
作者&投稿:诗屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
200分击球!!!外贸英语翻译,整篇谢谢了 下午4点半前要,有三万多分,重谢!!!~



The wunderkind gas trader

John Arnold has made billions as an energy-trading phenom. But the rules of his game are about to change.


约翰-阿落德已经在天然气交易中赚到将近10亿. 但是他们的游戏规则正在发生改变.

(Fortune Magazine) -- You could hear John Arnold trying to choose his words carefully. Seated at a conference table inside a drab government building in Washington, D.C., in August, Arnold hardly fit the stereotype of a swaggering, 35-year-old billionaire natural-gas trader.

翻译: (财富杂志)--- 你可以听到约翰-阿罗德小心翼翼的选择自己的用词. 他正在参加一个会议,这个会议在位于美国华盛顿的一个土褐色的政府大楼里召开. 在8月, 约翰-阿罗德几乎成为一个35岁进行天然气贸易的亿万富翁.

He wrung his hands as he waited to speak and twisted his wedding band. He filled, and refilled, and re-refilled his water glass. Then he stuttered a bit before he gained momentum and politely advocated rules that would restrict others while allowing him to keep doing what he does.

翻译:他扭动着他的手和他的领结,正在等待着发言. 他几次用水加满了他的杯子,接着,他结结巴巴的说了一些话,客气的提倡着一些规则,这些规则是限制其他人,从而允许他继续他的工作.

It was a rare public appearance for one of the least-known billionaires in the U.S. But the stakes were high. Arnold was testifying at a hearing of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).


Commodity prices have been especially volatile in recent years -- skyrocketing and then crashing to earth -- and the federal regulator is considering dramatic rule changes to rein in speculators, whom many blame for the gyrating prices.


Arnold would tell you -- if he were inclined to tell you anything (and he rarely is) -- that he's a speculator. He might say, though, that that's not a bad thing to be. But call him what you want -- nobody has profited more when it comes to natural-gas trading in recent years.

翻译:阿罗德会告诉你---他会倾向于告诉你一些事情---他是一个投机者. 他可能会说,会想做一个投机者不是一件坏的事情. 但是在最近几年没有人再能获得更多的利益当天然气贸易变成了国家天然气贸易.

His Houston-based hedge fund, Centaurus Energy, which manages more than $5 billion in assets, has never returned less than 50% in seven years of business.


Arnold's wealth reportedly constitutes a large chunk of the fund, which would make him the second-youngest self-made multibillionaire in the U.S. -- behind Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (assuming you believe the social-networking company's theoretical valuation).


Arnold has the brain of an economist, the experience of a veteran gas man, and the iron stomach of a riverboat gambler. Perhaps most notable, though, is his uncanny ability to extract colossal profits from catastrophic circumstances.

翻译:阿罗德拥有经济学家的大脑,老道的天然气贸易商的经验,以及赌徒般巨大的胃口. 也许最值得关注的是,他让人吃惊的能力,这个能力能在灾难的环境中吸收财富.

He began his career as a wunderkind twentysomething trader at Enron -- and escaped that disaster not only with his reputation intact but also with the biggest bonus given to any employee, which he used to seed a new fund.


A few years later he earned $1 billion betting that natural-gas prices would go down just as a reputedly brilliant gas trader at Amaranth made a spectacularly disastrous bet in the opposite direction. More recently, as the commodities bubble burst in 2008, taking even more fund managers with it, Arnold foresaw the looming collapse and once again nearly doubled his money.


But now he faces the biggest test of his career. His mojo relies on his ability to make enormous bets. The CFTC, however, has vowed to impose trading limits that would target the industry's largest players. That, say observers, could be a dose of kryptonite for the supertrader.


上次你和SAM来我们公司也看到了,我们厂是石材行业中的大公司之一,庞大的规模加上先进的设备和完善的管理体制,不仅能提供给你们一流的质量,还能批量生产并保证交货期和提供优质的服务. 你些都是你不应该乎视的要点.

As showed last time you came with Sam, we are one of the big companies in stone material industry. Our large scale, advance equipments and modern management systems are producing the first class quality products and able to manufature large quantity products. Our promise of on-time performance and exellent services we provide are not the aspects you should ignor.


We have consulted with our board chireman and sales manager manay times about the over-high prices matter. But $40 is turely the best price that we could offer because $30 is already under our cost line. We would be glad if you could tell us which company could make it $30 so that we are able to improve our jobs. In comparison, "xxx" always be our purpose and we are serious on pricing every time to every claient. Specially such a major client as you are, we do our best to offer the most reasonable price to maintain our long-term cooperation relationship.


