Black

Where the touch of the lover ends
And the soul of the friend begins
There''s a need to be separate and a need to be one
And a struggle neither wins
Where you gave me the world I was in
And a place I could make a stand
I could never see how you doubted me
When I''d let go of you hand

Yeah, and I was much younger then
And I must have thought that I would know
If things were going to end

And the heavens were rolling

Like a wheel on a track
And our sky was unfolding
And it''ll never fold back
Sky Blue And Black

And I''d have fought the world for you
If I thought that you wanted me to
Or put aside what was true or untrue
If I''d known that''s what you needed
What you needed me to do

But the moment has passed by me now
To have put away my pride
And just come through for you somehow

If you ever need holding
Call my name, and I''ll be there
If you ever need holding
And no holding back, I''ll see you through

You''re the color of the sky
Reflected in each store-front window pane
You''re the whispering and the sighing
Of my tires in the rain
You''re the hidden cost and the thing that''s lost
In everything I do
Yeah and I''ll never stop looking for you
In the sunlight and the shadows
And the faces on the avenue
That''s the way love is

歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black
演唱者:Jackson Browne
专辑出处:I''m Alive.

so, no one told you life was going to be this way
your job's a joke, you're broke, your live life's d.o.a.
it's like you're always stuck in second gear
well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year
i'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour
i'll be there for you like i've been there before
i'll be there for you 'cause you're there for me too
you're still in bed at ten and work began at eight
you've burned your breakfast, so far, things are going great
your mother warned you there'd be days like these
but she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees
i'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour
i'll be there for you like i've been there before
i'll be there for you 'cause you're there for me too
no one could ever know me, no one could ever see me
seems you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me
someone to face the day with, make it through the rest with, someone i'll
always laugh with
even at my worst, i'm best with you. yeah!
it's like you're always stuck in second gear
well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year
i'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour
i'll be there for you like i've been there before
i'll be there for you 'cause you're there for me too
i'll be there for you
i'll be there for you
i'll be there for you 'cause you're there for me too







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霞浦县15130569210: 老友记(三人行)第一季第一集的那段吉他弹唱中含有if you ever need home这句的是哪首歌? -
五厚帕米: 第一季第一集101 Pilot 场景:What song was playing while Ross and Rachel were each looking out of their windows, during the rainstorm?歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black 演唱者:Jackson Browne 专辑出处:I''m Alive.歌词:In the calling out ...

霞浦县15130569210: 老友记第一季第一集中有一句 There's lots of flavors out there. -
五厚帕米: flavor ,我想这里是用作不可数名词吧 以下是,我找到的 “告诉你个最简单的方法分别可数和不可数,就是把那个东西分成n份之后,每一小份还能称作原名的就是不可数的(类似密度均匀的物质) 像巧克力,比如把一块巧克力掰成三块,每一小块还叫巧克力 把一块肉切成两块,每一块还叫肉 一片面包切成三片,每一片还是面包 而你把可数的一辆车,一件衣服劈成三半,啥也不是 当然实际应用中有很多特例用法 比如fish当“鱼 ”的意思时,可数 当 “肉”的意思时,不可数” 其实没必要纠结那么多的~ 英语学多了就有语感的

霞浦县15130569210: 老友记第一季第一集中2分40秒时候,莫妮卡说Carol moved her stuff out today.我听了很多遍,音标如下:/ˈkærəlmuːvdəsdʌdaʊtədeɪ/ stuff 和out 连... -
五厚帕米:[答案] 她说太快了 是口误

霞浦县15130569210: 老友记,第一季第一集,18分37秒的背景歌曲是什么? -
五厚帕米: 美国电视剧《老友记》(Friends)中有一首好听的歌曲,歌曲名叫《Sky Blue and Black》,演唱者Jackson Browne,生于1948年,入选了摇滚名人堂,还是一个诗人. 根据American Songwriter的介绍,Jackson Browne写这首歌时,正在加...

霞浦县15130569210: 《老友记》第一季的第一集里Monica见到逃婚出来的Rachel之后,Rachel说Can I get you some coffee?Monica 说De - Caff.请问,这个De - Caff为什么表示是不... -
五厚帕米:[答案] De-caff 是 Decaffeinated coffee的缩写形式 ,意思是去除咖啡因的咖啡

霞浦县15130569210: 老友记第一季第一集中瑞秋靠窗而坐时响起的插曲是什么?? -
五厚帕米: LZ,你好,那首曲子是出自Jackson Browne 的专辑《I''m Alive.》里的,歌曲的名字是《Sky Blue and Black 》.希望对你有帮助哦~谢谢~

霞浦县15130569210: “you're going out with the guy”这句话的时态问题(内详)老友记第一季第一集:Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!没什么好说... -
五厚帕米:[答案] 我觉得这个.字幕有问题. go out with sb.不是跟……出去,而是跟……约会的意思. 所以,这里的意思是:得了吧,你在跟那个人交往/约会! 所以用现在时的意思就是说他们两个正处于交往的状态.

霞浦县15130569210: 老友记里第一季第一集的台词解释 -
五厚帕米: 首先,第一季是1994年的作品,考虑你自己的笑点的话,至少要把时代问题考虑进去,打个比方,当年我看美国派1的时候我笑死,但现在看来略显沉闷,这很正常吧! 现在再来解释你的问题 1、这不是暗示,是明说,没看到joy后面问了一句instead of.......,penis 变成个电话,此乃笑声之源 2、他们都做过totally naked的梦 3、chandler的妈妈是个很slutty的writer,看到后面你就会知道.这里隐晦的揭示了略显古怪的chandler的性幻想 最后,老友记是经典中的经典,经过十多年的沉淀,这一点不需要质疑.你没有必要带着怀疑的目光去看,投入进去,多看几季,慢慢的你就能发现他的精彩之处了!

霞浦县15130569210: Friends第一季第一集中的一句话,Rachel在解释为何在婚礼上逃跑时,说:And then I got really freaked out,and that's when it hit me...这里为什么用when it hit ... -
五厚帕米:[答案] 全文是And then I got really freaked out,and that's when it hit me:how much Barry looks like Mr.Potato Head.意思是说,我当时傻掉了,就是那时,我突然意识到,barry长得多像薯头先生啊!所以啊,when是不可以少的哦...

霞浦县15130569210: 老友记这么多季想知道第一季第一集到底是什么? -
五厚帕米: 第一季第一集是整个老友记的序幕,当然第一集还是主要讲Rachel搬到Monica的公寓,两人成为了室友.序幕一开始就在central perk咖啡店,而且以后的故事大部分都在central perk;展开人物,一开始就写Monica多了个新室友Rachel这样也就...

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