
作者&投稿:康类 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







硬翻译的话Fire Shadow Rudolf
虽然NARUTO就是火影忍者 但是鸣人的名字


Original name: "NARUTO-ナル& Suites -"
Literal name: "Naruto"
Chinese: "Naruto"
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Author: Masashi Kishimoto
Japanese Publisher: Shueisha
Serial Time: 1999 - serialized in the
"Naruto" is a Japanese manga artist Masashi Kishimoto's representative, works since 1999 in the magazine "Youth JUMP" published in serial form, the reader response was very enthusiastic. Subsequently, the "Naruto" in TV animation in Japan, Tokyo, television has become the most popular animation works. Success stories originally hidden in the dark, with the world's most powerful perseverance and most strenuous efforts to do the most secret and taboo and can not be declared cruel things ninja, portrayed as the sun is most proud of the most promising unlimited career . In this ninja's world, every young masters are to develop an own forbearance Road. Masashi Kishimoto with heavy tones and steel hard strokes to convey to the reader a kind of spirit: the existence of each person is important in order to protect the meaning of their own people, even if it means putting one's life also takes numerous. The blood of juvenile manic, mysterious Ninjutsu, bright cherry-like, such as precious friendship, to make the reader regret and tears, could not bear to release volumes.
In Naruto the official story started 12 years ago, one is called "9 Yaohu" huge monster attack on Konoha ninja village. It is a legend would be a landslide tsunami wave tail. Huo Ying was the fourth generation of their own lives to seal the nine Yaohu newborn children (both four generations of the Watergate affair Huoying their children) Naruto Uzumaki people.
Huo Ying was the fourth generation of the village were considered to be a hero, but he hoped that the village people will be similarly treated Naruto as a hero. But the villagers think that Naruto is "Yao Hu" in disguise, so as NARUTO been discriminated against since childhood.
Re-forming the third-generation descendants of Huo Ying has banned the villagers and that this 9 Yaohu raid events, but still can not stop people from discrimination in Naruto. Even without their knowledge for future generations, parents of infection, there is also alienated Naruto. Therefore, Naruto childhood Beishou isolation. To draw attention of other people often joke. However, this situation in his success through "ninja school" graduation examination gradual change, and to "become the Huo Ying" as the goal. Naruto and the two friends - Uchi Pozzo help Hechun wild cherry tree, and their mentor flag composed of wood Kaka Xi seventh class perform a variety of tasks.
Animation has been broadcast of the first 348 sets
Comics have been the first 467 words of serial
Updated every Thursday a set of animation updates every Friday, then a comic
Japan's official Special Issue: "Pro Book" "The Book of soldiers," "The Book of the Big Dipper," "by the book"

This is a ninja world. From childhood on seals the tail of the evil before nine, vol.1

Naruto has had a village people's desolation, just try very hard to use various prank is trying to attract people's attention. Fortunately there are still in lu card teacher concerned about him, naruto character did not become distorted, he is always a fireball, super optimistic. In order to let more people to recognize our, naruto's goal is to be the sixth generation of nine-tailed! Naruto companions, is determined by the teachers of your classmates, along with the common fight, and finally became mutual recognition and trust good partners.

愿人间处处有友爱,我们最珍贵的,却是我们拥有的,我们不会失去的,是我们握在手中的,友谊也需要体贴 的话语,深情的关注。
在你难过的时候,朋友会来安慰你. 在你有困难的时候,朋友会来帮助你. 在你快乐的时候,朋友会和你一起分享快乐的喜悦. 在你失败的时候,朋友会拉着你继续忘前走.
不管好坏 都要一起分享





如果你是指火影这部动漫作品的话,就叫Naruto,即主人公鸣人的名字的罗马音 如果你是要直译的话,火影是Hokage,依旧是日语的罗马音,忍者一般用ninja

火影忍者全部招数(英文)有的发下谢谢,不要拼音,,,要英文比如雷切,请发chidori... 火影忍者全部招数(英文)有的发下谢谢,不要拼音,,,要英文比如雷切,请发chidori 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 张桂梅帮助的只有女生吗?chenzhepop 2009-01-10 · TA获得超过118个赞 知道答主 回答量:88 采纳率:0%...

Spiral naruto(鸣人)Sasuke(佐助)cherry(小樱)Hatake Kakashi (旗木卡卡西)

火影忍者的英文:NARUTO 《NARUTO》(日语:NARUTO -ナルト-)现在因为出版社改名为NARUTO火影忍者正式改名为NARUTO通常简称为“火影”,为日本漫画家岸本齐史创作的少年漫画,讲述忍者世界里围绕着身为对手的漩涡鸣人和宇智波佐助两人,与其他角色的经历。故事成功地将原本隐藏在黑暗中,用世界上最强大的...

火影忍者的英文:NARUTO 《NARUTO》(日语:NARUTO -ナルト-)现在因为出版社改名为NARUTO火影忍者正式改名为NARUTO通常简称为“火影”,为日本漫画家岸本齐史创作的少年漫画,讲述忍者世界里围绕着身为对手的漩涡鸣人和宇智波佐助两人,与其他角色的经历。故事成功地将原本隐藏在黑暗中,用世界上最强大的...