According to the official announcement, every 20 feet container price is rising up to $300 for shipping from China to Australia from April. So the price of CIF would be relatively higher than FOB as our recommendation due to the risk we affort. We will settle down all procedures in China and make sure the goods safe and deliver to you on time, but the shipping fees and the insurance are taking into your account.


Due to the raise of shipping price, we have to amend the invoice which sent to you a few days ago, otherwise we will lost our profit. Again, FOB is recommended.



1、 你选这个专业的原因
Please tell me the reason why you choose this major.
我之所以选择这个专业,我因为这个专业的名字太cool了,金融工程(financial engineering),既有金融,又有工程,两者的结合一定是很棒的东西
Because I think the major name is so cool. Financial engineering comprises finance and engineering. The integration of those two things will produce a great thing.
2 遇到的困难
please tell me the difficulty you will meet.
Mathematics is the biggist problem for learning financial engineering. Financial engineering uses mathematics method to deal economics problems. So it includes many complex mathematics issues. Those methods are the core content and ,meantime, most difficult. I always meet problem at Mathematics calculation.
3 这个专业又什么吸引你的地方
Could you tell me other thing of this major which attract you?
Besides the cool name, using engereering technology attract me most. Developing and implement of new financial product and solving finacial problem activity are very attractive.
4 你最喜欢的课程是什么
What courses do you like most?
我许多课程我都非常喜欢,比如money and banking,investments,international finance等,但我最喜欢的还是数学,因为数学是这门学科的核心,学不好数学就等于学不好金融工程。
I like many courses such as money and banking,investments,international finance and so on.
And I like mathmatics most. Beacouse it is the core of this major. If I can not learn mathematics well, I can not learn financial engineering well
Do you like riding bicycle?
I like riding bike , not only because it is a casual activity, but also it will not pollute the atmosphere.
7、 中国骑自行车的人多吗?
Is there maye people who ride bicycle in china?
Many people before. But now , with the more and more autos, riding bicyycle is mor and more danger. So The number of people who ride bicycle lessed much. But , because of the forbition of motorcycle, the number of people who ride bike will more and more.
What is the advantage and disadvantage of riding bike?
The advantage is environmental protection and economical. Obviously, the disadvantage is the slow speed.
9、学校重视课外 活动吗?
Does the school emphasize after school activies?
Although the schoole emphasize the studing, it pay attantion to school activities. The school often hold many kinds of sports competitions to enrich our after school life
Do you like indoor activies or outdoor activies?
I like outdoor activies. Because I can breahte fresh air when I do the activies. It is more healthy and more benifit.
11、 一般做什么户外活动?
What kind of outdoor activites do you usually do?
I like plying tennis. This is the biggist hobby. I am good at it very much. Whatever how busy I am, I will make time to play tennis with my friends. It can make me free from the intense studing life.
How much time do you spend on it? Why?
It on depends. If I am free, I will play much. If I am busy, I will spend not more than one or tow hours each week on it.
Do you like movies?
Sure, I like movies very much. I always go to movie.
What kind of muvie do you like?
I enjoy fictions such as........ That kind of movie are big manufacture. The scene shocks people, the content is wonderful. Other wise, I like some movie, eg " the spide man", which come from comics very much.
How often do you go to the movie?
It is hard to say. Usually, I will go to the movie as long as there is a wonderful movie which meet my taste. If I must tell you a time, usually, I will go to the cinema once a month, because the movie ticket in Guangzhou are very expensive, 80 yuan each.
Do you like to see film at home or in the cinema?
It certainly is in the cinema. Cenima can give you a shockness which you can not get at home. But ,some life style film is no difference for me to see in the cinema or at home.
17 会几种语言?
How many language can you speak?
Let me count...., one...four, I can speak four lanugages, mandarin, contongues, Hakka and English.En....and I can speak a little Japanese.
18 为什么学英语?
Why you study English?
Learning English is important. Firstm I can communicate with the foreigners. If I go abroad, the ability of speak English is essencial. Second, I can read foreign literature. It is important to my specialty studying.
19、 怎样学习英语?
How to study English well?
I think interest is the key to learn English well. Certainly interest is not enough, I must know the studying method. If I possess those two, I am sure I can learn English great



Just as what you saw last time with SAM in our company, our factory is one of the big companies in the industry of stone processing. Based on the huge size, advanced equipments and perfect management system, we can not only provide what you want in top-ranking quality and vast quantity, but also guarantee delivery on time and high grade services. These are the key points you shouldn’t ignore.

