高手翻译一段英语 要中文啊~~

作者&投稿:营戚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Despite of being known as the land of fish and rice, Hunan has no regional brand of national celebrity within its territory like the Longjing tea or Pu'er Tea.
Aiming at improving this situation and promoting tourism, this research took the Junshan Silver Needle Tea, a regional specialty of Yueyang city, as the object, and studied the strategic planning of regional brand in Yueyang.
In this design proposal, the overall image took white as the keynote which signifies integration, top grade and higher level, and took gold as the color of highest level which symbolizes the royal families, while the logo took the association of phoenix pattern with queen and concubines modeling. Printed with special technology, it was presented in a abstract and simple form.
The illustrations took the Junshan Imperial Tea Garden, the only producer and processer in Junshan Island as the design model. The packing is based on the diamond shape.
The proposal aimed at the design of locality and higher level.

This is my first time to publish English speech on the stage, I am very nervous,
I am very grateful to my friends, they do a lot of. Let's begin now.

above is my view on the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture,
and finally, I want to tell you something very important. Just get here as a
display of your best to others in the stage, before I go on stage, I was also
very nervous, and even now I spoke too, but I hope you remember some things will
give you the courage to overcome fear.

最出名的地位打金Eun-ho,黄禹锡嘉祥金艺的情人在电视剧的真实故事:《黄真伊》,并主演的《香港戏剧,KBS吉尔许世盛、作君王李Changhwi。他最近还在进一步认识了康枪吴在戏剧“贝多芬病毒”Tae-kyung黄和在你是如此美丽。他也是一种演员出现在它们“圣诞照片的拍摄Kolon 2008年,随着Joo金钼、歌曲搭档们一举Il-gook,柯个Jae-jung,和公园。虽然他唱他的作品的,他尚未公布任何音乐自己的几首歌曲:除了做广告。“黑的发动机”为一件牛仔公司,“碰Holic”和“从今以后就一直拖着“一些新的轻触设备。

张根锡最有名的是扮演了电视剧《黄真伊》里黄真伊的爱人金恩浩,他也在KBS的《快刀洪吉童》剧中饰演李昌辉王子。他最近因出演《贝多芬病毒》中的姜健佑和《是美男啊》中的黄泰京而提高了知名度。在2008年可隆圣诞照片拍摄中,张锡根还是出现在照片上的男星之一,另外还有其他合作演员,如周镇模、宋一国、高洙、朴载正等。尽管他有为他的几部电视剧演唱,但是除了几首广告歌(牛仔裤广告的“Black Engine”以及几款触屏产品广告的“Touch Holic”和“Just Drag”)之外,他没有发行自己的专辑。

最出名的地位打金,黄禹锡嘉祥金艺的情人在电视剧的真实故事:《黄真伊》,并主演的《香港戏剧,KBS吉尔许世盛、作君王李昌。他最近还在进一步认识了康枪吴在戏剧“贝多芬病毒”Tae-kyung黄和在你是如此美丽。他也是一种演员出现在它们“圣诞照片的拍摄Kolon 2008年,随着Joo金钼、歌曲搭档们一举,和公园。虽然他唱他的作品的,他尚未公布任何音乐自己的几首歌曲:除了做广告。“黑的发动机”为一件牛仔公司,“碰Holic”和“从今以后就一直拖着“一些新的轻触设备。

鸡泽县15812193574: 请高手翻译一段英文对话 翻译成中文 -
向通盐酸: Asks master translator a section of English dialog to translate Chinese 翻译完成

鸡泽县15812193574: 求英语高手,中译英一段文字事先声明:1、本人不是英文白痴,请不要用翻译机来敷衍我!文字如下:最后的春雷响起了~贝多芬的余生已经不多,单是... -
向通盐酸:[答案] The Last Spring Thunder~ Beethoven had his last little time.Just in the year 1826 he had received 4 operations but the state of his illness didn't improve at all.On the afternoon of March 26th,1827,a sudden bizzard fell down in Vienna.Attending by the ...

鸡泽县15812193574: 朋友要一段英语,本人英语不好,求英语高手翻译一段中文,急~~
向通盐酸: In this section of the joys of the season, I shed a tear, I know, that's the beauty of Satan lost.

鸡泽县15812193574: 英语高手进!麻烦翻译一小段文字!谢谢!翻译成中文 -
向通盐酸: stay a kid as long as you can,you are grown up for most of your life, Embrave being young and have fun. 尽可能长时间留在小孩身上,你长大了大部分时间 你的生命, 鼓励年轻人和乐趣.

鸡泽县15812193574: 各位英语高手帮帮忙!急啊!!请将以下一段英文翻译成中文...要求只有一个!句子通顺并且无语法错误. -
向通盐酸: Westerners stand treat using long tables. The host and the hostess sit on the two ends respectively. Then, guests are arranged to take a seat according to their positions, whether they are the guests of hono(u)r or just general guests. Which means, ...

鸡泽县15812193574: 高手用英语翻译一段话
向通盐酸: From tomorrow on, I will create a wonder of my own. I believe I can not only do it but also do it well.

鸡泽县15812193574: 求高手翻译一段中文为英文
向通盐酸: Living in a post without sorrow, no worries, no pain, really good in the world. I desire for freedom, talk, friends, I desire a gigantic. If the cry of sorrow, and all can not all happiness and suffering, it should have forgotten how good ah! But I know that is impossible.

鸡泽县15812193574: 请高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文,很急,谢谢拉! -
向通盐酸: 我的结束就是一无所有 一片空白 每个人都是瞎子 我想要一条新的路 开始美丽的生活 我曾经在该死的女同性恋里的世界疯狂 我再也不要这样... 过去已经愚蠢够了 我不打算继续自我伤害 来自我家里的所有爱可以足够支持我继续我的道路 其他的在...

鸡泽县15812193574: 英语高手来帮我翻译段中文啊~
向通盐酸: Tom's excuse Tom is a pupil , he often arrives late although he rides on a bicycle being at school. One day the teacher asks him: Why are Tom , you at school every day arriving late? The Tom answer says: I go by a corner every time , the following are written on a road sign ": The school section vehicle goes slow ".

鸡泽县15812193574: 求高手帮我翻译一段中文为英 -
向通盐酸: I can do everything, except a hit, besides profanity, except for some bad, I was quiet, little also not brutality, really, don't you think

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