求火影忍者全部人的英文名鸣人小组 旋涡鸣人Uzumaki Naruto 春野樱 Haruno Sakura 宇智波佐助 Uchiha Sasuke 旗木卡卡西Hatake Kakashi 鹿丸小组奈良鹿丸 Nara Shikamaru 山中井野 Yamanaka Ino 秋道丁次Akimichi Ty

The leaf village, a scene of joy.Congratulations! Kakashi smiled at Naruto, "has finally become Hokage." Although, but Kakashi fishy eyes or not from the hands of "paradise".Ha-ha. He touched the back of the head."Ming... Naruto... , that, that, uh... Congratulations!

火影忍者的英文名字就是NARUTO,就是鸣人名字的发音,你跟看火影的老外说naruto他们都知道的 坚强,adamancy n.坚硬, 坚强, 固执 动画片,直接说animation就可以了,也就是我们通常说的ACG中的A,LZ要是看动画的话,应该知道noitamina吧,他们其实就是把animation反过来拼了一遍...其实,有时字典查到的未必对,...

4我本来想过着随便当个忍者,随便赚点钱,然后和不美又不丑的女人结婚生两个小孩,第一个是女孩,第二个是男孩。等长女结婚,儿子也能够独挡一面的时候,就从忍者的工作退休。之后,每天过着下将棋或围棋的悠闲隐居生活,然后比自己的老婆还要早老死,我就是想过这种生活。I had thought originally ...

1、漩涡鸣人,英文名:Uzumaki Naruto 火之国木叶隐村的忍者,四代目火影波风水门和漩涡玖辛奈之子,六道仙人次子阿修罗转世。刚出生时父母为保护村子而牺牲,并将尾兽“九尾”封印在鸣人体内。成为忍者后,和旗木卡卡西、宇智波佐助以及春野樱组成第七班进行各种任务。2、宇智波佐助,英文名:Uchiha ...

田阳县18575886374: 谁可以帮我以火影鸣人为题写一篇英语作文,要中文翻译,语法要正确,急急急 -
任雷瑞凯: With the introduction of the hokage naruto He has a heart of risk-taking and positive, unclear weapons is a number of darts, wearing a ninja outfit, grab the pesticides for the people, this spirit is worth our learning. 对火影鸣人的介绍 他有一颗勇于冒险和积极向上的心,武器是一个个数不清的飞镖,穿着一声忍者装,抓们为人民除害的,这种精神值得我们学习.

田阳县18575886374: 求火影的英文作文 -
任雷瑞凯: In a concealed village, a young man hides within a bunch of leaves. His name is Uzumaki Naruto, a mischievous boy attending Ninja Academy. Everyday, he does nothing but cause mischief and making Iruka-sensei mad. And above all, it's doubtful ...

田阳县18575886374: 求英语短文,火影忍者观后感 -
任雷瑞凯: The leaf village, a scene of joy. Congratulations! Kakashi smiled at Naruto, "has finally become Hokage." Although, but Kakashi fishy eyes or not from the hands of "paradise". Ha-ha. He touched the back of the head. "Ming...... Naruto...... , that,...

田阳县18575886374: 求一英语作文 关于你最喜欢的动漫人物(80字) -
任雷瑞凯: There is a great cartoon which is called Detective Conan.My favorite cartoon character is Shinichi Kudo,a senior high school decective in Japan.He is an inte...

田阳县18575886374: 火影忍者的英语内容简介 -
任雷瑞凯: 我这里有两篇 ,你看下哪篇好背 The Village Hidden in the Leaves is home to the stealthiest ninja in the land. But twelve years earlier, a fearsome nine-tailed fox terrorized the village before it was subdued and its spirit sealed within the body of a ...

田阳县18575886374: 求火影作文(600左右) -
任雷瑞凯: 忍者之于日本,正如侠客之于我们,是千百年已被传诵得早已不见真身只闻影的传奇.然而那又是如此的吸引人的故事:刀光剑影不改河山带砺,成王败寇铿锵快意恩仇,暗夜潜行如同平地履步,割肉断...

田阳县18575886374: 用英语介绍卡卡西或者火影忍者 -
任雷瑞凯: 卡卡西:Hatake Kakashi Ninja school graduation age: 5 Nakaoka upgrade age: 6 Hobbies: Kanyiben called "affectionate paradise" (Icha Icha Paradise) book.Origin: Leaves ninja village. Child is gifted, was admitted in forbearance, the Ming ...

田阳县18575886374: 写一篇关于电影的英语作文 -
任雷瑞凯: is a reflection of the inner world of film people, mainly about a theft gang and one pair of thieves couples semifinal. People of this as well-intentioned. That the thieves couples to prevent thieves gang boss to Beaver tert they had just stolen a farmer ...

田阳县18575886374: 求一篇初二的英语作文关于电影的 -
任雷瑞凯: JUST LIKE HEAVEN-- THE MOVIE WHICH I LIKE BEST Just Like Heaven is just about the best movie so far this year, and I've seen about fifity of them. As a comedy it's funnier than Bewitched or The Man, not quite as funny as The Wedding ...

田阳县18575886374: on the farm小学三年级 英语作文(不少于三句),回答好的有加分,还用财富10
任雷瑞凯: on this farm . there are loes of animal . look .there is a duck . and there are lots of chicken under the tree .there are lots of ship .there is a dog . ang there is a cat .there is a long snake .

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