I have discussed the matter about exorbitant price with my board chairman and the manager in the department of sale, but 40 U.S. dollar really is the minimal price we can offer. If base on your offer, 30 U.S. dollar, we should lose money in business. Could you tell us which company can offer you the quote of 30 U.S. dollar if you want. “XXX” is my company tenet, so we treat very seriously to every customer and every quote. Especially for the VIP customers like you, we should be more serious and cautious and try our best to quote the most rational price for you to seek a long term cooperation.

According to the authoritative information, the ocean shipping price of each container in twenty Chinese feet will increase by about 300 U.S. dollar from China to Australia. As a result, the CIF price will be much higher, for which we will have a quite great risk. Therefore, we suggest to FOB. You take the duties of ocean shipping and insurance, and we arrange everything in China to guarantee that the cargo delivery should be safe and timely.

Because the price of ocean shipping will rise later, it is necessary to modify the form invoice, which has been sent to you several days ago. Otherwise, we will have some loss. We still recommend FOB.


As you have known from your last visit, we are one of the leading stone construction materials suppliers in the industry with large production scale as well as sound management, and we are delivering you not only the quality but also scale production, timely delivery as well as unequalled services, and we sincerely hope you would factor in these issues in your consideration.

I had talked with our Board Chairman and the Sales Manager for many times about the price issue, and please be kindly noted that the price of $40 is our bottom line price and it is impossible for us to accept your offered price of $30 because we would definitely suffer losses on your offered price. You may check other suppliers, and I don’t believe any of them will accept your offered price at $30. We highlight “credibility” in our business, and we are quote price seriously to every client, especially for you thanks to your relatively large purchase volume. We are looking forward to a long-term business relationship with you, for which we are offering the best price for you as we can.

According to official information, the shipping cost from China to Australia will increase by $300 per TEU, which will result in a significant rise in both cost and risks for us on CIF condition, therefore, we suggest that FOB should be adopted with freight charge and cost on your side. We will make our best effort to arrange all procedures in China properly to ensure timely and secure delivery.

As maritime freight charge is rising, relevant changes should be made of the invoices we sent you days ago, otherwise, there will be losses for us. We recommend that FOB should be adopted.

上次你和SAM来我们公司也看到了,我们厂是石材行业中的大公司之一,庞大的规模加上先进的设备和完善的管理体制,不仅能提供给你们一流的质量,还能批量生产并保证交货期和提供优质的服务. 你些都是你不应该乎视的要点.
When Sam and you came to my company last time, you have learnt that our company is one of big companies in stone industry. Owing to our large scale, advanced equipment, along with perfect management, we can not only offer you top quality, but also can product in large amount. We guarantee the date of delivery and excellent service. The above what I referred to is what you shouldn’t ignore.
As for the higher price, I have discussed it many times with our board chairman and manager of sales. But we can set the bottom price as $40 indeed. If we set it as $30, we would be in the red. Do you mind telling us which company offered you $30 quoted price, if it is convenient? Compared to other companies, “***” is our objective all the way. We are serious to every client and every quoted price. We will not feel free to quote, especially for the important clients like you. We are more cautious to fix a reasonable price so that we can keep a long-termed cooperated relationship.
According to the official news, in April the ocean shipping may increase $300 or so from China to Australia for every 20 feet cabinet. Therefore, the price of CIF will be more than before. We must take a big risk. So we proposed FOB is better. You are in charge of the marine transportation and the insurance, but we can arrange all procedures well in China for you. We guaranteed the cargos will be delivered securely in time.

You came to our company to also see with SAM last time, our factory was the stone material archduke within profession to take charge of it a, huge scale plus the forerunner's equipments and perfect management system, can not only provide to your top-grade qualities, return ability the batch quantity produce and promise to deliver goods to expect and provide a high-quality service. You are all some you shouldn't see of important point.

I already and the company be reasonable long with marketing department the manager leads for the price this problem in height talked over a lot of time, but USD 40 really is that we can give of bottom line price.If target price USD 30 press you do, we can suffer a deficit.If can of words, you can tell we is which factory the offer that can give you USD 30 in the house?Opposite at other companies, "XXX" is always the aim of our company, so we treat each customer quotes every time all very earnest, can't literally in disorder falsely high offer of, especially to you thus of the big customer be more careful earnest, as far as possible give you report the most reasonable price of to look for a long-last cooperative relation.

According to the news of authorities, April went to the sea transportation price of Australia about each cabinet of 20 Chinese foots and rose USD 300 from China, so did CIF price would the high be not a few, there isn't small risk to us, so our lifting righteousness to do FOB, sea transportation and insurance is undertake by you, but we would for you arrange Chinese whole procedures fortunately, promise that the goods safely arrive you in time.

