
作者&投稿:宋趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

电能:electric power,符号W,表示电流做多少功的物理量,单位:千瓦时 kW.h ,更常用的能量单位(也就是主单位,有时也叫国际单位)是焦耳,简称焦,符号是J。 电能换算:1kW·h=3.6×10^6J
电量:quantity of electric charge,符号Q。电量表示物体所带电荷的多少,单位库仑(C)
电量还有一种解释:英文名称:electrical] energy 定义:电能供应的量值,以kW .h为单位


A phase voltage (three-phase four-wire type)
AB voltage (three-phase three-wire)
A three-phase
A phase active power
Total active power
A photograph of reactive power
Total reactive power
The total ShiZai power
Power factor frequency
Positive active power
Negative meritorious electric power
Positive reactive power
Negative reactive power
您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我一起传播『 爱心 』之种

A phase voltage (three-phase four-wire type)

AB voltage (three-phase three-wire)

A three-phase

A photograph active power

Total active power

A phase of reactive power

Total reactive power

Total ShiZai power

Power factor


Positive meritorious electric power

Negative meritorious electric power

Positive reactive power

Negative reactive power

three-phasethree-wire ;line-to neutral(也可能被说成line to line), line to ground, neutral to


four wire three phase
万恶敬上 8


A phase voltage (three-phase four-wire type)
AB voltage (three-phase three-wire)
A three-phase
A phase active power
Total active power
A photograph of reactive power
Total reactive power
The total ShiZai power
Power factor frequency
Positive active power
Negative meritorious electric power
Positive reactive power
Negative reactive power
three-phasethree-wire ;line-to neutral(也可能被说成line to line), line to ground, neutral to ground
four wire three phase

A phase voltage (three-phase four-wire type)
AB voltage (three-phase three-wire)
A three-phase
A phase active power
Total active power
A photograph of reactive power
Total reactive power
The total ShiZai power
Power factor frequency
Positive active power
Negative meritorious electric power
Positive reactive power
Negative reactive power

1. "电压"在英语中可以翻译为"voltage"。2. 电压的英文发音为:[ˈvoʊltɪdʒ]。3. 电压是指从电源中提取能量的速率,在电路中产生电流流动;其单位为伏特(volts)。4. 电压也可以指电路中两个点之间的电荷差异,其单位同样为伏特(volts)。5. 电压的同义词包括"electromoti...

A phase voltage (three-phase four-wire type)AB voltage (three-phase three-wire)A three-phase A phase active power Total active power A photograph of reactive power Total reactive power The total ShiZai power Power factor frequency Positive active power Negative meritorious electric powe...

“电压”英语翻译:voltage pressure tension voltage 美:[ˈvoʊltɪdʒ]英:[ˈvəʊltɪdʒ]权威用法:电压 a high-\/low-voltage cable 高压\/低压电缆 英英释义:voltage 1.the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a fl...

电压[diàn yā]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
电压 [diàn yā] [电压]基本解释 以伏特为单位的电位或电位差 [电压]百科解释 电压(voltage),也称作电势差或电位差,是衡量单位电荷在静电场中由于电势不同所产生的能量差的物理量。其大小等于单位正电荷因受电场力作用从A点移动到B点所做的功,电压的方向规定为从高电位指向低电位的方...

额定电压 怎么翻译
Voltage: n. 电压 例句与用法:1. The function of the transformers is to change electric power from one voltage to another.变压器的功用就是把电力从一种电压改变为加一种电压。2. A low resistance connection between conductors which ensures that they have the same voltage.导体间的一种低...

电压输入的英文翻译是:Voltage input,见下图翻译截图

那位知道英文“operating voltage”是什么意思及翻译
operating voltage [电] 工作电压;运行电压 双语例句:When the operating voltage lower or higher than the standard display is likely to result in failure.当工作电压低于或高出标准时就有可能造成显示方面的故障。解释:工作电压 operating voltage 电气设备工作时,其两端的实际电压称为工作电压。

electricity是电流, 电, 电学之意 power在物理学上指能量、动力、功率之意 而electric power是指电力, 电功率。所以,根据你的翻译要求,答案为electric power为妥。参考资料:电力系统的专业英语

电压 voltage 频率 frequency ―――石墨坩埚 graphite crucible 头尾 tops & tails 工艺手册 process manual 操作面板 operation panel 排气 air exhaust 可编程控制器 PLC 水流 water flow 电气柜 electric cabinet 冷却水 cooling water 钢线速度 wire speed 热交换器 heat exchange...

电压表 (Voltage Meter)用以测量电压的装置.瓦特(Watts)用电压乘以电流的值来衡量的电力度.英文ACOne of two types of electricity: Alternating Current; found in homes.Amorphous having an atomic structure that is not periodic.Amorphous Silicon"Sometimes abbreviated as ""a-Si"", amorphous silicon is ...

泸水县13078532429: 求翻译英文:电压、电量、功率、电量等.急求! -
纳适力勉: A phase voltage (three-phase four-wire type)AB voltage (three-phase three-wire)A three-phaseA photograph active powerTotal active powerA phase of reactive powerTotal reactive powerTotal ShiZai powerPower factorfrequencyPositive ...

泸水县13078532429: 电量用英语怎么说 -
纳适力勉: Electric quantity

泸水县13078532429: 用电量,剩余电量 英文怎么说最低电压,最高电压 怎么说 -
纳适力勉:[答案] 用电量:electric power consumption 剩余电量:dump energy

泸水县13078532429: 电庒是用什么英语字母代替的 -
纳适力勉: 1、电荷量:Q,单位:C,2、元电荷:e;1e=e=1.60218*10^-19C 3、电流:I, 单位:A4、电压:U, 单位:V5、电阻:R, 单位:Ω6、电功:W, 单位:J7、电功率:P,单位:W

泸水县13078532429: 用电量,剩余电量英文怎么说最低电压,最高电压怎么说 -
纳适力勉: no time, nor of a time after

泸水县13078532429: 电流,电压,电功,电量各用什么字母表示
纳适力勉: 电流:字母I,单位:A(安培) 电压:字母U,单位:V(伏特) 电功:字母W,单位:J(焦耳) 电量:字母Q,单位:C(库伦)

泸水县13078532429: 初中物理量的符号单位(大小写注明,中英文,要全) 谢谢! -
纳适力勉: 质量 m 千克 kg m=pv 温度 t 摄氏度 °C 速度 v 米/秒 m/s v=s/t 密度 p 千克/米?? kg/m?? p=m/v 力(重力) F 牛顿(牛) N G=mg 压强 P 帕斯卡(帕) Pa P=F/S 功 W 焦耳(焦) J W=Fs 功率 P 瓦特(瓦) w P=W/t 电流 I 安培(安) A I=U/R 电...

泸水县13078532429: 初中物理电学、力学英语名词 -
纳适力勉: 物理量(单位) 公式 备注 公式的变形 速度V(m/S) v= S:路程/t:时间 重力G (N) G=mg m:质量 g:9.8N/kg或者10N/kg 密度ρ (kg/m3) ρ=m/V m:质量 V:体积 合力F合 (N) 方向相同:F合=F1+F2 方向相反:F合=F1—F2 方向相反时,F1>F2 ...

泸水县13078532429: 英语电流、电压缩写 -
纳适力勉: 电流I,电压U,单位分别是A(安培)和V(伏特)

泸水县13078532429: 英语翻译型号、电压、功率、规格、产能,地址.有缩写的最好 -
纳适力勉:[答案] type/model,voltage,power,specification,capacity,address

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