
作者&投稿:靳雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



阅读B:阿福,一个香港的志愿者现在在玉树的一个孤儿院,在2010年4月14日当他试图救援其他人时因为余震而死。在4月14日7点50第一次余震开始的时候阿福设法与一些孩子安全的从建筑里跑出来,虽然他知道余震的危险,但是他还是跑回去营救剩下的3名老师和3个孩子。在早上10点时,所有的孩子和老师都被救出来了,然而阿福却被压在建筑物之下死了。还剩下2名老师等待救援。46岁的阿福是一个卡车司机,他常说他能通过他的努力给慈善机构捐钱,他不为赚得什么。他的悲惨结局触动了每个人的心。阿福在2002年开始当志愿者,2003年医生告诉他他得了很严重的病,但这并未影响他的热心肠,在2008年汶川地震时,他立刻到达汶川去营救遇难者,尽管他的家人不想让他去。事实上,青海是阿福经常游览的一个地方,作为志愿者,他捐助了药品和衣物。没有人愿意相信他是帮助别人而死的,香港首席书记tang ying-yen说他有“极高的尊崇”给这个英雄,“他展示了香港人的精神”。香港的市民称他为“香港人民的骄傲”并且人们也称赞他是一个真正的英雄。(答案:BACD)
阅读D:自从1868年塔巴斯科辣酱油被Avery Isand La之外的Mcllhenny公司制造出来后,这个公司仍然是家族、私人举办。Mcllhenny在世界的西方种植了自己的辣椒并且售卖6种塔巴斯科辣酱油,但是红的卖的最好。我的祖父是Edmund,他在1890年去世。他曾今在New Orleans做银行员。在战争中银行倒闭了,所以他就开始将辣椒卖给家人和朋友。第一笔交易在New Orleans开始,1868年制出瓶子样品。它们通常售往海边城市,用来做海鲜佐料。在早期的22年经营里,我们共生产了350000瓶调味酱。现在我们一天做两次。在19世纪60年代我们就开始在墨西哥种植辣椒,19世纪60年代到70年代到委内瑞拉种植。现在在二十个海岛一共种植了20英亩在南美和南非大约有6500英亩。我们和当地的农夫还有种植者一起工作。在过去它是一种自制的工业,现在我们已经定量种植并且直接出售给165个国家,印刷标签的语言就超过了20种。现在我们计划把它出售给新市场比如巴西。(答案:BCBC)
阅读E:一个13岁的美国男孩在星期六成为了最年轻的珠峰攀登者。Jordan Romero来自加利福尼亚,从西藏那里登上了8850米的峰顶,在那一天,一个来自尼泊尔的男人,Apa Sherpa,在他第二十次登上珠峰时,打破了他的世界纪录。Apa Sherpa的队伍在上个月从Nepal的首都出发,到达了中国山峰大本营的基地。Romero在他的博客上说:“这个队伍宣称并且相信他们可以登上珠峰的最高点,他们的梦想现在实现了,每个人都很高兴。”Romero说那只是个终点,他共攀登过5座高峰,为了打破他的终点。他想在高峰上捡一块小石头作为他的项圈。中国并不限制攀登者的年龄,所以一些攀登者不同意Romero的家人让他尝试,但是他的父亲说在中国攀岩不危险.(答案:DBAB)
第19期:阅读A:星期天早上我叫7岁的Kelly让她爸爸带她去上体育课,她不同意。我解释说一些朋友那天要来参观我们的房子,我必须打扫房子。但是实际上,我看过6个孩子上课并且我想逃避。然而,看见Kelly快哭时,我决定再一次陪她去上课。透过门,我看见在体育馆的角落里老师让学生爬杆,一个接一个的,老师把它放在地上让每个学生抓住绳子爬杆,轮到Kelly了,她是班里年纪最小的。伴着笑容,她爬的越来越高,最后停了下来。大约半道上老师大声的告诫说:“不要爬的超出你能够爬到得高度。”Kelly暂停了,然后慢慢的移动到地面上。我知道她可以爬到顶部的,为什么她停下来了呢?我在回家的路上问她。“Kelly,你能爬到顶部对吗?”“是的”她很快回复说。“那么你为什么停止了呢?” 沉默 “是不是因为老师说你了?”我问道。她点点头。我说:“Kelly,不要因为任何人使你怀疑自己,也不要让任何人组织你能做到的事...即使他们看起来很高大,很老,你能记住吗?”她快速地回复:“嗯。”我很高兴我选择了带Kelly去上课并且有机会教她一堂重要的课。(答案:ABCD)
阅读B:If you're asked to give a speech,putting in a little preparation will help you work better.Here are a few questions to keep in mind when preparing a speech.
