
作者&投稿:应飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)











你知道吗? 2011年,第26届夏季世界大学生运动会将在我们深圳举行,这是我们深圳历史上的一件大喜事。
界大学生运动会是由国际大学生体育联合会举办的一项国际综合性体育赛事,每两年举办一次,其规模仅次于奥运会,素有“小奥运”之称,分为夏季运动会和冬季运动会 。












The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games. In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events. Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions. After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed. However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games." The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade.
In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival. After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years.
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions.
World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan.
In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games. Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year. To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding.
The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete. From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming

The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided the following year to hold the first session of the International University Games. In 1924, the First International University Games (International Universities' Games) held in Warsaw, athletics, swimming and fencing three events. Since then, the games from time to time held in 1939 organized a total of eight sessions. After the Games, was interrupted by World War II in 1947 has resumed. However, in 1951 the causes of the international situation changes, split into East and West, two games, the West called "International Students Sports Council", the East is called "Youth Student Games" or "Youth Friendship Games." The two camps organized by their respective organizations and Universiade.
In 1957, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French National Federation, was held in Paris an international University Games and the International Cultural Festival. After meeting representatives of 30 countries unanimously agreed to decide the future of university students regularly organize sports competitions worldwide, known as the "World University Games," in principle, held every two years.
In 1959, the first session of the World University Games in Turin, Italy, from 45 countries and 985 athletes participated in the race. Since then, the biennial event, to 1999, the World University Games have been held 20 sessions.
World University Games events generally have the formal requirements of the track and field, swimming, diving, water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball 9, the host country have the right to add one. For example, the host country, Bulgaria in 1977 increased by wrestling, football 1979, an increase in Mexico in 1985 an increase of judo in Japan.
In 1960, fake Olympic competition system, but also held in Chamonix in France, the World University Winter Games. Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games respectively in a single number and held in even years, since 1981, changed to be held in the same year. To 1999, the World University Winter Games have been held over 19 sessions of the competitions, there speed skating, short track speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, ice hockey, Nordic combined, snowboarding.
The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was accepted as full members of the International University Sports Federation. From 1977, the Ninth, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
As the World University Games are second only to the Olympics Games, the world's large-scale comprehensive, self-organization of the first race in 1959, the world attach great importance to all countries, have sent the best athletes compete. From the age of 60 since the previous World University Summer Games, a total of 18 broke the world record in track and field and swimming

The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.
The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole people to meet different color, race, religion and culture, the different parts of the world, they will become the college culture, world universiade culture and Chinese culture. Zhu, love and attention in zhu, service institutions, zhu is shenzhen teenagers glorious historical mission and reality. For youth and vigor 4 shoot the universiade, youth for the universiade and colorful. However, a good host, light enthusiasm is far from enough .





喜迎大运的手抄报内容:1、大运会的由来 “大运会”是“世界大学生运动会”的简称。上世纪20年代初,当时的国际大学生组织就已开始计划举办世界大学生运动会。1923年5月,在巴黎召开了世界大学生体育代表大会,会议决定次年举行第一届国际大学生运动会。1924年,首届国际大学生运动会在华沙举行,设田径...


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迎大运手抄报内容:世界大学生夏季运动会创造的田径世界纪录:第二届:索非亚(保加利亚),1961年8月25日至9月3日 男子跳高:2.25米瓦莱里·布鲁梅尔(ValeryBrumel)苏联 女子铁饼:58.06米塔玛拉·普雷斯(TamaraPress)苏联 第六届:都灵(意大利),1970年8月26日至9月6日 女子跳远:6.84米...


库尔勒市13799742323: 关于大运会的手抄报内容 -
赤饶法安: The first session of the 1959 World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competitions. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not to send a delegation to participate. In 1975, China was ...

库尔勒市13799742323: 大运会手抄报资料 -
赤饶法安: http://blog.szu.edu.cn/Forum/10433 看吧

库尔勒市13799742323: 大运会中的科学手抄报资料
赤饶法安: The World University Student Summer Sports Games of The 26th at Shengzhen.The world university games is a global youth pageant, professor Yang said, shenzhen teenagers in taking the ideal, and extensive youth taking action, and the whole ...

库尔勒市13799742323: 关于大运会的英语手抄报 -
赤饶法安: Young Pioneers partners: You know? In 2011, the 26th Summer World University Games will be held in our Shenzhen, which is in Shenzhen in the history of a big happy event.

库尔勒市13799742323: 关于大运会的英语手抄报,要全英的...急急急急 -
赤饶法安: Information pack The early 20s of this century, when the International Student Organization had already begun plans to organize the World University Games. In May 1923, held in Paris in the World University Sports Congress, the meeting decided ...

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库尔勒市13799742323: 我是一名小学生,我们的暑假作业是为奥运做一期手抄报,应该怎么做啊?帮帮忙啊! -
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库尔勒市13799742323: 小学生手抄报写什么内容最好 -
赤饶法安: 怎样进行手抄报的设计与制作,大体上可以从这三个方面来阐述: 一、美化与设计的步骤; 二、报头、插图与尾花的表现; 三、编辑抄写描绘制作过程. 一、美化与设计 手抄报的美化与设计涉及的范围主要有:版面设计与报头、题花、插图、...

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