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Weather forecast is so important that based on it, we can decide when to set sail.

Weather forecast is important for that/in that we have to depend on it in order to decide when to set sail.

Weather forecast, on which we depend to decide when to set sail, is important.

您出错的原因是因为So...that 从句后面必须跟一句完整的句子,。您把that后面的句子提出来念得通,成一句句子才可以。而depend on which can we...只是一个从句的形式。


They --- --- --- from website to website for what they want.
答案:search on Internet
He stanted to sing----- a very young age.
A.on B.in C.from D.with

Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy is using modern imaging technology, and computer image reconstruction technique, a three-dimensional orientation means of treating cancer radiotherapy physics. This method has high dose and target area target area dose of the dose distribution gradient, its advantages, precise positioning, dose could well surrounding normal tissues, has been widely applied in practice. Brain tumor metastasis has borders and a round, characteristics and early reaction organization as three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy ideal target. But simply accept three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy patients relapse than all the opportunity in the brain. This is because only with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy of tumor clear, intracranial potential metastases and without treatment. The whole brain radiation dose limit by the tumor control bureau in improving and lengthened surial in small, but the effect of reducing the lesion occurred in new [7] meaningful. Clinical studies show that [8-10], the brain by local radiotherapy irradiation after tumor in pushing drugs, reduce to improve local recurrence and intracranial newborn tumors, improve the patient's symptoms and signs, improve KPS rating, lengthened surial in whole brain better exposure. The results showed that inning to 97%, control and neurological symptoms improved obviously 40.6% KPS rating increase of 100%.


Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy is the use of modern imaging technology, computer three-dimensional image reconstruction technique, three-dimensional stereotactic radiosurgery physical means to treat cancer. This method has the target area of high-dose gradient dose outside the target area and a large dose distribution advantages to positioning accuracy, concentrated doses can well protect the surrounding normal tissue, has been widely used in clinical. Brain metastases have a clear border, mostly round, early reaction, and other characteristics of the organization to become three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy is more desirable target. But simply to accept the three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy in patients with intracranial relapse could be higher than the whole brain irradiation of patients. This is the result of three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy only for a clearFocus on the potential brain metastases is no treatment. Whole-brain radiation dose limit by raising them in tumor control rate, to extend the period of survival of smaller role, but the new focus on reducing the incidence of intracranial meaningful [7]. Clinical studies have shown that [8-10], the whole brain irradiation using local radiotherapy boost in improving the rate of tumor control and reduce local recurrence and new intracranial tumors occur to improve the patient's symptoms and signs, and KPS score to enhance and prolong the survival period of excellent In whole-brain radiation alone. The results of this study show that local control rate of 97%, neurological symptoms improved 40.6%, KPS to improve the score was 100%.

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The Livelihood of the people news was born after the news media medium turned into the era of mass media. The Livelihood of the people gains a lot of attention because its three fundamental values on people’s life. With the continually growing, the Livelihood of the people ...

1. 在城市找工作要比乡村更容易.It’s much easier to find a job in city than that in country.2. 有许多有趣的事情可做,有许多好玩的地方可以参观.There are many funny things to do as well as many amused places to visit.3. 如果你想放松,你可以去餐馆吃饭,可以参观博物馆,去电影院...

请英语高手帮忙翻译啊 ,谢谢哇 。
1.This is the traditional blue and white porcelain in China,what kind of pattern would you like?2.The vase is really wonderful, how do you feel about it?3.your taste is truly high,the vase was made in Jingdezhen,located in Jiangxi province.With itss meticulouits ...

第一句显然不是虚拟语气,真正意义上的虚拟语气可以这样说:I would have concentrated if you were not continually interrupting me with silly questions.而注意到开头的can,是现在时,因此选C 第二题我看应当选B,祈使句后跟反问应当用won't,而此句开头是don't,所以后面用will 第三题句中since的...

What makes a good movie?Art is reflection of our society and life and movies are often regarded as modern expressions of art. They make us laugh and cry and we often love to quote them, they edify us enlighten us.Every year numerous movies are made in the entertainment ...

英语高手帮忙翻译一下 ,不胜感激!!
The transaction should make the widespread understanding, it generalizes the shifting property right and the fulfillment property duty both sides paid legal act.Has the process from it to look, the transaction both refers to the transaction establishment behavior, and refers to the ...

To study is not for the final examination,neither for the admiring diploma.The biggest purpose of study is to practice one's ability, improve one's knowledge and check one's efficiency.Therefore, studying and playing are not affected each other.The people who only want to study ...

急求英语高手帮忙翻译!不要百度或有道翻译的,最好是自己翻。谢谢!_百 ...
1. Manager Zhu, may I know which product are you interested in?2. OK, C8650 is our new product, I think you must have heard of its sale volume on the market before.3. The technologies of this product is most advanced in the world, its CUP performance is one of the best...


新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙(英语翻译改错) -
蒙钥诺氟: Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy is using modern imaging technology, and computer image reconstruction technique, a three-dimensional orientation means of treatin...

新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙翻译这个句子(中译英): -
蒙钥诺氟: I am very afraid that my best friend is angry with me , so I try my best to do well my things.

新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙翻译两句话,汉译英,谢谢. -
蒙钥诺氟: 1.Put the hand which is used to hold the gun on the camera, use first one hand and then the other in quick succession,record the precious moment. 2.Maybe I am just a drop of water in the long river of history,but I will be clinging like the drop of water ...

新兴县19259327333: 急 !请英语高手帮忙改英语句子!
蒙钥诺氟: 1.At first it is soft but gradually the noise become louder and louder.2.To make things worse ,it even stops working sometimes.3.We all felt disappointed with you .4.I am writing to ask for your help. (对不起,我不知道)

新兴县19259327333: 请高手帮忙翻译成英语
蒙钥诺氟: 你好,很高兴认识你,不知你是否会中文?我英语不是很好,如果你不会中文我想我们沟通会遇到阻碍. 1.Hello, I am glad to meet you. Can you speak Chinese? My English is not very well. If you can't speak Chinese, I think we will meet with ...

新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,不理解啊.1 If she hopes her new - found fortune will yield lasting feelings of fulfillment, she could do worse than read Happy Money by ... -
蒙钥诺氟:[答案] 请在下文链接中找对应的中英文翻译.比我自己翻译得好多了.

新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子! -
蒙钥诺氟: 1.Tell your problems to your teachers and classmates and ask them for their help.2.You should be confident in yourself(believe yourself).3.Don't always think about the results of the exam.You should think more about what progress you have made.4....

新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙修改个英文句子~ -
蒙钥诺氟: 1. 首先,整一句没有主语 "as we are in a society full of huge pressure currently,like the high layoff proportion caused by the fierce competition or the high requirement in test-oriented education.”只是一个时间状语从句.首先,当我们在一个充满...

新兴县19259327333: 请一个英文高手帮忙翻译成英语句子!很急!今天,是我最糟糕的一天.因为,我没有见到我最想见的人.买给他的礼物,还在我手上,没有送出去.糟糕的一天.... -
蒙钥诺氟:[答案] today was the worst day.because i didn't see the person i mostly wanted to see.The gift bought him is still in my hand.

新兴县19259327333: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,万分感激 -
蒙钥诺氟: 正确翻译如下:This question is very simple, the company sent me to study in UK, only two months of time. You should know my career, I'm a costume designer so I have to keep study, and work very hard. Recently, I'm very tired, because of the time ...

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