What will you talk about?When you are invited to talk,find out what the topic well, read up on it and make sure your speech is just about the topic.
Who will you talk to?Write out your speech with the listener in mind.Talk about things that will keep the interest of your listener.You can choose to talk about hot issues that relate to your target listener.
How much time do you have?Ask beforehand how much time will be allowed for your speech.However,try to keep your speech less than 20 to 25minutes.Long speeches are not appreciated,especially if your listener is standing,hungry,sleepy or tired.
How can you grab their attention?The first few seconds of your speech should grab the attention of your speech.You may choose to start your speech with a question to get the listener to think.Once you get your listener's attention,you can then move on to the main body of your speech.
How can you express something in a special way?Write your speech with at least one or two great sentences that can leave a deep impression on they listener.The great ones have at least a single sentence that is remembered and repeated for generations.
Lastly,you should arrive early for your speech.When you talk,make eye contact and speak with confidence.Finally,don't forget to thank the listeners and organizers for their time.(答案:CBAC)
阅读C:We lived on the banks of the Tennessee River and we owned the summers when we were girls.we ran here and there wildly through wet summer days that never ended.We floated down rivers of weekdays with no school,no rules,no parents except our fantasies.We were good girls,my sister and I .We had nothing to rebel against.This was just life as we knew it,and we knew the summers to be continued and to be ours.
I liked walking to the mailbox in my bare feet and leaving footprints on the dewy grass.I imagined that feeling the wetness on the bottom of my feet made me a happy poet.I had never read poetry.But I imagined that people who knew of such things would walk to their mailboxes through the morning dew in their bare feet.
One day a thunderstorm blew up forth the Tennessee River.It was one of so many crazy storms in such a season that made the day go dark and the humidity disappear.First it was still and quiet.There was electricity in the air and then a heavy rain poured down as the winds rushed in.We threw open all the doors and windows.
We turned on the radio and let the wind blow through the house.We turned around in the wind and in the music,imagining that we were poets and dancers and scientists.
We imagined that if we could let everything---the thunder,the storm,the wind,the world---into that house on the banks of the Tennessee River,we could live in our summer dreams forever.(答案:ABBC)
阅读D:Are you working on your typing skills to make you a more efficient worker?That may be all for nothing as Intel believes that we'll be able to control our computers with our brains by 2020.
Intel and its research partners are studying how the brain acts when it thinks.For example,scientists manner when asked to think of a bear.
Through sensors that can discover this sort of brain activity,Intel thinks that it will be able to read and translate this into an input system by a chip in the brain.
"We're trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves ,"Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau said."imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts."
Intel thinks that there's a future in using your brain instead of the keyboard."If we can find the relationships between brain waves and specific words, you could mentally type,"he added."You could type whole words rather than their individual characters."
While this may all sound not realistic at the present time,Intel thinks that it's possible and something we'll all want.
"I think human beings are unusually adaptive"said Andrew Chien,vice president of research and director of future technologies research at Intel Labs.
"If you told people 20 years ago that they would be carrying computers all the time,they would have said,'I don't want that.I don't need that.'Now you can't get them to stop carrying computers.There are a lot of things that have to be done first but I think implanting chips into human brains is possible."
So make good use of your favorite mouse and keyboard before they're old-fashioned.(答案:ABC)


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