
作者&投稿:侯魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Appropriate approach to cultural differences during business negotiation

The international business negotiation course generally covers 4 phases as: 1) exchanging greetings-something irrelative to business; 2) mutual communication about business; 3) attempts to convince the other party; 4) compromise and finalizing the agreement. Before the formal business negotiation begins, people typically hold a kind of anticipation for the course of business negotiation, which frequently has an influence on the controlling of negotiation procedure and selection of negotiation strategies. People’s anticipation differs from each other in view that negotiators of different cultures have different linguistic and non-linguistic behaviors, different concepts of value and different decision making thinking; thus different anticipation will make different the time and efforts negotiators spend in each phase.

(1) Exchanging greetings-here it refers to all activities irrelative to “business negotiation”, which both parties take to establish relationship or make acquaintance with each other for the purpose of learning about customers’ background and interests so as to give important clues to select appropriate methods for the following communication. As far as American and Chinese cultural differences are concerned, American culture emphasizes the separation of business from persons. What they’re interested in is primarily the factual concern. So American businessmen spend less time talking about something unconcerned or knowing about foreign opponents; instead, they will quickly get down into business communication. Americans would talk at the table about topics like weather, family, physics, politics etc. though they do so just out of friendship or politeness. Usually after 5 or 6 minutes, they will come to next phase. On contrary, in Chinese culture which stresses the mutual relationship, Chinese businessmen would invest a lot of time and money attempting to establish comfortable personal relationship and then get to the point.

Exchanging business information

Information communication in the international business negotiation usually represents incomplete characteristics as follows:

The first is information misunderstanding as a result of different languages and behaviors. Common people can understand only 80-90% speaker’s content of the same cultural background, meaning 10-20% content was misunderstood or misheard. Imaginably, when someone is saying in the second language, the percentage of misunderstanding or being misheard would be soaring up. The whole conversation will be entirely misunderstood when the second language is quite limited. The cultural difference on behaviors often appears to be comparatively unobvious and hard to be sensed. When foreign negotiators send out different non-linguistic signals, the counter-party of different cultural background will misunderstand them and won’t realize mistakes they’re making.

The second is information asymmetry derived from different non-linguistic communication skills. Sometimes in order to collect information from the counter-party, negotiators will adopt un-directional negotiation strategies, i.e. letting counter-party provide information. Information asymmetry comes into existence when there’re different communication skills objectively in different cultures such as differences on silent-keeping interval, frequency of get-in-a-word and staring-at time; in particular when the difference becomes rather noticeable. It’s not difficult to find from the comparison between Chinese and French cultures less frequency of Chinese staring-at and interruption appears in the communication skills but longer time of keeping silence, while French negotiators seem to be less silent, who will make up the time when its counter-party is silent.

The third is asymmetric feedback speed and content of information due to the difference concepts of value. On one hand, people of different cultures have different ways to use time: single time or multiple time. Single time features with “special, specific and speed”, found from North Americans, Swiss, Germans and Scandinavians. Multiple time stresses multiple usage of a time, which can be discovered in Mid-Eastern and Latin-American cultures. Under the way of multiple time usage, people have relaxing schedule, light punctuality and late concept, as well as the expected postponed time of information feedback. On the other hand, different cultures show different types of buyer-seller relationship i.e. vertical and horizontal relationship. The former appears to be implicit and face-saving, while the latter relies on the buyer’s credits with focus on candor and true words from the heart.

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