Because the sea transportation price wants to soar, a few days ago give out you of the form invoice want to re- change to move and not we will loss in business and our recommendation does FOB


1. It‘s very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Wang.王小姐,您能到机场来接我真是太客气了。2. We will do our best to ship the goods as early as possible, and we feel sure that the shipment will be satisfactory to you in every respect.我们将尽力...

外贸中出口的商品除了包装箱上的唛头外,有些商品则是采用小箱包装,包装纸箱上有很多特定的英语单词,其实也可以说这些属于常见的外贸英语。这里为大家收集到一些:小心 Care 勿掷 Don’t Cast 易碎 Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火 Inflammable...

"xxx" always be our purpose and we are serious on pricing every time to every claient. Specially such a major client as you are, we do our best to offer the most reasonable price to maintain our long-term cooperation relationship.根据官方的消息,四月份从中国到澳洲的海运价格大约...

1.一份正本清洁已装船海运提单,加3份副本,指明运费到付,抬头为由智利银行指示.通知人:买方.运费可在智利支付.2.商业发票,一份正本三份副本,签过名,指明:货物描述,各项商品已装运数量及相应价格.3.一份正本原件一份副本 中国-智利自由贸易协定所发FORM F原产地证由国家质检总局,检验检疫(中华人民...

___.00 per DMT, CNF___PORT, CHINA 单价:每一干吨___.00美元,中国___港到岸价。 QUANTITY:Total Contract Quantity : ___DMT +\/- 10% \/ Year . 合同总量___干吨\/年 Quantity \/ Shipment : ___DMT +\/- 10 %, (Partial shipment allowed by ___DMT X _vessel) 出货量:___万吨干吨\/月+...

我是做外贸出口的,相信我。汉译英:1.柜号:Container No.2.厂名:Company Name 或 Factory Name 3.编号:Item No.4.规格:Specification 5.货名:Description and Specification of the Goods 6.数量:Quantity 英译汉:1.Cont No.:柜号 2.Item No.:产品编号 3.Descriptions :产品描述 4....

以下这些外贸常用英语口语 希望对你有所帮助:1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗?2 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗?3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please?请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗?4 Can I get a seat for todays 7:00 a.m. train?我...

1)外贸工作周期长,工作隐性强,很多工作平时看不到成效,需要时间的积累 和坚持,通常半年或更长时间才能看出效果。 2) 工作方式上:要求与工厂工作同步,但是公司给予一定的自由度。因为可能外出会客\/接客,找样品\/样办,看样办\/样品,考察工厂(配件生产或加工) 3) 部门上班时间为:8:00-12:00 1:30—6:00, 通常...



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阿研迈尔: which are shipping to Japan or Korea.

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阿研迈尔: 1. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for canned goods.我们从中国国际贸易促进委员获悉您有意购买罐头货品.2. We wish to establish friendly business relations wish you to enjoy ...

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阿研迈尔: (1) Still, I am afraid the actual situation is not as you imagine it, because of China's bicycle had to face from other countries such as Japan, Germany, the United States, with fierce competition.(2) Since you refuse early delivery side we have no ...

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阿研迈尔: 肿么这么多,帮你翻译一点点哦 All styling and construction exactly same as original sample unless noted below. 样衣的款式和尺寸按照原样,除了以下几点(2) Bust measures 38 1/2". Reduce only the back bust 1" (1/2" each side ...

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阿研迈尔: Our goods had been ready for shipment, but we have some issues requiring your attention as below:1. Usually, we do not necessary to supply MSDS or Final Packing Performance Inspection List for Export Goods Transportation. As well, we had ...

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阿研迈尔: 1.I am afraid it is difficult to advance the shipment?2. We can transport goods from Shantou to Osaka through Hong Kong.3. We have been informed that the delay in transit delay to next month.4. We generally provides transshipment port for the "Chinese ports", so easy in the nearest port of shipment.

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阿研迈尔: Dear XX Have a nice day!We have received your sample picture. And our MOQ is 200 pieces. The totla price of 200 pieces is 1000$, thats the average price per item is 5$, not including the freight charge.If you want to buy only 50 pieces, you should ...

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阿研迈尔: The shipment(which despatch from port on December 10)have arrived at destination port. When will you release the payment for the left 50% ?The documents of Feb. 8 shipment are attached in this Email. Please check. I will send you BL of this shipment as soon as possible.

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阿研迈尔: We are sorry to inform you that we have updated this hat's price. The new price is USD11.15. We are sorry for any inconvenience our mistake may have caused you. 或者we are sorry to infor...

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