
作者&投稿:沙娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

地点 :监狱活动室
人物 :约翰、卢克、杰森、狱霸马塞尔、黑头达兹、埃塞克、女狱警朵恩和其他劳教人员
情节 :约翰已进监狱达12次之多,可谓常客,其可搞到犯人所需的许多物品。卢克、杰森和约翰在活动室中谈论所需物品之事,不久女狱警朵恩到访,通知卢克,其女友来探视了。
注释 :本内容选自英语影视剧作品,个别之处有所改动

【约翰】: Stoosh [1] trainers, mate. Really suit [2] you.

【卢克】:Thank you.

【约翰】:I'll swap them for a Pepsi Max [3] .

【卢克】:I beg your pardon?

【杰森】:You need to meet [4] Black Elton John. He's been in here 12 times. He can literally [5] get you anything.

【约翰】:That's not my name, mate.

【杰森】:You've got to admit you look like him. The Candle In The Bin [6] guy.

【卢克】:Let's not bother [7] the nice man, and it's ' Wind'. Candle In The Wind.

【杰森】:Why would you put a candle in the wind? It would just blow out [8] . That's why you put it in the bin.

【约翰】:Right, you're going to buy something or what [9] ? Newbies [10] normally go for [11] my welcome pack [12] . Ten credits [13] gets you a sock [14] full of Minstrels [15] , a roll [16] of satin [17] Andrex [18] and six pages of Nuts [19] magazine.

【卢克】:I'm not really interested, but thank you.

【约翰】: Fair enough [20] . I can probably get you a copy of Big Spunkers [21] from somewhere?

【杰森】:Oh, I need a nice thick duvet [22] and a gun.

【卢克】:A gun, Jason? This isn't Ross Kemp On Gangs [23] .

【约翰】:You just let me know and you guys'll be fine, as long as you...

【杰森】:Find the biggest guy in here and kick his face off [24] .

【卢克】:No, keep our heads down [25] .

【约翰】:I was going to say you'll be fine as long as you don't sit in Marcel's special seat.

【卢克】: Oi [26] !

【卢克】:Sorry, sorry, sorry.

【杰森】:Oh, that's Marcel! Apparently, they caught him with a policeman's helmet [27] in his glove box [28] .

【约翰】:It wasn't just the helmet. I heard it was full...

【杰森】: Sick [29] ! Let's go kick some face.

【卢克】:No, let's not do anything to anyone's anything.

【卢克】: Ow [30] !

【杰森】: Good thinking [31] . Let's wait till there's more people around to see us kill him. So what about that guv [32] Dawn, then, Lulu? She couldn't take her eyes off my six-pack.

【卢克】:You haven't got a six-pack [33] .

【杰森】:I do when I'm squatting [34] .

【卢克】:Please stop talking.

【杰森】:Fine. When I bring her back to the cell tonight, you need to make yourself scared.

【卢克】:It's " make yourself scarce [35] " and you've got, literally, no chance with her.

【杰森】:You may not, but some of us have got the gift of the gob [36] .

【卢克】: Gab [36] .

【杰森】:What was that brilliant line [37] I said to you before, Elt? It was so good. Yeah, that Dawn is one screw [38] I'd really like to...

【卢克】:Do go on.


【卢克】:Xxxx? Jason, xxxxx! A screw I want to xxxxx!

【杰森】:Why's that better?

【卢克】:Dawn's a screw I really want to xxxxx!

【朵恩】:Well, that's never going to happen.

【卢克】:He said it, not me! I'm innocent [39] , once again!

【朵恩】:That's a yellow card [40] . I'm very disappointed, Luke.

【杰森】:We both are.

【朵恩】:Anyways, your girlfriend's here to see you unless you want to stand here chatting about my nether regions [41] ?

【杰森】: Catch [42] you in a bit [43] , yeah, Dawn?

【约翰】: Stoosh [1] trainers, mate. Really suit [2] you.【卢克】:Thank you.【约翰】:I'll swap them for a Pepsi Max [3] .【卢克】:I beg your pardon?【杰森】:You need to meet [4] Black Elton John. He's been in here 12 times. He...

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